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/* * "Canonical XML" implementation * * * "Exclusive XML Canonicalization" implementation * * * See Copyright for the status of this software. * * Author: Aleksey Sanin
*/ #define IN_LIBXML #include "libxml.h" #ifdef LIBXML_C14N_ENABLED #ifdef LIBXML_OUTPUT_ENABLED #ifdef HAVE_STDLIB_H #include
#endif #include
/************************************************************************ * * * Some declaration better left private ATM * * * ************************************************************************/ typedef enum { XMLC14N_BEFORE_DOCUMENT_ELEMENT = 0, XMLC14N_INSIDE_DOCUMENT_ELEMENT = 1, XMLC14N_AFTER_DOCUMENT_ELEMENT = 2 } xmlC14NPosition; typedef struct _xmlC14NVisibleNsStack { int nsCurEnd; /* number of nodes in the set */ int nsPrevStart; /* the begginning of the stack for previous visible node */ int nsPrevEnd; /* the end of the stack for previous visible node */ int nsMax; /* size of the array as allocated */ xmlNsPtr *nsTab; /* array of ns in no particular order */ xmlNodePtr *nodeTab; /* array of nodes in no particular order */ } xmlC14NVisibleNsStack, *xmlC14NVisibleNsStackPtr; typedef struct _xmlC14NCtx { /* input parameters */ xmlDocPtr doc; xmlC14NIsVisibleCallback is_visible_callback; void* user_data; int with_comments; xmlOutputBufferPtr buf; /* position in the XML document */ xmlC14NPosition pos; int parent_is_doc; xmlC14NVisibleNsStackPtr ns_rendered; /* exclusive canonicalization */ int exclusive; xmlChar **inclusive_ns_prefixes; /* error number */ int error; } xmlC14NCtx, *xmlC14NCtxPtr; static xmlC14NVisibleNsStackPtr xmlC14NVisibleNsStackCreate (void); static void xmlC14NVisibleNsStackDestroy (xmlC14NVisibleNsStackPtr cur); static void xmlC14NVisibleNsStackAdd (xmlC14NVisibleNsStackPtr cur, xmlNsPtr ns, xmlNodePtr node); static void xmlC14NVisibleNsStackSave (xmlC14NVisibleNsStackPtr cur, xmlC14NVisibleNsStackPtr state); static void xmlC14NVisibleNsStackRestore (xmlC14NVisibleNsStackPtr cur, xmlC14NVisibleNsStackPtr state); static void xmlC14NVisibleNsStackShift (xmlC14NVisibleNsStackPtr cur); static int xmlC14NVisibleNsStackFind (xmlC14NVisibleNsStackPtr cur, xmlNsPtr ns); static int xmlExcC14NVisibleNsStackFind (xmlC14NVisibleNsStackPtr cur, xmlNsPtr ns, xmlC14NCtxPtr ctx); static int xmlC14NIsNodeInNodeset (xmlNodeSetPtr nodes, xmlNodePtr node, xmlNodePtr parent); static int xmlC14NProcessNode(xmlC14NCtxPtr ctx, xmlNodePtr cur); static int xmlC14NProcessNodeList(xmlC14NCtxPtr ctx, xmlNodePtr cur); typedef enum { XMLC14N_NORMALIZE_ATTR = 0, XMLC14N_NORMALIZE_COMMENT = 1, XMLC14N_NORMALIZE_PI = 2, XMLC14N_NORMALIZE_TEXT = 3 } xmlC14NNormalizationMode; static xmlChar *xmlC11NNormalizeString(const xmlChar * input, xmlC14NNormalizationMode mode); #define xmlC11NNormalizeAttr( a ) \ xmlC11NNormalizeString((a), XMLC14N_NORMALIZE_ATTR) #define xmlC11NNormalizeComment( a ) \ xmlC11NNormalizeString((a), XMLC14N_NORMALIZE_COMMENT) #define xmlC11NNormalizePI( a ) \ xmlC11NNormalizeString((a), XMLC14N_NORMALIZE_PI) #define xmlC11NNormalizeText( a ) \ xmlC11NNormalizeString((a), XMLC14N_NORMALIZE_TEXT) #define xmlC14NIsVisible( ctx, node, parent ) \ (((ctx)->is_visible_callback != NULL) ? \ (ctx)->is_visible_callback((ctx)->user_data, \ (xmlNodePtr)(node), (xmlNodePtr)(parent)) : 1) /************************************************************************ * * * Some factorized error routines * * * ************************************************************************/ /** * xmlC14NErrMemory: * @extra: extra informations * * Handle a redefinition of memory error */ static void xmlC14NErrMemory(const char *extra) { __xmlRaiseError(NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, XML_FROM_C14N, XML_ERR_NO_MEMORY, XML_ERR_ERROR, NULL, 0, extra, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, "Memory allocation failed : %s\n", extra); } /** * xmlC14NErrParam: * @extra: extra informations * * Handle a redefinition of param error */ static void xmlC14NErrParam(const char *extra) { __xmlRaiseError(NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, XML_FROM_C14N, XML_ERR_INTERNAL_ERROR, XML_ERR_ERROR, NULL, 0, extra, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, "Invalid parameter : %s\n", extra); } /** * xmlC14NErrInternal: * @extra: extra informations * * Handle a redefinition of internal error */ static void xmlC14NErrInternal(const char *extra) { __xmlRaiseError(NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, XML_FROM_C14N, XML_ERR_INTERNAL_ERROR, XML_ERR_ERROR, NULL, 0, extra, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, "Internal error : %s\n", extra); } /** * xmlC14NErrInvalidNode: * @extra: extra informations * * Handle a redefinition of invalid node error */ static void xmlC14NErrInvalidNode(const char *node_type, const char *extra) { __xmlRaiseError(NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, XML_FROM_C14N, XML_C14N_INVALID_NODE, XML_ERR_ERROR, NULL, 0, extra, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, "Node %s is invalid here : %s\n", node_type, extra); } /** * xmlC14NErrUnknownNode: * @extra: extra informations * * Handle a redefinition of unknown node error */ static void xmlC14NErrUnknownNode(int node_type, const char *extra) { __xmlRaiseError(NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, XML_FROM_C14N, XML_C14N_UNKNOW_NODE, XML_ERR_ERROR, NULL, 0, extra, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, "Unknown node type %d found : %s\n", node_type, extra); } /** * xmlC14NErrRelativeNamespace: * @extra: extra informations * * Handle a redefinition of relative namespace error */ static void xmlC14NErrRelativeNamespace(const char *ns_uri) { __xmlRaiseError(NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, XML_FROM_C14N, XML_C14N_RELATIVE_NAMESPACE, XML_ERR_ERROR, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, "Relative namespace UR is invalid here : %s\n", ns_uri); } /** * xmlC14NErr: * @ctxt: a C14N evaluation context * @node: the context node * @error: the erorr code * @msg: the message * @extra: extra informations * * Handle a redefinition of attribute error */ static void xmlC14NErr(xmlC14NCtxPtr ctxt, xmlNodePtr