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/* * Copyright 2006 Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. * * Licensed under the SCEA Shared Source License, Version 1.0 (the "License"); you may not use this * file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at: * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License * is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or * implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the * License. */ #ifndef __DAE_IDREF_H__ #define __DAE_IDREF_H__ #include
/** * The @c daeIDRef is a simple class designed to aid in the parsing and resolution of * ID references inside of COLLADA elements. * A @c daeIDRef is created for every IDREF data type in the COLLADA schema. * It also has the capability to attempt to resolve this reference * into a @c daeElement. If a @c daeIDRef is stored within a @c daeElement it fills * in its container field to point to the containing element. * * The main API is the @c daeIDRef::resolveElement() will use a @c daeIDRefResolver * to search for the @c daeElement inside of a @c daeDatabase. * */ class daeIDRef { public: /** * An enum describing the status of the ID resolution process. */ DLLSPEC enum ResolveState{ /** No ID specified */ id_empty, /** ID specified but not resolved */ id_loaded, /** ID resolution pending */ id_pending, /** ID resolved correctly */ id_success, /** Resolution failed because ID was not found */ id_failed_id_not_found, /** Resolution failed because ID was invalid */ id_failed_invalid_id, /** Resoltion failed due to invalid reference */ id_failed_invalid_reference, /** Resolution failed due to an external error */ id_failed_externalization }; private: /** Id used to refer to another element */ daeString id; /** Reference to the actual element the ID refers to */ daeElementRef element; /** Element that owns this ID (if any) */ daeElement* container; /** Current state of this id's resolution */ ResolveState state; public: /** * Gets the element that this URI resolves to in memory. * @return Returns a ref to the element. */ inline daeElementRef getElement(){return(element);}; /** * Gets the element that this URI resolves to in memory. * @return Returns a ref to the element. */ inline daeElementConstRef getElement() const {return(element);}; /** * Sets the element that this URI resolves to in memory. * @param newref A ref to the element. */ inline void setElement(daeElementRef newref){element=newref;}; /** * Gets the resolve state of the URI. * @return Returns the current state. * @note This will be removed when daeURI starts managing its state internally. */ inline ResolveState getState() const {return(state);}; /** * Sets the resolve state of the URI. * @param newState The new state. * @note This will be removed when daeURI starts managing its state internally. */ inline void setState(ResolveState newState){state=newState;}; /** * Gets a pointer to the @c daeElement that contains this URI. * @return Returns the pointer to the containing daeElmement. */ inline daeElement* getContainer() const {return(container);}; /** * Sets the pointer to the @c daeElement that contains this URI. * @param element Pointer to the containing @c daeElmement. */ inline void setContainer(daeElement* element){container=element;}; public: /** * Simple Constructor */ DLLSPEC daeIDRef(); /** * Destructor */ DLLSPEC ~daeIDRef(); /** * Constructs an id reference via a string, using @c setID(); loads the status. * @param id ID to construct a reference for, passed to @c setID() automatically. */ DLLSPEC daeIDRef(daeString id); /** * Constructs a new id reference by copying an existing one. * @param constructFromIDRef @c daeIDRef to copy into this one. */ DLLSPEC daeIDRef(daeIDRef& constructFromIDRef); /** * Copies
into the
data member. * After the call to @c setID(), the
is set to @c id_loaded * @param ID String to use to configure this @c daeIDRef. */ DLLSPEC void setID(daeString ID); /** * Gets the ID string * @return Returns the full ID string from
*/ DLLSPEC daeString getID() const; /** * Uses the @c daeIDRefResolver static API to try to resolve this ID * into a @c daeElement reference. * This function can effectively force a load of a file, perform * a database query, et cetera based on the @c daeIDRefResolver plugins * implemented. */ DLLSPEC void resolveElement( daeString typeNameHint = NULL ); /** * Configures the
