We have added several new features on this:
(1) Remote "Recycle Bin" folder. Now you can logon www.drivehq.com, go to My Account page, click on Account Options to set an option to "Enable Delete files to Recycle Bin". After you set this option, when you delete a remote file on DriveHQ, it will be kept in the Recycle Bin folder for 7-14 days and then deleted permanently. You can recover your files before they are permanently deleted.
(2) File history / versioning: In the same Account Options page, you can check the checkbox "Enable file history / versioning". This way, when you overwrite a file on DriveHQ, the old file is automatically saved as an old version. You can limit the maximum number of versions to keep.
(3) If you use DriveHQ FileManager client software, it has an automatic folder synchronization feature. In the past, a couple users created synchronized folders and then deleted a file in one sync-ed folder. This causes the other sync-ed file also being deleted, resulting data loss. The new DriveHQ FileManager 4.5 and upcoming version 5.0 have added a new feature to automatically backup those "automatically deleted files / folders".
(4) For data backup / protection, it is recommended using DriveHQ Online Backup, which can automatically backup your files efficiently. It can also keep multiple file versions. If a file is backed up, even if you delete the source file, it wil not remove the backed-up file(s) on server.
(You can logon DriveHQ Online Backup, go to Manage Tasks screen and then edit the task and click on "Delete un-used files on server" button to delete those backed-up files)