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/* * Copyright 2006 Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. * * Licensed under the SCEA Shared Source License, Version 1.0 (the "License"); you may not use this * file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at: * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License * is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or * implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the * License. */ #ifndef __DAE_ARRAY_H__ #define __DAE_ARRAY_H__ #include
class daeAtomicType; /** * COLLADA C++ class that implements storage for resizable array containers. */ class daeArray { protected: size_t _count; size_t _capacity; daeMemoryRef _data; size_t _elementSize; daeAtomicType* _type; public: /** * Constructor */ DLLSPEC daeArray(); /** * Copy Constructor */ daeArray( const daeArray &cpy ): _count(cpy._count), _capacity(cpy._capacity), _data(0), _elementSize( cpy._elementSize), _type( cpy._type ) { grow(_capacity); memcpy( _data, cpy._data, _elementSize * _count ); } /** * Destructor */ virtual DLLSPEC ~daeArray(); /** * Clears the contents of the array. Do not use this function if the array contains @c daeSmartRef objects and the * @c dom* class the array belongs to has a @c _contents member. * * Many @c dom* objects have a @c _contents member that stores the original creation order of the @c daeElements * that are their children. If you use @c clear() on a @c daeArray of @c daeSmartRef derived objects, these * objects will not be removed from @c _contents, which can cause problems when you * save the data. We recommended that @c clear() not be used on arrays that are part of a @c dom* object. */ virtual DLLSPEC void clear(); /** * Sets the size of an element in the array when creating a @c daeArray of a specific type. * @param elementSize Size of an element in the array. */ void setElementSize(size_t elementSize) {_elementSize = elementSize;} /** * Grows the array to the specified size and sets the @c daeArray to that size. * @param cnt Size to grow the array to. */ inline void setRawCount(size_t cnt) {grow(cnt);_count = cnt;} /** * Gets the current capacity of the array, the biggest it can get without incurring a realloc. * @return Returns the capacity of the array. */ inline size_t getCapacity() const {return _capacity;} /** * Gets the number of items stored in this @c daeArray. * @return Returns the number of items stored in this @c daeArray. */ inline size_t getCount() const {return _count;} /** * Gets the size of an element in this array. * @return Returns the size of an element in this array. */ inline size_t getElementSize() const {return _elementSize;} /** * Gets a pointer to the memory where the raw data for this @c daeArray is stored. * @return Returns a pointer to the memory for the raw data. */ inline daeMemoryRef getRawData() const {return _data;} /** * Increases the size of the @c daeArray. * @param sz Size to grow the array to. */ void DLLSPEC grow(size_t sz); /** * Removes an item at a specific index in the @c daeArray. * @param index Index number of the item to delete. * @return Returns DAE_OK if success, a negative value defined in daeError.h otherwise. * @note The @c daeElement objects sometimes list * objects in two places, the class member and the
@c _contents
array, when you remove something from the * dom, you must remove it from both places. */ virtual DLLSPEC daeInt removeIndex(size_t index); }; /** * COLLADA C++ templated version of @c daeArray for storing items of various types. */ template
class daeTArray : public daeArray { public: /** * Constructor. */ daeTArray() { // _type = daeAtomicType::getType("" T ""); _elementSize = sizeof( T ); } /** * Copy Constructor */ daeTArray( const daeTArray
&cpy ) : daeArray() { _count = cpy._count; //_capacity = cpy._capacity; _data = NULL; _elementSize = cpy._elementSize; _type = cpy._type; grow(_count); for(size_t i=0;i<_count;i++) set( i, cpy[i] ); } /** * Constructor that takes one element and turns into an array */ daeTArray( const T &el ) : daeArray() { _elementSize = sizeof(T); append( el ); } /** * Destructor. */ virtual ~daeTArray() { clear(); } /** * Frees the memory in this array and resets it to it's initial state. */ virtual void clear() { size_t i; for(i=0;i<_count;i++) ((T*)_data + i)->~T(); daeArray::clear(); } /** * Removes an item at a specific index in the @c daeArray. * @param index Index number of the item to delete. * @return Returns DAE_OK if success, a negative value defined in daeError.h otherwise. * @note The @c daeElement objects sometimes list * objects in two places, the class member and the
@c _contents