string of this @c daeIDRef based on the element set its
data member. * Uses @c daeElement::getID() to get the element's ID information to configure * the
string. */ DLLSPEC void resolveID(); /** * Sets the
of this @c daeIDRef to @c id_pending, as it is awaiting a call to * @c resolveElement(). */ DLLSPEC void validate(); /** * Copies
* The function does a simple copy, and not "base validation". * @param from @c daeIDRef to copy from. */ DLLSPEC void copyFrom(daeIDRef& from); /** * Outputs all components of this @c daeIDRef to stderr. */ DLLSPEC void print(); /** * Resets this @c daeIDRef; frees all string references * and returns
to @c empty. */ DLLSPEC void reset(); /** * Initializes the @c daeIDREf, setting
id, element,
to NULL. */ DLLSPEC void initialize(); /** * Comparison operator. * @return Returns true if URI's are equal. */ inline bool operator==(const daeIDRef& other) const{ return (!strcmp(other.getID(), getID())); } daeIDRef &operator=( const daeIDRef& other) { setID(other.getID()); element = other.element; state = other.state; return *this; } //Backwards Compatibility daeIDRef &get( daeUInt idx ) { (void)idx; return *this; } size_t getCount() const { return 1; } daeIDRef& operator[](size_t index) { (void)index; return *this; } }; class daeIDRefResolver; typedef daeTArray
daeIDRefResolverPtrArray; /** * The @c daeIDRefResolver class is the plugin point for @c daeIDRef resolution. * This class is an abstract base class that defines an interface for * resolving @c daeIDRefs. * All instances of @c daeIDRefResolvers are tracked centrally. * Every @c daeIDRef is passed through this list of @c aeIDRefResolvers for resolution. * The list is ordered on a first come, first serve basis, and resolution * terminates after any resolver instance is able to resolve the ID. */ class daeIDRefResolver { public: /** * Constructor; base constructor appends @c this to
list. */ DLLSPEC daeIDRefResolver(); /** * Destructor */ virtual DLLSPEC ~daeIDRefResolver(); //Contributed by Nus - Wed, 08 Nov 2006 /** * Initialize ID reference solver */ static void initializeIDRefSolver(void); /** * Terminate ID reference solver */ static void terminateIDRefSolver(void); //------------------------- protected: static daeIDRefResolverPtrArray* _KnownResolvers; public: /** * Iterates through known resolvers * calling @c resolveElement(). * @param id @c daeIDRef to resolve. */ static DLLSPEC void attemptResolveElement(daeIDRef &id, daeString typeNameHint = NULL ); /** * attemptResolveID iterates through known resolvers * calling resolveID(). * @param id @c daeIDRef to resolve. */ static DLLSPEC void attemptResolveID(daeIDRef &id); public: // Abstract Interface /** * Provides an abstract interface to convert a @c daeIDRef into a @c daeElement. * @param IDRef @c daeIDRef to resolve. * @return Returns true if the @c daeIDRefResolver successfully resolved the IDRef, * returns false otherwise. */ virtual DLLSPEC daeBool resolveElement(daeIDRef& IDRef, daeString typeNameHint = NULL ) = 0; /** * Provides an abstract interface to convert a @c daeElement into a @c daeIDRef. * @param IDRef @c daeIDRef to resolve. * @return Returns true if the @c daeIDRefResolver successfully resolved the element * into a @c daeIDRef, returns false otherwise. */ virtual DLLSPEC daeBool resolveID(daeIDRef& IDRef) = 0; /** * Gets the name of this resolver. * @return Returns the string name. */ virtual DLLSPEC daeString getName() = 0; }; class daeDatabase; /** * The @c daeDefaultIDRefResolver resolves a @c daeIDRef by checking with a database. * It is a concrete implementation for @c daeIDRefResolver. */ class daeDefaultIDRefResolver : public daeIDRefResolver { public: /** * Constructor * @param database @c daeDatabase for this implementation. */ DLLSPEC daeDefaultIDRefResolver(daeDatabase* database); /** * Destructor */ DLLSPEC ~daeDefaultIDRefResolver(); protected: daeDatabase* _database; public: // Abstract Interface /* * Implements base class abstract routine from @c daeIDRefResolver. */ virtual DLLSPEC daeBool resolveElement(daeIDRef& id, daeString typeNameHint = NULL ); /* * Implements base class abstract routine from @c daeIDRefResolver. */ virtual DLLSPEC daeBool resolveID(daeIDRef& id); /* * Implements base class abstract routine from @c daeIDRefResolver. */ virtual DLLSPEC daeString getName(); }; #endif //__DAE_IDREF_H__
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