node, int error, const char * msg) { if (ctxt != NULL) ctxt->error = error; __xmlRaiseError(NULL, NULL, NULL, ctxt, node, XML_FROM_C14N, error, XML_ERR_ERROR, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, msg); } /************************************************************************ * * * The implementation internals * * * ************************************************************************/ #define XML_NAMESPACES_DEFAULT 16 static int xmlC14NIsNodeInNodeset(xmlNodeSetPtr nodes, xmlNodePtr node, xmlNodePtr parent) { if((nodes != NULL) && (node != NULL)) { if(node->type != XML_NAMESPACE_DECL) { return(xmlXPathNodeSetContains(nodes, node)); } else { xmlNs ns; memcpy(&ns, node, sizeof(ns)); /* this is a libxml hack! check xpath.c for details */ if((parent != NULL) && (parent->type == XML_ATTRIBUTE_NODE)) { = (xmlNsPtr)parent->parent; } else { = (xmlNsPtr)parent; } /* * If the input is an XPath node-set, then the node-set must explicitly * contain every node to be rendered to the canonical form. */ return(xmlXPathNodeSetContains(nodes, (xmlNodePtr)&ns)); } } return(1); } static xmlC14NVisibleNsStackPtr xmlC14NVisibleNsStackCreate(void) { xmlC14NVisibleNsStackPtr ret; ret = (xmlC14NVisibleNsStackPtr) xmlMalloc(sizeof(xmlC14NVisibleNsStack)); if (ret == NULL) { xmlC14NErrMemory("creating namespaces stack"); return(NULL); } memset(ret, 0 , (size_t) sizeof(xmlC14NVisibleNsStack)); return(ret); } static void xmlC14NVisibleNsStackDestroy(xmlC14NVisibleNsStackPtr cur) { if(cur == NULL) { xmlC14NErrParam("destroying namespaces stack"); return; } if(cur->nsTab != NULL) { memset(cur->nsTab, 0, cur->nsMax * sizeof(xmlNsPtr)); xmlFree(cur->nsTab); } if(cur->nodeTab != NULL) { memset(cur->nodeTab, 0, cur->nsMax * sizeof(xmlNodePtr)); xmlFree(cur->nodeTab); } memset(cur, 0, sizeof(xmlC14NVisibleNsStack)); xmlFree(cur); } static void xmlC14NVisibleNsStackAdd(xmlC14NVisibleNsStackPtr cur, xmlNsPtr ns, xmlNodePtr node) { if((cur == NULL) || ((cur->nsTab == NULL) && (cur->nodeTab != NULL)) || ((cur->nsTab != NULL) && (cur->nodeTab == NULL))) { xmlC14NErrParam("adding namespace to stack"); return; } if ((cur->nsTab == NULL) && (cur->nodeTab == NULL)) { cur->nsTab = (xmlNsPtr*) xmlMalloc(XML_NAMESPACES_DEFAULT * sizeof(xmlNsPtr)); cur->nodeTab = (xmlNodePtr*) xmlMalloc(XML_NAMESPACES_DEFAULT * sizeof(xmlNodePtr)); if ((cur->nsTab == NULL) || (cur->nodeTab == NULL)) { xmlC14NErrMemory("adding node to stack"); return; } memset(cur->nsTab, 0 , XML_NAMESPACES_DEFAULT * sizeof(xmlNsPtr)); memset(cur->nodeTab, 0 , XML_NAMESPACES_DEFAULT * sizeof(xmlNodePtr)); cur->nsMax = XML_NAMESPACES_DEFAULT; } else if(cur->nsMax == cur->nsCurEnd) { void *tmp; int tmpSize; tmpSize = 2 * cur->nsMax; tmp = xmlRealloc(cur->nsTab, tmpSize * sizeof(xmlNsPtr)); if (tmp == NULL) { xmlC14NErrMemory("adding node to stack"); return; } cur->nsTab = (xmlNsPtr*)tmp; tmp = xmlRealloc(cur->nodeTab, tmpSize * sizeof(xmlNodePtr)); if (tmp == NULL) { xmlC14NErrMemory("adding node to stack"); return; } cur->nodeTab = (xmlNodePtr*)tmp; cur->nsMax = tmpSize; } cur->nsTab[cur->nsCurEnd] = ns; cur->nodeTab[cur->nsCurEnd] = node; ++cur->nsCurEnd; } static void xmlC14NVisibleNsStackSave(xmlC14NVisibleNsStackPtr cur, xmlC14NVisibleNsStackPtr state) { if((cur == NULL) || (state == NULL)) { xmlC14NErrParam("saving namespaces stack"); return; } state->nsCurEnd = cur->nsCurEnd; state->nsPrevStart = cur->nsPrevStart; state->nsPrevEnd = cur->nsPrevEnd; } static void xmlC14NVisibleNsStackRestore(xmlC14NVisibleNsStackPtr cur, xmlC14NVisibleNsStackPtr state) { if((cur == NULL) || (state == NULL)) { xmlC14NErrParam("restoring namespaces stack"); return; } cur->nsCurEnd = state->nsCurEnd; cur->nsPrevStart = state->nsPrevStart; cur->nsPrevEnd = state->nsPrevEnd; } static void xmlC14NVisibleNsStackShift(xmlC14NVisibleNsStackPtr cur) { if(cur == NULL) { xmlC14NErrParam("shifting namespaces stack"); return; } cur->nsPrevStart = cur->nsPrevEnd; cur->nsPrevEnd = cur->nsCurEnd; } static int xmlC14NStrEqual(const xmlChar *str1, const xmlChar *str2) { if (str1 == str2) return(1); if (str1 == NULL) return((*str2) == '\0'); if (str2 == NULL) return((*str1) == '\0'); do { if (*str1++ != *str2) return(0); } while (*str2++); return(1); } /** * xmlC14NVisibleNsStackFind: * @ctx: the C14N context * @ns: the namespace to check * * Checks whether the given namespace was already rendered or not * * Returns 1 if we already wrote this namespace or 0 otherwise */ static int xmlC14NVisibleNsStackFind(xmlC14NVisibleNsStackPtr cur, xmlNsPtr ns) { int i; const xmlChar *prefix; const xmlChar *href; int has_empty_ns; if(cur == NULL) { xmlC14NErrParam("searching namespaces stack (c14n)"); return (0); } /* * if the default namespace xmlns="" is not defined yet then * we do not want to print it out */ prefix = ((ns == NULL) || (ns->prefix == NULL)) ? BAD_CAST "" : ns->prefix; href = ((ns == NULL) || (ns->href == NULL)) ? BAD_CAST "" : ns->href; has_empty_ns = (xmlC14NStrEqual(prefix, NULL) && xmlC14NStrEqual(href, NULL)); if (cur->nsTab != NULL) { int start = (has_empty_ns) ? 0 : cur->nsPrevStart; for (i = cur->nsCurEnd - 1; i >= start; --i) { xmlNsPtr ns1 = cur->nsTab[i]; if(xmlC14NStrEqual(prefix, (ns1 != NULL) ? ns1->prefix : NULL)) { return(xmlC14NStrEqual(href, (ns1 != NULL) ? ns1->href : NULL)); } } } return(has_empty_ns); } static int xmlExcC14NVisibleNsStackFind(xmlC14NVisibleNsStackPtr cur, xmlNsPtr ns, xmlC14NCtxPtr ctx) { int i; const xmlChar *prefix; const xmlChar *href; int has_empty_ns; if(cur == NULL) { xmlC14NErrParam("searching namespaces stack (exc c14n)"); return (0); } /* * if the default namespace xmlns="" is not defined yet then * we do not want to print it out */ prefix = ((ns == NULL) || (ns->prefix == NULL)) ? BAD_CAST "" : ns->prefix; href = ((ns == NULL) || (ns->href == NULL)) ? BAD_CAST "" : ns->href; has_empty_ns = (xmlC14NStrEqual(prefix, NULL) && xmlC14NStrEqual(href, NULL)); if (cur->nsTab != NULL) { int start = 0; for (i = cur->nsCurEnd - 1; i >= start; --i) { xmlNsPtr ns1 = cur->nsTab[i]; if(xmlC14NStrEqual(prefix, (ns1 != NULL) ? ns1->prefix : NULL)) { if(xmlC14NStrEqual(href, (ns1 != NULL) ? ns1->href : NULL)) { return(xmlC14NIsVisible(ctx, ns1, cur->nodeTab[i])); } else { return(0); } } } } return(has_empty_ns); } /** * xmlC14NIsXmlNs: * @ns: the namespace to check * * Checks whether the given namespace is a default "xml:" namespace * with href="" * * Returns 1 if the node is default or 0 otherwise */ /* todo: make it a define? */ static int xmlC14NIsXmlNs(xmlNsPtr ns) { return ((ns != NULL) && (xmlStrEqual(ns->prefix, BAD_CAST "xml")) && (xmlStrEqual(ns->href, BAD_CAST ""))); } /** * xmlC14NNsCompare: * @ns1: the pointer to first namespace * @ns2: the pointer to second namespace * * Compares the namespaces by names (prefixes). * * Returns -1 if ns1 < ns2, 0 if ns1 == ns2 or 1 if ns1 > ns2. */ static int xmlC14NNsCompare(xmlNsPtr ns1, xmlNsPtr ns2) { if (ns1 == ns2) return (0); if (ns1 == NULL) return (-1); if (ns2 == NULL) return (1); return (xmlStrcmp(ns1->prefix, ns2->prefix)); } /** * xmlC14NPrintNamespaces: * @ns: the pointer to namespace * @ctx: the C14N context * * Prints the given namespace to the output buffer from C14N context. * * Returns 1 on success or 0 on fail. */ static int xmlC14NPrintNamespaces(const xmlNsPtr ns, xmlC14NCtxPtr ctx) { if ((ns == NULL) || (ctx == NULL)) { xmlC14NErrParam("writing namespaces"); return 0; } if (ns->prefix != NULL) { xmlOutputBufferWriteString(ctx->buf, " xmlns:"); xmlOutputBufferWriteString(ctx->buf, (const char *) ns->prefix); xmlOutputBufferWriteString(ctx->buf, "=\""); } else { xmlOutputBufferWriteString(ctx->buf, " xmlns=\""); } if(ns->href != NULL) { xmlOutputBufferWriteString(ctx->buf, (const char *) ns->href); } xmlOutputBufferWriteString(ctx->buf, "\""); return (1); } /** * xmlC14NProcessNamespacesAxis: * @ctx: the C14N context * @node: the current node * * Prints out canonical namespace axis of the current node to the * buffer from C14N context as follows * * Canonical XML v 1.0 ( * * Namespace Axis * Consider a list L containing only namespace nodes in the * axis and in the node-set in lexicographic order (ascending). To begin * processing L, if the first node is not the default namespace node (a node * with no namespace URI and no local name), then generate a space followed * by xmlns="" if and only if the following conditions are met: * - the element E that owns the axis is in the node-set * - The nearest ancestor element of E in the node-set has a default * namespace node in the node-set (default namespace nodes always * have non-empty values in XPath) * The latter condition eliminates unnecessary occurrences of xmlns="" in * the canonical form since an element only receives an xmlns="" if its * default namespace is empty and if it has an immediate parent in the * canonical form that has a non-empty default namespace. To finish * processing L, simply process every namespace node in L, except omit * namespace node with local name xml, which defines the xml prefix, * if its string value is * * Exclusive XML Canonicalization v 1.0 ( * Canonical XML applied to a document subset requires the search of the * ancestor nodes of each orphan element node for attributes in the xml * namespace, such as xml:lang and xml:space. These are copied into the * element node except if a declaration of the same attribute is already * in the attribute axis of the element (whether or not it is included in * the document subset). This search and copying are omitted from the * Exclusive XML Canonicalization method. * * Returns 0 on success or -1 on fail. */ static int xmlC14NProcessNamespacesAxis(xmlC14NCtxPtr ctx, xmlNodePtr cur, int visible) { xmlNodePtr n; xmlNsPtr ns, tmp; xmlListPtr list; int already_rendered; int has_empty_ns = 0; if ((ctx == NULL) || (cur == NULL) || (cur->type != XML_ELEMENT_NODE)) { xmlC14NErrParam("processing namespaces axis (c14n)"); return (-1); } /* * Create a sorted list to store element namespaces */ list = xmlListCreate(NULL, (xmlListDataCompare) xmlC14NNsCompare); if (list == NULL) { xmlC14NErrInternal("creating namespaces list (c14n)"); return (-1); } /* check all namespaces */ for(n = cur; n != NULL; n = n->parent) { for(ns = n->nsDef; ns != NULL; ns = ns->next) { tmp = xmlSearchNs(cur->doc, cur, ns->prefix); if((tmp == ns) && !xmlC14NIsXmlNs(ns) && xmlC14NIsVisible(ctx, ns, cur)) { already_rendered = xmlC14NVisibleNsStackFind(ctx->ns_rendered, ns); if(visible) { xmlC14NVisibleNsStackAdd(ctx->ns_rendered, ns, cur); } if(!already_rendered) { xmlListInsert(list, ns); } if(xmlStrlen(ns->prefix) == 0) { has_empty_ns = 1; } } } } /** * if the first node is not the default namespace node (a node with no * namespace URI and no local name), then generate a space followed by * xmlns="" if and only if the following conditions are met: * - the element E that owns the axis is in the node-set * - the nearest ancestor element of E in the node-set has a default * namespace node in the node-set (default namespace nodes always * have non-empty values in XPath) */ if(visible && !has_empty_ns) { static xmlNs ns_default; memset(&ns_default, 0, sizeof(ns_default)); if(!xmlC14NVisibleNsStackFind(ctx->ns_rendered, &ns_default)) { xmlC14NPrintNamespaces(&ns_default, ctx); } } /* * print out all elements from list */ xmlListWalk(list, (xmlListWalker) xmlC14NPrintNamespaces, (const void *) ctx); /* * Cleanup */ xmlListDelete(list); return (0); } /** * xmlExcC14NProcessNamespacesAxis: * @ctx: the C14N context * @node: the current node * * Prints out exclusive canonical namespace axis of the current node to the * buffer from C14N context as follows * * Exclusive XML Canonicalization * * * If the element node is in the XPath subset then output the node in * accordance with Canonical XML except for namespace nodes which are * rendered as follows: * * 1. Render each namespace node iff: * * it is visibly utilized by the immediate parent element or one of * its attributes, or is present in InclusiveNamespaces PrefixList, and * * its prefix and value do not appear in ns_rendered. ns_rendered is * obtained by popping the state stack in order to obtain a list of * prefixes and their values which have already been rendered by * an output ancestor of the namespace node's parent element. * 2. Append the rendered namespace node to the list ns_rendered of namespace * nodes rendered by output ancestors. Push