array, when you remove something from the * dom, you must remove it from both places. */ virtual daeInt removeIndex(size_t index) { if ((index >= _count)||(_count < 1)) return(DAE_ERR_INVALID_CALL); ((T*)_data + index)->~T(); return(daeArray::removeIndex(index)); } /** * Resets the count of items in a daeArray to an absolute value, if necessary the array * storage will grow to the requested size and new elements will be initialized to zero * @param nElements The new size of the array. * @note Shrinking the array does NOT free up memory. */ inline void setCount(size_t nElements) { grow(nElements); if(nElements < _count) { // If the array shrank, destruct the elements size_t i; for(i=_count; i>nElements; i--) { ((T*)_data + (i-1))->~T(); memset(_data+(i-1)*_elementSize,0,_elementSize); } } _count = nElements; } /** * Sets a specific index in the @c daeArray, growing the array if necessary. * @param index Index of the object to set, asserts if the index is out of bounds. * @param value Value to store at index in the array. */ inline void set(size_t index, const T& value) { if (index >= _count) { //grow(index); setCount(index+1); } ((T*)_data)[index] = value; } /** * Gets the object at a specific index in the @c daeArray. * @param index Index of the object to get, asserts if the index is out of bounds. * @return Returns the object at index. */ inline T& get(size_t index) const { assert(index < _count); return ((T*)_data)[index]; } /** * Appends a new object to the end of the @c daeArray. * @param value Value of the object to append. * @return Returns the index of the new object. */ inline size_t append(const T& value) { set(_count, value); //_count++; return _count-1; } /** * Appends a unique object to the end of the @c daeArray. * Functions the same as @c append(), but does nothing if the value is already in the @c daeArray. * @param value Value of the object to append. * @return Returns the index where this value was appended. If the value already exists in the array, * returns the index in this array where the value was found. */ inline size_t appendUnique(const T& value) { size_t ret; if (find(value,ret) != DAE_OK) return append(value); else return ret; } /** * Removes an item from the @c daeArray. * @param value A reference to the item to delete. * @return Returns DAE_OK if success, a negative value defined in daeError.h otherwise. * @note The @c daeElement objects sometimes list * objects in two places, the class member and the
@c _contents
array, when you remove something from the * do, you must remove it from both places. */ inline daeInt remove(const T& value, size_t *idx = NULL ) { size_t index; if(find(value,index) == DAE_OK) { if ( idx != NULL ) { *idx = index; } return(removeIndex( index )); } else { return(DAE_ERR_INVALID_CALL); } } /** * Finds an item from the @c daeArray. * @param value A reference to the item to find. * @param index If the function returns DAE_OK, this is set to the index where the value appears in the array. * @return Returns DAE_OK if no error or DAE_ERR_QUERY_NO_MATCH if the value was not found. */ inline daeInt find(const T& value, size_t &index) const { size_t i; for(i=0;i<_count;i++) { if (((T*)_data)[i] == value) { index = i; return DAE_OK; } } return DAE_ERR_QUERY_NO_MATCH; } /** * Gets the object at a specific index in the @c daeArray. * @param index Index of the object to get, asserts if the index is out of bounds. * @return Returns the object at @c index. */ inline T& operator[](size_t index) const { assert(index < _count); return ((T*)_data)[index]; } /** * Inserts an object at a specific index in the daeArray, growing the array if neccessary * @param index Index into the array for where to place the object, asserts if the index is out of bounds * @param value of the object to append */ inline void insertAt(size_t index, const T& value) { assert(index <= _capacity); if ( _count == _capacity ) { grow( _count +1 ); } //memmove( &(((T*)_data)[index+1]), &(((T*)_data)[index]), (_count - index)*_elementSize ); for (size_t i = _count; i > index; i-- ) { T tmp = ((T*)_data)[i-1]; set( i, tmp ); //set( i, ((T*)_data)[i-1] ); } set( index, value ); //_count++; } /** * Overloaded assignment operator. * @param other A reference to the array to copy * @return A reference to this object. */ inline daeTArray
&operator=( const daeTArray
&other ) { clear(); _count = other._count; //_capacity = other._capacity; grow(_count); for(size_t i=0;i<_count;i++) set( i, other[i] ); return *this; } //some helpers /** * Sets the array to the contain the two values specified. * @param one The first value. * @param two The second value. */ void set2( const T &one, const T &two ) { setCount( 2 ); set( 0, one ); set( 1, two ); } /** * Sets the array to the contain the three values specified. * @param one The first value. * @param two The second value. * @param three The third value. */ void set3( const T &one, const T &two, const T &three ) { setCount( 3 ); set( 0, one ); set( 1, two ); set( 2, three ); } /** * Sets the array to the contain the four values specified. * @param one The first value. * @param two The second value. * @param three The third value. * @param four The fourth value. */ void set4( const T &one, const T &two, const T &three, const T &four ) { setCount( 4 ); set( 0, one ); set( 1, two ); set( 2, three ); set( 3, four ); } /** * Sets the values in the array at the specified location to the contain the two * values specified. This function will grow the array if needed. * @param index The position in the array to start setting. * @param one The first value. * @param two The second value. */ void set2at( size_t index, const T &one, const T &two ) { set( index, one ); set( index+1, two ); } /** * Sets the values in the array at the specified location to the contain the three * values specified. This function will grow the array if needed. * @param index The position in the array to start setting. * @param one The first value. * @param two The second value. * @param three The third value. */ void set3at( size_t index, const T &one, const