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/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// \file regex_iterator.hpp /// Contains the definition of the regex_iterator type, an STL-compatible iterator /// for stepping through all the matches in a sequence. // // Copyright 2007 Eric Niebler. Distributed under the Boost // Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying file // LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at #ifndef BOOST_XPRESSIVE_REGEX_ITERATOR_HPP_EAN_10_04_2005 #define BOOST_XPRESSIVE_REGEX_ITERATOR_HPP_EAN_10_04_2005 // MS compatible compilers support #pragma once #if defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1020) # pragma once #endif #include
namespace boost { namespace xpressive { namespace detail { ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // regex_iterator_impl // template
struct regex_iterator_impl : counted_base
> { typedef detail::core_access
access; regex_iterator_impl ( BidiIter begin , BidiIter cur , BidiIter end , basic_regex
const *rex , regex_constants::match_flag_type flags , bool not_null = false ) : what_() , state_(begin, end, what_, *access::get_regex_impl(*rex), flags) , rex_(rex) , flags_(flags) , not_null_(not_null) { this->state_.cur_ = cur; } bool next() { this->state_.reset(this->what_, *access::get_regex_impl(*this->rex_)); if(!regex_search_impl(this->state_, *this->rex_, this->not_null_)) { return false; } // Report position() correctly by setting the base different from prefix().first access::set_base(this->what_, this->state_.begin_); this->state_.cur_ = this->what_[0].second; this->not_null_ = (0 == this->what_.length()); return true; } bool equal_to(regex_iterator_impl
const &that) const { return this->rex_ == that.rex_ && this->state_.begin_ == that.state_.begin_ && this->state_.cur_ == that.state_.cur_ && this->state_.end_ == that.state_.end_ && this->flags_ == that.flags_ ; } match_results
what_; match_state
state_; basic_regex
const *const rex_; regex_constants::match_flag_type const flags_; bool not_null_; }; } // namespace detail ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // regex_iterator // template
struct regex_iterator { typedef basic_regex
regex_type; typedef match_results
value_type; typedef typename iterator_difference
::type difference_type; typedef value_type const *pointer; typedef value_type const &reference; typedef std::forward_iterator_tag iterator_category; /// INTERNAL ONLY typedef detail::regex_iterator_impl
impl_type_; regex_iterator() : impl_() { } regex_iterator ( BidiIter begin , BidiIter end , basic_regex
const &rex , regex_constants::match_flag_type flags = regex_constants::match_default ) : impl_(new impl_type_(begin, begin, end, &rex, flags)) { this->next_(); } template
regex_iterator ( BidiIter begin , BidiIter end , basic_regex
const &rex , detail::let_
const &args , regex_constants::match_flag_type flags = regex_constants::match_default ) : impl_(new impl_type_(begin, begin, end, &rex, flags)) { detail::bind_args(args, this->impl_->what_); this->next_(); } regex_iterator(regex_iterator
const &that) : impl_(that.impl_) // COW { } regex_iterator
&operator =(regex_iterator
const &that) { this->impl_ = that.impl_; // COW return *this; } friend bool operator ==(regex_iterator
const &left, regex_iterator
const &right) { if(!left.impl_ || !right.impl_) { return !left.impl_ && !right.impl_; } return left.impl_->equal_to(*right.impl_); } friend bool operator !=(regex_iterator
const &left, regex_iterator
const &right) { return !(left == right); } value_type const &operator *() const { return this->impl_->what_; } value_type const *operator ->() const { return &this->impl_->what_; } /// If what.prefix().first != what[0].second and if the element match_prev_avail is not set in /// flags then sets it. Then behaves as if by calling regex_search(what[0].second, end, what, *pre, flags), /// with the following variation: in the event that the previous match found was of zero length /// (what[0].length() == 0) then attempts to find a non-zero length match starting at what[0].second, /// only if that fails and provided what[0].second != suffix().second does it look for a (possibly /// zero length) match starting from what[0].second + 1. If no further match is found then sets /// *this equal to the end of sequence iterator. /// \post (*this)-\>size() == pre-\>mark_count() + 1 /// \post (*this)-\>empty() == false /// \post (*this)-\>prefix().first == An iterator denoting the end point of the previous match found /// \post (*this)-\>prefix().last == (**this)[0].first /// \post (*this)-\>prefix().matched == (*this)-\>prefix().first != (*this)-\>prefix().second /// \post (*this)-\>suffix().first == (**this)[0].second /// \post (*this)-\>suffix().last == end /// \post (*this)-\>suffix().matched == (*this)-\>suffix().first != (*this)-\>suffix().second /// \post (**this)[0].first == The starting iterator for this match. /// \post (**this)[0].second == The ending iterator for this match. /// \post (**this)[0].matched == true if a full match was found, and false if it was a partial match (found as a result of the match_partial flag being set). /// \post (**this)[n].first == For all integers n \< (*this)-\>size(), the start of the sequence that matched sub-expression n. Alternatively, if sub-expression n did not participate in the match, then end. /// \post (**this)[n].second == For all integers n \< (*this)-\>size(), the end of the sequence that matched sub-expression n. Alternatively, if sub-expression n did not participate in the match, then end. /// \post (**this)[n].matched == For all integers n \< (*this)-\>size(), true if sub-expression n participated in the match, false otherwise. /// \post (*this)-\>position() == The distance from the start of the original sequence being iterated, to the start of this match. regex_iterator
&operator ++() { this->fork_(); // un-share the implementation this->next_(); return *this; } regex_iterator
operator ++(int) { regex_iterator
tmp(*this); ++*this; return tmp; } private: /// INTERNAL ONLY void fork_() { if(1 != this->impl_->use_count()) { // This is OK, the use_count is > 1 impl_type_ *that = this->impl_.get(); this->impl_ = new impl_type_ ( that->state_.begin_ , that->state_.cur_ , that->state_.end_ , that->rex_ , that->flags_ , that->not_null_ ); detail::core_access
::get_action_args(this->impl_->what_) = detail::core_access
::get_action_args(that->what_); } } /// INTERNAL ONLY void next_() { BOOST_ASSERT(this->impl_ && 1 == this->impl_->use_count()); if(!this->impl_->next()) { this->impl_ = 0; } } intrusive_ptr
impl_; }; }} // namespace boost::xpressive #endif
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