ns_rendered on state stack and * recurse. * 3. After the recursion returns, pop thestate stack. * * * Returns 0 on success or -1 on fail. */ static int xmlExcC14NProcessNamespacesAxis(xmlC14NCtxPtr ctx, xmlNodePtr cur, int visible) { xmlNsPtr ns; xmlListPtr list; xmlAttrPtr attr; int already_rendered; int has_empty_ns = 0; int has_visibly_utilized_empty_ns = 0; int has_empty_ns_in_inclusive_list = 0; if ((ctx == NULL) || (cur == NULL) || (cur->type != XML_ELEMENT_NODE)) { xmlC14NErrParam("processing namespaces axis (exc c14n)"); return (-1); } if(!ctx->exclusive) { xmlC14NErrParam("processing namespaces axis (exc c14n)"); return (-1); } /* * Create a sorted list to store element namespaces */ list = xmlListCreate(NULL, (xmlListDataCompare) xmlC14NNsCompare); if (list == NULL) { xmlC14NErrInternal("creating namespaces list (exc c14n)"); return (-1); } /* * process inclusive namespaces: * All namespace nodes appearing on inclusive ns list are * handled as provided in Canonical XML */ if(ctx->inclusive_ns_prefixes != NULL) { xmlChar *prefix; int i; for (i = 0; ctx->inclusive_ns_prefixes[i] != NULL; ++i) { prefix = ctx->inclusive_ns_prefixes[i]; /* * Special values for namespace with empty prefix */ if (xmlStrEqual(prefix, BAD_CAST "#default") || xmlStrEqual(prefix, BAD_CAST "")) { prefix = NULL; has_empty_ns_in_inclusive_list = 1; } ns = xmlSearchNs(cur->doc, cur, prefix); if((ns != NULL) && !xmlC14NIsXmlNs(ns) && xmlC14NIsVisible(ctx, ns, cur)) { already_rendered = xmlC14NVisibleNsStackFind(ctx->ns_rendered, ns); if(visible) { xmlC14NVisibleNsStackAdd(ctx->ns_rendered, ns, cur); } if(!already_rendered) { xmlListInsert(list, ns); } if(xmlStrlen(ns->prefix) == 0) { has_empty_ns = 1; } } } } /* add node namespace */ if(cur->ns != NULL) { ns = cur->ns; } else { ns = xmlSearchNs(cur->doc, cur, NULL); has_visibly_utilized_empty_ns = 1; } if((ns != NULL) && !xmlC14NIsXmlNs(ns)) { if(visible && xmlC14NIsVisible(ctx, ns, cur)) { if(!xmlExcC14NVisibleNsStackFind(ctx->ns_rendered, ns, ctx)) { xmlListInsert(list, ns); } } if(visible) { xmlC14NVisibleNsStackAdd(ctx->ns_rendered, ns, cur); } if(xmlStrlen(ns->prefix) == 0) { has_empty_ns = 1; } } /* add attributes */ for(attr = cur->properties; attr != NULL; attr = attr->next) { /* * we need to check that attribute is visible and has non * default namespace (XML Namespaces: "default namespaces * do not apply directly to attributes") */ if((attr->ns != NULL) && !xmlC14NIsXmlNs(attr->ns) && xmlC14NIsVisible(ctx, attr, cur)) { already_rendered = xmlExcC14NVisibleNsStackFind(ctx->ns_rendered, attr->ns, ctx); xmlC14NVisibleNsStackAdd(ctx->ns_rendered, attr->ns, cur); if(!already_rendered && visible) { xmlListInsert(list, attr->ns); } if(xmlStrlen(attr->ns->prefix) == 0) { has_empty_ns = 1; } } else if((attr->ns != NULL) && (xmlStrlen(attr->ns->prefix) == 0) && (xmlStrlen(attr->ns->href) == 0)) { has_visibly_utilized_empty_ns = 1; } } /* * Process xmlns="" */ if(visible && has_visibly_utilized_empty_ns && !has_empty_ns && !has_empty_ns_in_inclusive_list) { static xmlNs ns_default; memset(&ns_default, 0, sizeof(ns_default)); already_rendered = xmlExcC14NVisibleNsStackFind(ctx->ns_rendered, &ns_default, ctx); if(!already_rendered) { xmlC14NPrintNamespaces(&ns_default, ctx); } } else if(visible && !has_empty_ns && has_empty_ns_in_inclusive_list) { static xmlNs ns_default; memset(&ns_default, 0, sizeof(ns_default)); if(!xmlC14NVisibleNsStackFind(ctx->ns_rendered, &ns_default)) { xmlC14NPrintNamespaces(&ns_default, ctx); } } /* * print out all elements from list */ xmlListWalk(list, (xmlListWalker) xmlC14NPrintNamespaces, (const void *) ctx); /* * Cleanup */ xmlListDelete(list); return (0); } /** * xmlC14NAttrsCompare: * @attr1: the pointer tls o first attr * @attr2: the pointer to second attr * * Prints the given attribute to the output buffer from C14N context. * * Returns -1 if attr1 < attr2, 0 if attr1 == attr2 or 1 if attr1 > attr2. */ static int xmlC14NAttrsCompare(xmlAttrPtr attr1, xmlAttrPtr attr2) { int ret = 0; /* * Simple cases */ if (attr1 == attr2) return (0); if (attr1 == NULL) return (-1); if (attr2 == NULL) return (1); if (attr1->ns == attr2->ns) { return (xmlStrcmp(attr1->name, attr2->name)); } /* * Attributes in the default namespace are first * because the default namespace is not applied to * unqualified attributes */ if (attr1->ns == NULL) return (-1); if (attr2->ns == NULL) return (1); if (attr1->ns->prefix == NULL) return (-1); if (attr2->ns->prefix == NULL) return (1); ret = xmlStrcmp(attr1->ns->href, attr2->ns->href); if (ret == 0) { ret = xmlStrcmp(attr1->name, attr2->name); } return (ret); } /** * xmlC14NPrintAttrs: * @attr: the pointer to attr * @ctx: the C14N context * * Prints out canonical attribute urrent node to the * buffer from C14N context as follows * * Canonical XML v 1.0 ( * * Returns 1 on success or 0 on fail. */ static int xmlC14NPrintAttrs(const xmlAttrPtr attr, xmlC14NCtxPtr ctx) { xmlChar *value; xmlChar *buffer; if ((attr == NULL) || (ctx == NULL)) { xmlC14NErrParam("writing attributes"); return (0); } xmlOutputBufferWriteString(ctx->buf, " "); if (attr->ns != NULL && xmlStrlen(attr->ns->prefix) > 0) { xmlOutputBufferWriteString(ctx->buf, (const char *) attr->ns->prefix); xmlOutputBufferWriteString(ctx->buf, ":"); } xmlOutputBufferWriteString(ctx->buf, (const char *) attr->name); xmlOutputBufferWriteString(ctx->buf, "=\""); value = xmlNodeListGetString(attr->doc, attr->children, 1); /* todo: should we log an error if value==NULL ? */ if (value != NULL) { buffer = xmlC11NNormalizeAttr(value); xmlFree(value); if (buffer != NULL) { xmlOutputBufferWriteString(ctx->buf, (const char *) buffer); xmlFree(buffer); } else { xmlC14NErrInternal("normalizing attributes axis"); return (0); } } xmlOutputBufferWriteString(ctx->buf, "\""); return (1); } /** * xmlC14NProcessAttrsAxis: * @ctx: the C14N context * @cur: the current node * @parent_visible: the visibility of parent node * * Prints out canonical attribute axis of the current node to the * buffer from C14N context as follows * * Canonical XML v 1.0 ( * * Attribute Axis * In lexicographic order (ascending), process each node that * is in the element's attribute axis and in the node-set. * * The processing of an element node E MUST be modified slightly * when an XPath node-set is given as input and the element's * parent is omitted from the node-set. * * * Exclusive XML Canonicalization v 1.0 ( * * Canonical XML applied to a document subset requires the search of the * ancestor nodes of each orphan element node for attributes in the xml * namespace, such as xml:lang and xml:space. These are copied into the * element node except if a declaration of the same attribute is already * in the attribute axis of the element (whether or not it is included in * the document subset). This search and copying are omitted from the * Exclusive XML Canonicalization method. * * Returns 0 on success or -1 on fail. */ static int xmlC14NProcessAttrsAxis(xmlC14NCtxPtr ctx, xmlNodePtr cur, int parent_visible) { xmlAttrPtr attr; xmlListPtr list; if ((ctx == NULL) || (cur == NULL) || (cur->type != XML_ELEMENT_NODE)) { xmlC14NErrParam("processing attributes axis"); return (-1); } /* * Create a sorted list to store element attributes */ list = xmlListCreate(NULL, (xmlListDataCompare) xmlC14NAttrsCompare); if (list == NULL) { xmlC14NErrInternal("creating attributes list"); return (-1); } /* * Add all visible attributes from current node. */ attr = cur->properties; while (attr != NULL) { /* check that attribute is visible */ if (xmlC14NIsVisible(ctx, attr, cur)) { xmlListInsert(list, attr); } attr = attr->next; } /* * include attributes in "xml" namespace defined in ancestors * (only for non-exclusive XML Canonicalization) */ if (parent_visible && (!ctx->exclusive) && (cur->parent != NULL) && (!xmlC14NIsVisible(ctx, cur->parent, cur->parent->parent))) { /* * If XPath node-set is not specified then the parent is always * visible! */ cur = cur->parent; while (cur != NULL) { attr = cur->properties; while (attr != NULL) { if ((attr->ns != NULL) && (xmlStrEqual(attr->ns->prefix, BAD_CAST "xml"))) { if (xmlListSearch(list, attr) == NULL) { xmlListInsert(list, attr); } } attr = attr->next; } cur = cur->parent; } } /* * print out all elements from list */ xmlListWalk(list, (xmlListWalker) xmlC14NPrintAttrs, (const void *) ctx); /* * Cleanup */ xmlListDelete(list); return (0); } /** * xmlC14NCheckForRelativeNamespaces: * @ctx: the C14N context * @cur: the current element node * * Checks that current element node has no relative namespaces defined * * Returns 0 if the node has no relative namespaces or -1 otherwise. */ static int xmlC14NCheckForRelativeNamespaces(xmlC14NCtxPtr ctx, xmlNodePtr cur) { xmlNsPtr ns; if ((ctx == NULL) || (cur == NULL) || (cur->type != XML_ELEMENT_NODE)) { xmlC14NErrParam("checking for relative namespaces"); return (-1); } ns = cur->nsDef; while (ns != NULL) { if (xmlStrlen(ns->href) > 0) { xmlURIPtr uri; uri = xmlParseURI((const char *) ns->href); if (uri == NULL) { xmlC14NErrInternal("parsing namespace uri"); return (-1); } if (xmlStrlen((const xmlChar *) uri->scheme) == 0) { xmlC14NErrRelativeNamespace(uri->scheme); xmlFreeURI(uri); return (-1); } if ((xmlStrcasecmp((const xmlChar *) uri->scheme, BAD_CAST "urn") != 0) && (xmlStrcasecmp((const xmlChar *) uri->scheme, BAD_CAST "dav") !=0) && (xmlStrlen((const xmlChar *) uri->server) == 0)) { xmlC14NErrRelativeNamespace(uri->scheme); xmlFreeURI(uri); return (-1); } xmlFreeURI(uri); } ns = ns->next; } return (0); } /** * xmlC14NProcessElementNode: * @ctx: the pointer to C14N context object * @cur: the node to process * * Canonical XML v 1.0 ( * * Element Nodes * If the element is not in the node-set, then the result is obtained * by processing the namespace axis, then the attribute axis, then * processing the child nodes of the element that are in the node-set * (in document order). If the element is in the node-set, then the result * is an open angle bracket (<), the element QName, the result of * processing the namespace axis, the result of processing the attribute * axis, a close angle bracket (>), the result of processing the child * nodes of the element that are in the node-set (in document order), an * open angle bracket, a forward slash (/), the element QName, and a close * angle bracket. * * Returns non-negative value on success or negative value on fail */ static int xmlC14NProcessElementNode(xmlC14NCtxPtr ctx, xmlNodePtr cur, int visible) { int ret; xmlC14NVisibleNsStack state; int parent_is_doc = 0; if ((ctx == NULL) || (cur == NULL) || (cur->type != XML_ELEMENT_NODE)) { xmlC14NErrParam("processing element node"); return (-1); } /* * Check relative relative namespaces: * implementations of XML canonicalization MUST report an operation * failure on documents containing relative namespace URIs. */ if (xmlC14NCheckForRelativeNamespaces(ctx, cur) < 0) { xmlC14NErrInternal("checking for relative namespaces"); return (-1); } /* * Save ns_rendered stack position */ memset(&state, 0, sizeof(state)); xmlC14NVisibleNsStackSave(ctx->ns_rendered, &state); if (visible) { if (ctx->parent_is_doc) { /* save this flag into the stack */ parent_is_doc = ctx->parent_is_doc; ctx->parent_is_doc = 0; ctx->pos = XMLC14N_INSIDE_DOCUMENT_ELEMENT; } xmlOutputBufferWriteString(ctx->buf, "<"); if ((cur->ns != NULL) && (xmlStrlen(cur->ns->prefix) > 0)) { xmlOutputBufferWriteString(ctx->buf, (const char *) cur->ns->prefix); xmlOutputBufferWriteString(ctx->buf, ":"); } xmlOutputBufferWriteString(ctx->buf, (const char *) cur->name); } if (!ctx->exclusive) { ret = xmlC14NProcessNamespacesAxis(ctx, cur, visible); } else { ret = xmlExcC14NProcessNamespacesAxis(ctx, cur, visible); } if (ret < 0) { xmlC14NErrInternal("processing namespaces axis"); return (-1); } /* todo: shouldn't this go to "visible only"? */ if(visible) { xmlC14NVisibleNsStackShift(ctx->ns_rendered); } ret = xmlC14NProcessAttrsAxis(ctx, cur, visible); if (ret < 0) { xmlC14NErrInternal("processing attributes axis"); return (-1); } if (visible) { xmlOutputBufferWriteString(ctx->buf, ">"); } if (cur->children != NULL) { ret = xmlC14NProcessNodeList(ctx, cur->children); if (ret < 0) { xmlC14NErrInternal("processing childrens list"); return (-1); } } if (visible) { xmlOutputBufferWriteString(ctx->buf, ""); if ((cur->ns != NULL) && (xmlStrlen(cur->ns->prefix) > 0)) { xmlOutputBufferWriteString(ctx->buf, (const char *) cur->ns->prefix); xmlOutputBufferWriteString(ctx->buf, ":"); } xmlOutputBufferWriteString(ctx->buf, (const char *) cur->name); xmlOutputBufferWriteString(ctx->buf, ">"); if (parent_is_doc) { /* restore this flag from the stack for next node */ ctx->parent_is_doc = parent_is_doc; ctx->pos = XMLC14N_AFTER_DOCUMENT_ELEMENT; } } /* * Restore ns_rendered stack position */ xmlC14NVisibleNsStackRestore(ctx->ns_rendered, &state); return (0); } /** * xmlC14NProcessNode: * @ctx: the pointer to C14N context object * @cur: the node to process * * Processes the given node * * Returns non-negative value on success or negative value on fail */ static int xmlC14NProcessNode(xmlC14NCtxPtr ctx, xmlNodePtr cur) { int ret = 0; int visible; if ((ctx == NULL) || (cur == NULL)) { xmlC14NErrParam("processing node"); return (-1); } visible = xmlC14NIsVisible(ctx, cur, cur->parent); switch (cur->type) { case XML_ELEMENT_NODE: ret = xmlC14NProcessElementNode(ctx, cur, visible); break; case XML_CDATA_SECTION_NODE: case XML_TEXT_NODE: /* * Text Nodes * the string value, except all ampersands are replaced * by &, all open angle brackets (<) are replaced by <, all closing * angle brackets (>) are replaced by >, and all #xD characters are * replaced by . */ /* cdata sections are processed as text nodes */ /* todo: verify that cdata sections are included in XPath nodes set */ if ((visible) && (cur->content != NULL)) { xmlChar *buffer; buffer = xmlC11NNormalizeText(cur->content); if (buffer != NULL) { xmlOutputBufferWriteString(ctx->buf, (const char *) buffer); xmlFree(buffer); } else { xmlC14NErrInternal("normalizing text node"); return (-1); } } break; case XML_PI_NODE: /* * Processing Instruction (PI) Nodes- * The opening PI symbol (), the PI target name of the node, * a leading space and the string value if it is not empty, and * the closing PI symbol (?>). If the string value is empty, * then the leading space is not added. Also, a trailing #xA is * rendered after the closing PI symbol for PI children of the * root node with a lesser document order than the document * element, and a leading #xA is rendered before the opening PI * symbol of PI children of the root node with a greater document * order than the document element. */ if (visible) { if (ctx->pos == XMLC14N_AFTER_DOCUMENT_ELEMENT) { xmlOutputBufferWriteString(ctx->buf, "\x0A"); } else { xmlOutputBufferWriteString(ctx->buf, ""); } xmlOutputBufferWriteString(ctx->buf, (const char *) cur->name); if ((cur->content != NULL) && (*(cur->content) != '\0')) { xmlChar *buffer; xmlOutputBufferWriteString(ctx->buf, " "); /* todo: do we need to normalize pi? */ buffer = xmlC11NNormalizePI(cur->content); if (buffer != NULL) { xmlOutputBufferWriteString(ctx->buf, (const char *) buffer); xmlFree(buffer); } else { xmlC14NErrInternal("normalizing pi node"); return (-1); } } if (ctx->pos == XMLC14N_BEFORE_DOCUMENT_ELEMENT) { xmlOutputBufferWriteString(ctx->buf, "?>\x0A"); } else { xmlOutputBufferWriteString(ctx->buf, "?>"); } } break; case XML_COMMENT_NODE: /* * Comment Nodes * Nothing if generating canonical XML without comments. For * canonical XML with comments, generate the opening comment * symbol (). Also, a trailing #xA is rendered * after the closing comment symbol for comment children of the * root node with a lesser document order than the document * element, and a leading #xA is rendered before the opening * comment symbol of comment children of the root node with a * greater document order than the document element. (Comment * children of the root node represent comments outside of the * top-level document element and outside of the document type * declaration). */ if (visible && ctx->with_comments) { if (ctx->pos == XMLC14N_AFTER_DOCUMENT_ELEMENT) { xmlOutputBufferWriteString(ctx->buf, "\x0A\x0A"); } else { xmlOutputBufferWriteString(ctx->buf, "-->"); } } break; case XML_DOCUMENT_NODE: case XML_DOCUMENT_FRAG_NODE: /* should be processed as document? */ #ifdef LIBXML_DOCB_ENABLED case XML_DOCB_DOCUMENT_NODE: /* should be processed as document? */ #endif #ifdef LIBXML_HTML_ENABLED case XML_HTML_DOCUMENT_NODE: /* should be processed as document? */ #endif if (cur->children != NULL) { ctx->pos = XMLC14N_BEFORE_DOCUMENT_ELEMENT; ctx->parent_is_doc = 1; ret = xmlC14NProcessNodeList(ctx, cur->children); } break; case XML_ATTRIBUTE_NODE: xmlC14NErrInvalidNode("XML_ATTRIBUTE_NODE", "processing node"); return (-1); case XML_NAMESPACE_DECL: xmlC14NErrInvalidNode("XML_NAMESPACE_DECL", "processing node"); return (-1); case XML_ENTITY_REF_NODE: xmlC14NErrInvalidNode("XML_ENTITY_REF_NODE", "processing node"); return (-1); case XML_ENTITY_NODE: xmlC14NErrInvalidNode("XML_ENTITY_NODE", "processing node"); return (-1); case XML_DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE: case XML_NOTATION_NODE: case XML_DTD_NODE: case XML_ELEMENT_DECL: case XML_ATTRIBUTE_DECL: case XML_ENTITY_DECL: #ifdef LIBXML_XINCLUDE_ENABLED case XML_XINCLUDE_START: case XML_XINCLUDE_END: #endif /* * should be ignored according to "W3C Canonical XML" */ break; default: xmlC14NErrUnknownNode(cur->type, "processing node"); return (-1); } return (ret); } /** * xmlC14NProcessNodeList: * @ctx: the pointer to C14N context object * @cur: the node to start from * * Processes all nodes in the row starting from cur. * * Returns non-negative value on success or negative value on fail */ static int xmlC14NProcessNodeList(xmlC14NCtxPtr ctx, xmlNodePtr cur) { int ret; if (ctx == NULL) { xmlC14NErrParam("processing node list"); return (-1); } for (ret = 0; cur != NULL && ret >= 0; cur = cur->next) { ret = xmlC14NProcessNode(ctx, cur); } return (ret); } /** * xmlC14NFreeCtx: * @ctx: the pointer to C14N context object * * Cleanups the C14N context object. */ static void xmlC14NFreeCtx(xmlC14NCtxPtr ctx) { if (ctx == NULL) { xmlC14NErrParam("freeing context"); return; } if (ctx->ns_rendered != NULL) { xmlC14NVisibleNsStackDestroy(ctx->ns_rendered); } xmlFree(ctx); } /** * xmlC14NNewCtx: * @doc: the XML document for canonization * @is_visible_callback:the function to use to determine is node visible * or not * @user_data: the first parameter for @is_visible_callback function * (in most cases, it is nodes set) * @inclusive_ns_prefixe the list of inclusive namespace prefixes * ended with a NULL or NULL if there is no * inclusive namespaces (only for exclusive * canonicalization) * @with_comments: include comments in the result (!