T &two, const T &three ) { set( index, one ); set( index+1, two ); set( index+2, three ); } /** * Sets the values in the array at the specified location to the contain the four * values specified. This function will grow the array if needed. * @param index The position in the array to start setting. * @param one The first value. * @param two The second value. * @param three The third value. * @param four The fourth value. */ void set4at( size_t index, const T &one, const T &two, const T &three, const T &four ) { set( index, one ); set( index+1, two ); set( index+2, three ); set( index+3, four ); } /** * Appends two values to the array. * @param one The first value. * @param two The second value. */ void append2( const T &one, const T &two ) { append( one ); append( two ); } /** * Appends three values to the array. * @param one The first value. * @param two The second value. * @param three The third value. */ void append3( const T &one, const T &two, const T &three ) { append( one ); append( two ); append( three ); } /** * Appends four values to the array. * @param one The first value. * @param two The second value. * @param three The third value. * @param four The fourth value. */ void append4( const T &one, const T &two, const T &three, const T &four ) { append( one ); append( two ); append( three ); append( four ); } /** * Inserts two values into the array at the specified location. * @param index The position in the array to start inserting. * @param one The first value. * @param two The second value. */ void insert2at( size_t index, const T &one, const T &two ) { if ( index > _count ) setCount( index +2 ); else setCount( _count +2 ); for (size_t i = _count; i > index+2; i-- ) { T tmp = ((T*)_data)[i-3]; set( i-1, tmp ); } set( index, one ); set( index+1, two ); } /** * Inserts three values into the array at the specified location. * @param index The position in the array to start inserting. * @param one The first value. * @param two The second value. * @param three The third value. */ void insert3at( size_t index, const T &one, const T &two, const T &three ) { if ( index > _count ) setCount( index +3 ); else setCount( _count +3 ); for (size_t i = _count; i > index+3; i-- ) { T tmp = ((T*)_data)[i-4]; set( i-1, tmp ); } set( index, one ); set( index+1, two ); set( index+2, three ); } /** * Inserts four values into the array at the specified location. * @param index The position in the array to start inserting. * @param one The first value. * @param two The second value. * @param three The third value. * @param four The fourth value. */ void insert4at( size_t index, const T &one, const T &two, const T &three, const T &four ) { if ( index > _count ) setCount( index +4 ); else setCount( _count +4 ); for (size_t i = _count; i > index+4; i-- ) { T tmp = ((T*)_data)[i-5]; set( i-1, tmp ); } set( index, one ); set( index+1, two ); set( index+2, three ); set( index+4, four ); } /** * Gets two values from the array at the specified location. * @param index The position in the array to start getting. * @param one Variable to store the first value. * @param two Variable to store the second value. * @return Returns The number of elements retrieved. */ daeInt get2at( size_t index, T &one, T &two ) { daeInt retVal = 0; if ( index < _count ) { one = get(index); retVal++; } if ( index+1 < _count ) { two = get(index+1); retVal++; } return retVal; } /** * Gets three values from the array at the specified location. * @param index The position in the array to start getting. * @param one Variable to store the first value. * @param two Variable to store the second value. * @param three Variable to store the third value. * @return Returns The number of elements retrieved. */ daeInt get3at( size_t index, T &one, T &two, T &three ) { daeInt retVal = 0; if ( index < _count ) { one = get(index); retVal++; } if ( index+1 < _count ) { two = get(index+1); retVal++; } if ( index+2 < _count ) { two = get(index+2); retVal++; } return retVal; } /** * Gets four values from the array at the specified location. * @param index The position in the array to start getting. * @param one Variable to store the first value. * @param two Variable to store the second value. * @param three Variable to store the third value. * @param four Variable to store the fourth value. * @return Returns The number of elements retrieved. */ daeInt get4at( size_t index, T &one, T &two, T &three, T &four ) { daeInt retVal = 0; if ( index < _count ) { one = get(index); retVal++; } if ( index+1 < _count ) { two = get(index+1); retVal++; } if ( index+2 < _count ) { two = get(index+2); retVal++; } if ( index+3 < _count ) { two = get(index+3); retVal++; } return retVal; } /** * Appends a number of elements to this array from a C native array. * @param num The number of elements to append. * @param array The C native array that contains the values to append. */ void appendArray( size_t num, T *array ) { if ( array == NULL ) return; for ( size_t i = 0; i < num; i++ ) append( array[i] ); } /** * Appends a number of elements to this array from another daeTArray. * @param array The daeTArray that contains the values to append. */ void appendArray( const daeTArray
&array ){ size_t num = array.getCount(); for ( size_t i = 0; i < num; i++ ) append( array[i] ); } }; #endif //__DAE_ARRAY_H__
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