Features - True Drop Box

True Drop Box: Enable anybody to upload files to you

DriveHQ's True Drop Box feature works like a mail drop box in a post office, allowing anybody to quickly and easily upload files to you securely. Once a Drop Box folder is created, simply share/publish the folder's Drop Box URL. Anybody can visit the URL and upload files into the folder without the hassle of creating an account.

The Drop Box Folder feature is designed for you to receive files from anybody, incl. potential clients, unknown users, one-time users, or too many users that you cannot enter all their email addresses.

DriveHQ Drop Box diagram
Anbody can drop files to you. DriveHQ account is not needed. Receive files from your own webpage

True Drop Box Details

Please watch the True Drop Box Folder Feature Tutorial video:

  • Anybody Can Upload Files into a Drop Box Folder

    The primary function of our drop box feature is to allow non-DriveHQ members to upload files to your private folders without having to log on.

  • Embed Drop Box Folder, Receive Files from Your Own Web Page

    Embed the Drop Box Folder in your own website so that you can receive files from your users directly from your own web pages.

  • Secure Upload Only

    Users cannot see data that has been uploaded to the Drop Box folder by others. You (the Drop Box owner) have full access to the folder; you can also create a password for a Drop Box folder to filter spammers.

  • Unlimited Drop Box Folders

    There is no limit to the number of folders you can turn into a Drop Box in your account.

  • Synced Drop Box Folder

    Create a synchronization task in DriveHQ FileManager to sync your Drop Box folder. You can access files uploaded to the Drop Box folder from your local computer.

  • File Upload Notifications

    You can assign email addresses to receive notifications when files are uploaded to a Drop Box folder.

  • Upload / Receive Files with Email Drop Box

    In addition to receiving files via the Drop Box URL, you can also receive files via the Drop Box email address.

  • Drop Box Demos and Screenshots

    First, create a folder and check the checkbox "This is a Drop Box folder". If you have already created a Drop Box Folder, you can simply log on to DriveHQ.com website, then from the DriveHQ Start Menu, click "Dropbox", you will see a list of Drop Box folders in your account.

    My Drop Box List / Embed DropBox in web page
    The "Manage Drop Box Folders / Drop Box Folder List" page

    You can share/publish the Dropbox URL to receive files from other users. You can also embed a drop box in your own web page. For more info, expand the list to see the embed code. Click Preview to see an example:

    Sample code: Embed a Drop Box in your own web page
    An example of embedding a Drop Box in your own web page

DriveHQ Drop Box Online Help

DriveHQ Drop Box Online Help