=0) or not (==0) * @buf: the output buffer to store canonical XML; this * buffer MUST have encoder==NULL because C14N requires * UTF-8 output * * Creates new C14N context object to store C14N parameters. * * Returns pointer to newly created object (success) or NULL (fail) */ static xmlC14NCtxPtr xmlC14NNewCtx(xmlDocPtr doc, xmlC14NIsVisibleCallback is_visible_callback, void* user_data, int exclusive, xmlChar ** inclusive_ns_prefixes, int with_comments, xmlOutputBufferPtr buf) { xmlC14NCtxPtr ctx = NULL; if ((doc == NULL) || (buf == NULL)) { xmlC14NErrParam("creating new context"); return (NULL); } /* * Validate the encoding output buffer encoding */ if (buf->encoder != NULL) { xmlC14NErr(ctx, (xmlNodePtr) doc, XML_C14N_REQUIRES_UTF8, "xmlC14NNewCtx: output buffer encoder != NULL but C14N requires UTF8 output\n"); return (NULL); } /* * Validate the XML document encoding value, if provided. */ if (doc->charset != XML_CHAR_ENCODING_UTF8) { xmlC14NErr(ctx, (xmlNodePtr) doc, XML_C14N_REQUIRES_UTF8, "xmlC14NNewCtx: source document not in UTF8\n"); return (NULL); } /* * Allocate a new xmlC14NCtxPtr and fill the fields. */ ctx = (xmlC14NCtxPtr) xmlMalloc(sizeof(xmlC14NCtx)); if (ctx == NULL) { xmlC14NErrMemory("creating context"); return (NULL); } memset(ctx, 0, sizeof(xmlC14NCtx)); /* * initialize C14N context */ ctx->doc = doc; ctx->with_comments = with_comments; ctx->is_visible_callback = is_visible_callback; ctx->user_data = user_data; ctx->buf = buf; ctx->parent_is_doc = 1; ctx->pos = XMLC14N_BEFORE_DOCUMENT_ELEMENT; ctx->ns_rendered = xmlC14NVisibleNsStackCreate(); if(ctx->ns_rendered == NULL) { xmlC14NErr(ctx, (xmlNodePtr) doc, XML_C14N_CREATE_STACK, "xmlC14NNewCtx: xmlC14NVisibleNsStackCreate failed\n"); xmlC14NFreeCtx(ctx); return (NULL); } /* * Set "exclusive" flag, create a nodes set for namespaces * stack and remember list of incluseve prefixes */ if (exclusive) { ctx->exclusive = 1; ctx->inclusive_ns_prefixes = inclusive_ns_prefixes; } return (ctx); } /** * xmlC14NExecute: * @doc: the XML document for canonization * @is_visible_callback:the function to use to determine is node visible * or not * @user_data: the first parameter for @is_visible_callback function * (in most cases, it is nodes set) * @exclusive: the exclusive flag (0 - non-exclusive canonicalization; * otherwise - exclusive canonicalization) * @inclusive_ns_prefixes: the list of inclusive namespace prefixes * ended with a NULL or NULL if there is no * inclusive namespaces (only for exclusive * canonicalization, ignored otherwise) * @with_comments: include comments in the result (!=0) or not (==0) * @buf: the output buffer to store canonical XML; this * buffer MUST have encoder==NULL because C14N requires * UTF-8 output * * Dumps the canonized image of given XML document into the provided buffer. * For details see "Canonical XML" ( or * "Exclusive XML Canonicalization" ( * * Returns non-negative value on success or a negative value on fail */ int xmlC14NExecute(xmlDocPtr doc, xmlC14NIsVisibleCallback is_visible_callback, void* user_data, int exclusive, xmlChar **inclusive_ns_prefixes, int with_comments, xmlOutputBufferPtr buf) { xmlC14NCtxPtr ctx; int ret; if ((buf == NULL) || (doc == NULL)) { xmlC14NErrParam("executing c14n"); return (-1); } /* * Validate the encoding output buffer encoding */ if (buf->encoder != NULL) { xmlC14NErr(NULL, (xmlNodePtr) doc, XML_C14N_REQUIRES_UTF8, "xmlC14NExecute: output buffer encoder != NULL but C14N requires UTF8 output\n"); return (-1); } ctx = xmlC14NNewCtx(doc, is_visible_callback, user_data, exclusive, inclusive_ns_prefixes, with_comments, buf); if (ctx == NULL) { xmlC14NErr(NULL, (xmlNodePtr) doc, XML_C14N_CREATE_CTXT, "xmlC14NExecute: unable to create C14N context\n"); return (-1); } /* * Root Node * The root node is the parent of the top-level document element. The * result of processing each of its child nodes that is in the node-set * in document order. The root node does not generate a byte order mark, * XML declaration, nor anything from within the document type * declaration. */ if (doc->children != NULL) { ret = xmlC14NProcessNodeList(ctx, doc->children); if (ret < 0) { xmlC14NErrInternal("processing docs children list"); xmlC14NFreeCtx(ctx); return (-1); } } /* * Flush buffer to get number of bytes written */ ret = xmlOutputBufferFlush(buf); if (ret < 0) { xmlC14NErrInternal("flushing output buffer"); xmlC14NFreeCtx(ctx); return (-1); } /* * Cleanup */ xmlC14NFreeCtx(ctx); return (ret); } /** * xmlC14NDocSaveTo: * @doc: the XML document for canonization * @nodes: the nodes set to be included in the canonized image * or NULL if all document nodes should be included * @exclusive: the exclusive flag (0 - non-exclusive canonicalization; * otherwise - exclusive canonicalization) * @inclusive_ns_prefixes: the list of inclusive namespace prefixes * ended with a NULL or NULL if there is no * inclusive namespaces (only for exclusive * canonicalization, ignored otherwise) * @with_comments: include comments in the result (!=0) or not (==0) * @buf: the output buffer to store canonical XML; this * buffer MUST have encoder==NULL because C14N requires * UTF-8 output * * Dumps the canonized image of given XML document into the provided buffer. * For details see "Canonical XML" ( or * "Exclusive XML Canonicalization" ( * * Returns non-negative value on success or a negative value on fail */ int xmlC14NDocSaveTo(xmlDocPtr doc, xmlNodeSetPtr nodes, int exclusive, xmlChar ** inclusive_ns_prefixes, int with_comments, xmlOutputBufferPtr buf) { return(xmlC14NExecute(doc, (xmlC14NIsVisibleCallback)xmlC14NIsNodeInNodeset, nodes, exclusive, inclusive_ns_prefixes, with_comments, buf)); } /** * xmlC14NDocDumpMemory: * @doc: the XML document for canonization * @nodes: the nodes set to be included in the canonized image * or NULL if all document nodes should be included * @exclusive: the exclusive flag (0 - non-exclusive canonicalization; * otherwise - exclusive canonicalization) * @inclusive_ns_prefixes: the list of inclusive namespace prefixes * ended with a NULL or NULL if there is no * inclusive namespaces (only for exclusive * canonicalization, ignored otherwise) * @with_comments: include comments in the result (!