Overview of DriveHQ Partnership Programs
If you resell hardware, you know the gross margin is usually lower than 20%. After hardware-related costs such as warehouse, shipping and RMA, there is little profit. What's even worse, such profit is one-time only.
Reselling cloud services not only increases your margin, but also creates recurring revenue.
Which cloud service do you want to resell? Google, Amazon, Dropbox? With their marketing reach, who needs to sign up through a reseller? What commission rate can they offer you? 30%? Big deal!
DriveHQ offers up to 60% or even 500% gross margin! Clearly DriveHQ has the industry’s
best reseller programs and platforms. We have different reseller models tailored for different size businesses.
Below is a glance of our reseller models.
Instant Reseller Model: Designed for small resellers, it offers up to 500%+ margin
and is the easiest reseller model in the cloud IT industry!
Like the traditional wholesale-retail model, you order a higher level Group Account at a lower unit price, then divide it and
resell it to multiple clients at a much higher unit price. The service can be co-branded with your own logo. It can be setup almost instantly. >>More Details
Co-branded Model: Designed for medium-sized resellers, you can setup your own reseller
site at https://COMPANYNAME.vosibiz.com/ instantly.
You can fully customize / localize the website. Your customers can sign up online by themselves,
or you can create and manage accounts for them using the Site Admin tool. The reseller price is dependent on your Reseller Plan Level. >>More Details
White Label Model: Designed for large resellers, it is very similar to the co-branded model, with additional support for your own domain name.
The white label model will create a copy of DriveHQ service using your own brand name completely.
It is not available to small to medium-sized resellers. >>More Details
Licensing Model: This model is also designed for large resellers. This goes one step further than the white label model.
The reseller can setup its own data center and runs the cloud IT service from their own infrastructure.
This model requires a pretty high initial investment. For more details, please contact DriveHQ sales. >>More Details
Other partnership models: Service integration; cross selling and regular referral program
Potential partners can integrate their hardware and software with DriveHQ’s cloud storage, backup, synchronization,
sharing, FTP and drive mapping services. They can use the public FTP / WebDAV APIs and our native APIs.
Standard referral service is available to any DriveHQ users. >>More Details
Features |
Instant Reseller Model |
Co-branded Model |
White Label Model |
Licensing Model |
Custom Logo & Landing Page |
Set Your Own Service Prices |
Your Own FTP Domain Name |
Your Email & Web Domain |
Customize Website Look & Feel |
System Integration API / SSO |
N/A |
Easy to Setup |
Very Easy |
Easy |
Much Harder |
Usually Very Hard |
Initial Setup Cost |
Very Low |
Low |
Much Higher |
Very High |
Popularity |
Most Popular |
Popular |
Much Less Popular |
Least Popular |
Gross Margin for Resellers |
Up to 500%
The more customers you have, the higher the gross margin. |
Up to 60%
Assuming your service prices will be the same as DriveHQ's. You can increase your prices to increase your profit margin; you can also lower your prices to attract more customers. |
Up to 60%
Assuming your service prices will be the same as DriveHQ's. You can increase your prices to increase your profit margin; you can also lower your prices to attract more customers. |
Because the cloud service will be operated by the partner, the gross margin will be dependent on the partner's business operation. |
Reseller Website Domain |
DriveHQ.com |
All co-branded reseller websites are based on the same co-branded reseller platform. They share the same website, which is pre-created. Because of this, the co-branded program is very easy to setup, and DriveHQ does not charge any setup fee. |
Custom Domain |
Custom Domain |
Hosting Facility |
DriveHQ's Data Center |
DriveHQ's Data Center |
DriveHQ's Data Center |
Reseller's Data Center |
Who Will Create / Manage Accounts for Customers |
A reseller can create a sub-group administrator account for a customer. The customer can then use the Sub-group Admin Tool to create more sub-users in the sub-group. |
Reseller / Customers
Users can sign up online from the reseller website directly, or the reseller can create a new user using the site Admin tool. |
Reseller / Customers
Users can sign up online from the reseller website directly, or the reseller can create a new user using the site Admin tool. |
N/A |
Who Supports Customers |
DriveHQ and/or Reseller |
DriveHQ and/or Reseller |
Reseller should offer the tier-one support since it is white label; DriveHQ can offer the second tier support (i.e. we support the reseller, and the reseller supports their customers). |
N/A |
Billing Method |
Customers pay Reseller
Reseller pays DriveHQ |
Customers pay DriveHQ, or pay Reseller directly |
Customers pay DriveHQ, or pay Reseller directly |
Advantages |
- Easy;
- Low setup cost;
- Highest gross margin;
- Reseller will create & manage customer accounts;
- Leverage on DriveHQ's marketing materials / brand name. |
- Easy
- Low setup cost;
- Standard gross margin;
- Customers can sign up by themselves
- Use your own company domain name;
- Standard gross margin;
- Customers can sign up by themselves;
- You can raise your prices as DriveHQ name is not shown. |
The most flexible solution. |
Disadvantages |
- Users cannot sign up and order services by themselves;
- cannot use your own domain |
- Cannot use your own domain name. Must be USERNAME.vosibiz.com;
- The gross margin is not as high;
- Customization may require a lot of work. |
- The gross margin is not as high;
- Customization may require a lot of work.
- The initial cost and the annual maintenance fee could be high. |
- The server hardware, software and hosting service can be very expensive;
- The customization may require a lot of work
- The initial cost can be very high;
- It is harder to trouble-shoot technical Issues. |
Which Reseller Model to Choose |
Small resellers, or resellers that want to receive the highest gross margin without the hassle of customizing the website |
Small resellers that want to let users sign up online directly,
Resellers targeting a local market or different language market |
Large resellers that can pre-qualify for this reseller model
A large reseller must have a big existing user base, or a very strong brand name, or a big marketing budget.
It must also have a team to customize the service and offer certain kinds of customer support.
If your company does not qualify, you can use our co-branded model, which is just like the white label model,
except you cannot customize the website domain name.
For small resellers, leveraging on DriveHQ's brand name and 10 years of track record will greatly help you
convince your customers and sell more. You can also make your prices lower than DriveHQ's prices.
Must be a very large company to qualify for this model |
How to Start
If you have not yet signed up a DriveHQ account, you must sign up an account first before you contact us. This will ensure that you know a little about DriveHQ's cloud IT service.
As a DriveHQ reseller, it is expected that you can provide some support to your customers.
If you already have a DriveHQ account, then please try your best to estimate how much you can resell in 12 months, how many user licenses and how much storage space you need.
Then contact DriveHQ sales and we will work out a best plan for you.
Sign Up