User: harrynewbrun - 1/31/2021 7:46:11 AM
Thank-you. I understand the stream publishing option now.
To clarify, the only communication from camera->CameraFTP servers are FTP uploads, either image or video? Are these connections secured with encrypted FTP?
I thought there was an option to publish the RTSP stream from camera->CameraFTP. That's what I was wondering about. Sounds like that is not the case, correct?
CameraFTP server supports FTP, FTPS (FTP over SSL/TLS), SFTP, SMTP, SMTP over SSL/TLS, and HTTPS for viewing/downloading. If you use CameraFTP VSS software, or CameraFTP Mobile Security App for iOS and Android, or Webcam Security Camera app for Windows, all connections are encrypted. For regular IP cameras/DVRs, it is device dependent.