=0) or not (==0) * @doc_txt_ptr: the memory pointer for allocated canonical XML text; * the caller of this functions is responsible for calling * xmlFree() to free allocated memory * * Dumps the canonized image of given XML document into memory. * For details see "Canonical XML" ( or * "Exclusive XML Canonicalization" ( * * Returns the number of bytes written on success or a negative value on fail */ int xmlC14NDocDumpMemory(xmlDocPtr doc, xmlNodeSetPtr nodes, int exclusive, xmlChar ** inclusive_ns_prefixes, int with_comments, xmlChar ** doc_txt_ptr) { int ret; xmlOutputBufferPtr buf; if (doc_txt_ptr == NULL) { xmlC14NErrParam("dumping doc to memory"); return (-1); } *doc_txt_ptr = NULL; /* * create memory buffer with UTF8 (default) encoding */ buf = xmlAllocOutputBuffer(NULL); if (buf == NULL) { xmlC14NErrMemory("creating output buffer"); return (-1); } /* * canonize document and write to buffer */ ret = xmlC14NDocSaveTo(doc, nodes, exclusive, inclusive_ns_prefixes, with_comments, buf); if (ret < 0) { xmlC14NErrInternal("saving doc to output buffer"); (void) xmlOutputBufferClose(buf); return (-1); } ret = buf->buffer->use; if (ret > 0) { *doc_txt_ptr = xmlStrndup(buf->buffer->content, ret); } (void) xmlOutputBufferClose(buf); if ((*doc_txt_ptr == NULL) && (ret > 0)) { xmlC14NErrMemory("coping canonicanized document"); return (-1); } return (ret); } /** * xmlC14NDocSave: * @doc: the XML document for canonization * @nodes: the nodes set to be included in the canonized image * or NULL if all document nodes should be included * @exclusive: the exclusive flag (0 - non-exclusive canonicalization; * otherwise - exclusive canonicalization) * @inclusive_ns_prefixes: the list of inclusive namespace prefixes * ended with a NULL or NULL if there is no * inclusive namespaces (only for exclusive * canonicalization, ignored otherwise) * @with_comments: include comments in the result (!=0) or not (==0) * @filename: the filename to store canonical XML image * @compression: the compression level (zlib requred): * -1 - libxml default, * 0 - uncompressed, * >0 - compression level * * Dumps the canonized image of given XML document into the file. * For details see "Canonical XML" ( or * "Exclusive XML Canonicalization" ( * * Returns the number of bytes written success or a negative value on fail */ int xmlC14NDocSave(xmlDocPtr doc, xmlNodeSetPtr nodes, int exclusive, xmlChar ** inclusive_ns_prefixes, int with_comments, const char *filename, int compression) { xmlOutputBufferPtr buf; int ret; if (filename == NULL) { xmlC14NErrParam("saving doc"); return (-1); } #ifdef HAVE_ZLIB_H if (compression < 0) compression = xmlGetCompressMode(); #endif /* * save the content to a temp buffer, use default UTF8 encoding. */ buf = xmlOutputBufferCreateFilename(filename, NULL, compression); if (buf == NULL) { xmlC14NErrInternal("creating temporary filename"); return (-1); } /* * canonize document and write to buffer */ ret = xmlC14NDocSaveTo(doc, nodes, exclusive, inclusive_ns_prefixes, with_comments, buf); if (ret < 0) { xmlC14NErrInternal("cannicanize document to buffer"); (void) xmlOutputBufferClose(buf); return (-1); } /* * get the numbers of bytes written */ ret = xmlOutputBufferClose(buf); return (ret); } /* * Macro used to grow the current buffer. */ #define growBufferReentrant() { \ buffer_size *= 2; \ buffer = (xmlChar *) \ xmlRealloc(buffer, buffer_size * sizeof(xmlChar)); \ if (buffer == NULL) { \ xmlC14NErrMemory("growing buffer"); \ return(NULL); \ } \ } /** * xmlC11NNormalizeString: * @input: the input string * @mode: the normalization mode (attribute, comment, PI or text) * * Converts a string to a canonical (normalized) format. The code is stolen * from xmlEncodeEntitiesReentrant(). Added normalization of \x09, \x0a, \x0A * and the @mode parameter * * Returns a normalized string (caller is responsible for calling xmlFree()) * or NULL if an error occurs */ static xmlChar * xmlC11NNormalizeString(const xmlChar * input, xmlC14NNormalizationMode mode) { const xmlChar *cur = input; xmlChar *buffer = NULL; xmlChar *out = NULL; int buffer_size = 0; if (input == NULL) return (NULL); /* * allocate an translation buffer. */ buffer_size = 1000; buffer = (xmlChar *) xmlMallocAtomic(buffer_size * sizeof(xmlChar)); if (buffer == NULL) { xmlC14NErrMemory("allocating buffer"); return (NULL); } out = buffer; while (*cur != '\0') { if ((out - buffer) > (buffer_size - 10)) { int indx = out - buffer; growBufferReentrant(); out = &buffer[indx]; } if ((*cur == '<') && ((mode == XMLC14N_NORMALIZE_ATTR) || (mode == XMLC14N_NORMALIZE_TEXT))) { *out++ = '&'; *out++ = 'l'; *out++ = 't'; *out++ = ';'; } else if ((*cur == '>') && (mode == XMLC14N_NORMALIZE_TEXT)) { *out++ = '&'; *out++ = 'g'; *out++ = 't'; *out++ = ';'; } else if ((*cur == '&') && ((mode == XMLC14N_NORMALIZE_ATTR) || (mode == XMLC14N_NORMALIZE_TEXT))) { *out++ = '&'; *out++ = 'a'; *out++ = 'm'; *out++ = 'p'; *out++ = ';'; } else if ((*cur == '"') && (mode == XMLC14N_NORMALIZE_ATTR)) { *out++ = '&'; *out++ = 'q'; *out++ = 'u'; *out++ = 'o'; *out++ = 't'; *out++ = ';'; } else if ((*cur == '\x09') && (mode == XMLC14N_NORMALIZE_ATTR)) { *out++ = '&'; *out++ = '#'; *out++ = 'x'; *out++ = '9'; *out++ = ';'; } else if ((*cur == '\x0A') && (mode == XMLC14N_NORMALIZE_ATTR)) { *out++ = '&'; *out++ = '#'; *out++ = 'x'; *out++ = 'A'; *out++ = ';'; } else if ((*cur == '\x0D') && ((mode == XMLC14N_NORMALIZE_ATTR) || (mode == XMLC14N_NORMALIZE_TEXT) || (mode == XMLC14N_NORMALIZE_COMMENT) || (mode == XMLC14N_NORMALIZE_PI))) { *out++ = '&'; *out++ = '#'; *out++ = 'x'; *out++ = 'D'; *out++ = ';'; } else { /* * Works because on UTF-8, all extended sequences cannot * result in bytes in the ASCII range. */ *out++ = *cur; } cur++; } *out++ = 0; return (buffer); } #endif /* LIBXML_OUTPUT_ENABLED */ #define bottom_c14n #include "elfgcchack.h" #endif /* LIBXML_C14N_ENABLED */
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