User: XGamer549 - 6/17/2007 8:05:11 PM
User: DriveHQ Webmaster - 6/17/2007 5:57:16 PM
Please make sure you are not using Windows 98 or Windows ME. The client software only works on Windows 2000, XP, 2003 and Vista. If you use other operating systems, please use DriveHQ FTP:
Otherwise, your download probably encountered an error. Please download DriveHQ FileManager / Online Backup again.
I use XP, and I deleted, de-downloaded, same error, same time.
It seems to be an issue related with your computer. Could you try on another PC?
Which application did you try to install? FileManager or DriveHQ Online Backup? In any cases, please try the other application and see if it works.
Also please make sure:
(1) You don't have anti-virus / network security software that blocks you from installing software;
(2) You have administrative privilege to install software on this PC.
As an alternative, please use FTP to access DriveHQ storage. You can use any third party FTP client connecting to;
You can also use Internet Explorer connecting: