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/* * Copyright 2006 Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. * * Licensed under the SCEA Shared Source License, Version 1.0 (the "License"); you may not use this * file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at: * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License * is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or * implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the * License. */ #ifndef __DAE_ELEMENT_H__ #define __DAE_ELEMENT_H__ #include
//#ifndef NO_MALLOC_HEADER //#include
//#endif namespace COLLADA_TYPE { #ifdef _MSC_VER enum TypeEnum; #else typedef const int TypeEnum; #endif }; class daeMetaElement; class daeIntegrationObject; class daeDocument; class daeURI; template
class daeSmartRef; //Contributed by Nus - Wed, 08 Nov 2006 /** * Initializing resolve array. */ extern "C" void initializeResolveArray(void); /** * Terminating resolve array. */ extern "C" void terminateResolveArray(void); //------------------- /** * The @c daeElement class represents an instance of a COLLADA "Element"; * it is the main base class for the COLLADA Dom. * Features of this class include: * - Uses factory concepts defined via daeMetaElement * - Composed of attributes, content elements and content values * - Reference counted via daeSmartRef * - Contains information for XML base URI, and XML containing element */ class daeElement { public: /** * Macro that defines new and delete overrides for this class */ DAE_ALLOC; private: mutable daeInt _refCount; daeIntegrationObject* _intObject; daeElement* _parent; daeDocument* _document; protected: daeMetaElement* _meta; daeString _elementName; daeBoolArray _validAttributeArray; public: /** An enum that describes the state of user integration with this object */ DLLSPEC enum IntegrationState { /** The user integration is not initialized */ int_uninitialized, /** The user integration object has been created */ int_created, /** The user integration object has been converted */ int_converted, /** The user integration object is completed */ int_finished }; protected: daeElement( const daeElement &cpy ) { (void)cpy; }; virtual daeElement &operator=( const daeElement &cpy ) { (void)cpy; return *this; } public: /** * Element Constructor. * @note This should not be used externally. * Use factories to create elements */ DLLSPEC daeElement(); /** * Element Destructor. * @note This should not be used externally, * if daeSmartRefs are being used. */ virtual DLLSPEC ~daeElement(); // sthomas (see static void releaseElements(); /** * Decrements the reference count and deletes the object if reference count is zero. * @note Should not be used externally if daeSmartRefs are being used, they call it * automatically. */ DLLSPEC void release() const; /** * Increments the reference count of this element. * @note Should not be used externally if daeSmartRefs are being used, they call it * automatically. */ inline void ref() const {_refCount++;} /** * Resolves all fields of type daeURI and IDRef. * This is done via database query of the URI or IDRef. */ DLLSPEC void resolve(); /** * Sets up a @c daeElement. Called on all @c daeElements as part of their initialization. * @param meta Meta element to use to configure this element. * @note Should not be called externally. */ DLLSPEC void setup(daeMetaElement* meta); /** * Places an element as a child of @c this element. * This function searches through the list of potential child element * fields in @c this element, checking for a matching element type where the new element can be added. * If a match of type is found, the element* is assigned or appended to * that field, based on whether it is a single child or an array of * children. This automatically adds the new element to the
of its parent, if the parent has one. * * @param element Element to be placed in the @c this container. * @return Returns true if the element was successfully placed, false otherwise. */ DLLSPEC daeBool placeElement(daeElement* element); /** * This function searches through the list of potential child elements * (fields) checking for a matching element type where this element can be added. * If a match of type is found, the element* is assigned or appended to * that field (based on whether it is a single child or an array of * children. * If the parent element contains a _contents array, element will be placed at the specified index, * otherwise element gets placed among elements of the same type. * * @param index is the place in the _contents array to insert element. * @param element is the element to be placed in the 'this' container. * @return return whether or not the element was successfully placed. */ DLLSPEC daeBool placeElementAt(daeInt index, daeElement* element); /** * Places an element as a child of @c this element. * This function inserts the new element before the element specified as marker. * This automatically adds the new element to the
of its parent, if the parent has one. * @param marker The daeElement used to determine where the new child will be placed. * @param element Element to be placed in the @c this container. * @return Returns true if the element was successfully placed, false otherwise. */ DLLSPEC daeBool placeElementBefore( daeElement* marker, daeElement *element ); /** * Places an element as a child of @c this element. * This function inserts the new element After the element specified as marker. * This automatically adds the new element to the
of its parent, if the parent has one. * @param marker The daeElement used to determine where the new child will be placed. * @param element Element to be placed in the @c this container. * @return Returns true if the element was successfully placed, false otherwise. */ DLLSPEC daeBool placeElementAfter( daeElement* marker, daeElement *element ); /** * Finds the last index into the array of children of the type specified. * @param elementName The name to look for. * @return Returns the index into the children array of the last element of type typeName. -1 if * there are no children of type typeName. */ DLLSPEC daeInt findLastIndexOf( daeString elementName ); /** * Removes the specified element from it parent, the @c this element. * This function is the opposite of @c placeElement(). It removes the specified * element from the
array, and from wherever else it appears * inside of the @c this element. Use this function instead of @c clear(), @c remove() or @c delete() * if you want to keep the
field up-to-date. * * @param element Element to be removed in the @c this container. * @return Returns true if the element was successfully removed, false otherwise. */ DLLSPEC daeBool removeChildElement(daeElement* element); /** * Removes the specified element from its parent element. * This function is the opposite of @c placeElement(). It removes the specified * element from both the
array and from wherever else it appears * inside of its parent. The function itself finds the parent, and is defined as a static method, * since removing the element from its parent may result in the deletion of the element. * If the element has no parent, nothing is done. * * Use this function instead of @c clear(), @c remove() or @c delete() * if you want to keep
up-to-date. * * @param element Element to remove from its parent container, the function finds the parent element. * @return Returns true if the element was successfully removed, false otherwise. */ static daeBool removeFromParent(daeElement* element) { if(element != NULL && element->_parent != NULL) return(element->_parent->removeChildElement(element)); return false; }; /** * Looks up an attribute field via its meta name and assign its value * as the
String. * @param attrName Attribute to set. * @param attrValue String-based value to apply to the attribute. * @return Returns true if the attribute was found and the value was set, false otherwise. */ virtual DLLSPEC daeBool setAttribute(daeString attrName, daeString attrValue); /** * Checks if an attribute has been set either by being loaded from the COLLADA document or set * programmatically. * @param attrName The name of the attribute to check. * @return Returns true if the attribute has been set. False if the attribute hasn't been set * or doesn't exist for this element. */ DLLSPEC daeBool isAttributeSet( daeString attrName ); /** * Checks if this element can have the attribute specified. * @param attrName The name of the attribute to look for. * @return Returns true is this element can have an attribute with the name specified. False otherwise. */ DLLSPEC daeBool hasAttribute( daeString attrName ); /** * Gets a pointer to the value of the attribute specified. * @param attrName The name of the attribute to look for. * @return Returns a daeMemoryRef (char *) to the value of the attribute. The return value will need * to be typecast to the appropriate type. Returns NULL if the attribute does not exist. */ DLLSPEC daeMemoryRef getAttributeValue( daeString attrName ); /** * Checks if this element can have a value. * @return Returns true is this element can have a value. False otherwise. */ DLLSPEC daeBool hasValue(); /** * Gets a pointer to the element's value. * @return Returns a daeMemoryRef (char *) to the value of the element. The return value will need * to be typecast to the appropriate type. Returns NULL if the element does not allow a value. */ DLLSPEC daeMemoryRef getValuePointer(); /** * Finds the database document associated with @c this element. * @return Returns the @c daeDocument representing the containing file or database * group. */ daeDocument* getDocument() const { return _document; } /** * Deprecated. */ daeDocument* getCollection() const { return _document; } /** * Sets the database document associated with this element. * @param c The daeDocument to associate with this element. */ DLLSPEC void setDocument(daeDocument* c ); /** * Deprecated. */ DLLSPEC void setCollection(daeDocument* c ); /** * Gets the URI of the document containing this element, note that this is NOT the URI of the element. * @return Returns a pointer to the daeURI of the document containing this element. */ DLLSPEC daeURI* getDocumentURI() const; /** * Creates an element via the element factory system. This creation * is based @em only on potential child elements of this element. * @param elementName Class name of the subelement to create. * @return Returns the created @c daeElement, if it was successfully created. */ DLLSPEC daeSmartRef
createElement(daeString elementName); /** * Creates a subelement via @c createElement() and places it via @c placeElement(). * Automatically adds the new element to the
of its parent, if the parent has one. * This is the primary method used to construct the COLLADA dom hierarchy. * @param elementName - Class name of the subelement to create. * @return Returns the created @c daeElement, if it was successfully created. */ DLLSPEC daeElement* createAndPlace(daeString elementName); /** * Create a sub-element via #createElement and place it via #placeElementAt * This also automatically inserts the new element at the specified index in the _contents of it's * parent, if the parent has one. * This is useful when constructing the COLLADA dom hierarchy * @param index the position in the _contents array the newly created element is to be placed at * @param elementName - the className of the sub-element to be created * @return the created element if it was in fact successfully created. */ DLLSPEC daeElement* createAndPlaceAt(daeInt index, daeString elementName); /** * Gets the container element for @c this element. * If @c createAndPlace() was used to create the element, its parent is the the caller of @c createAndPlace(). * @return Returns the parent element, if @c this is not the top level element. */ daeElement* getParentElement() { return _parent;} /** * Deprecated. Use getParentElement() * @deprecated */ daeElement* getXMLParentElement() { return _parent;} /** * Sets the parent element for this element. * @param newParent The element which is the new parent element for this element. * @note This function is called internally and not meant to be called form the client application. */ void setParentElement( daeElement *parent ) { _parent = parent; } /** * Gets the associated Meta information for this element. This * Meta also acts as a factory. See @c daeMetaElement documentation for more * information. * @return Returns the associated meta information. */ inline daeMetaElement* getMeta() { return _meta; } /** * Gets the integration object associated with this @c daeElement object. * See @c daeIntegrationObject for more details. * Integration Objects can be automatically created and associated * with the COLLADA dom via the meta-factory mechanism and * can be very useful for using the API to integrate with COLLADA. * @param from_state Specifies where in the conversion process from COLLADA you are interested. A full conversion is the default. * @param to_state Specifies where in the conversion process to COLLADA you are interested. No conversion is the default. * @return Returns the @c daeIntegrationObject associated with this COLLADA element * instance. */ DLLSPEC daeIntegrationObject* getIntObject( IntegrationState from_state = int_converted, IntegrationState to_state = int_uninitialized ); /** * Gets the element type. * @return Returns the COLLADA_TYPE::TypeEnum value corresponding to this element's type. */ virtual COLLADA_TYPE::TypeEnum getElementType() const { return (COLLADA_TYPE::TypeEnum)0; } /** * Gets the element type name for this element. * @return Returns the string for the type name. */ DLLSPEC daeString getTypeName() const; /** * Gets this element's name. * @return Returns the string for the name. * @remarks This function returns NULL if the element's name is identical to it's type's name. */ DLLSPEC daeString getElementName() const; /** * Sets this element's name. * @param nm Specifies the string to use as the element's name. * @remarks Use caution when using this function since you can easily create invalid COLLADA documents. */ DLLSPEC void setElementName( daeString nm ); /** * Gets the element ID if it exists. * @return Returns the value of the ID attribute, if there is such * an attribute on this element type. * @return the string for the element ID if it exists. */ DLLSPEC daeString getID() const; /** * Gets the children/sub-elements of this element. * This is a helper function used to easily access an element's children without the use of the * _meta objects. This function adds the convenience of the _contents array to elements that do * not contain a _contents array. * @param array The return value. An elementref array to append this element's children to. */ //void getChildren( daeElementRefArray &array ); DLLSPEC void getChildren( daeTArray
> &array ); /** * Clones/deep copies this @c daeElement and all of it's subtree. * @param idSuffix A string to append to the copied element's ID, if one exists. * Default is no ID mangling. * @param nameSuffix A string to append to the copied element's name, if one exists. * Default is no name mangling. * @return Returns a @c daeElement smartref of the copy of this element. */ DLLSPEC daeSmartRef
clone( daeString idSuffix = NULL, daeString nameSuffix = NULL ); public: /** * Resolves all @c daeURIs yet to be resolved in all @c daeElements that have been * created. * This is used as part of post-parsing process of a COLLADA instance document, * which results in a new document in the database. */ static DLLSPEC void resolveAll(); /** * Clears the resolveArray. */ static DLLSPEC void clearResolveArray(); public: /** * Releases the element passed in. This function is a static wrapper that invokes *
on the passed in element, * if it is not NULL. * @param elem Element to call @c release() for, if the element exists. */ static DLLSPEC void release(const daeElement* elem) {if (elem != NULL) elem->release();} /** * Increments the reference counter for the element passed in. This function is a static wrapper * that invokes
on the passed in element, * if it is not NULL. * @param elem Element to call @c ref() for, if the element exists. */ static DLLSPEC void ref(const daeElement* elem) { if (elem != NULL) elem->ref(); } /** * Appends the passed in element to the list of elements that need to be resolved. * The elements in this list will be resolved during @c resolveAll(). * @param elem Element to add to the list of elements * waiting for their @c daeURIs to be resolved. */ static DLLSPEC void appendResolveElement(daeElement* elem); }; #include
typedef daeSmartRef
daeElementRef; typedef daeSmartRef
daeElementConstRef; //#include
typedef daeTArray
daeElementRefArray; extern daeElementRef DAECreateElement(int nbytes); template
inline T *daeSafeCast( daeElement *element ) { if ( element && element->getMeta() == T::_Meta ) return (T *)element; return NULL; } #endif //__DAE_ELEMENT_H__
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