DriveHQ Web Hosting Service can host your business website as well. It is hassle free, the same as you would create a personal website. You don't even need to register a domain. Besides, the service is free if your website doesn't have a lot of traffic. For heavy-traffic websites, you need to become a Paid Member.

Create A Personal Website

If you are a True member, your website is automatically published by default. Please access it at:

When users visit the URL:, they are accessing "home.htm" file in your Published folder "WWWHome". When you activate your account, a default "home.htm" file, "WWWHome" folder and "WWWHome" Publish are created. Files in "WWWHome" folder are accessible on the web. For example: File "\WWWHome\test\test.htm" is accessible through the following URL:

Create A Business Website

DriveHQ supports custom domain business web hosting. You can visit to "Manage My Website" to specify your own WWW domain name and email domain name. This way, your website can be accessed with your customized URL. E.g. if your domain name is then assume your web DNS name is and email domain is, then your website can be accessed with:

and your email can be accessed through:

SMTP/POP3/IMAP Email Hosting Service

In addition to the web-based email service, DriveHQ also offers SMTP/POP3/IMAP4 based email service. Normally, you can just use as your email address. However, businesses can also host their email services on with their own private domains. Just point your domain's mail exchange host to, and enter the Email domain name in the EditWebInfo page.