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// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // format_implementation.hpp Implementation of the basic_format class // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Copyright Samuel Krempp 2003. Use, modification, and distribution are // subject to the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying // file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at // See for library home page // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #ifndef BOOST_FORMAT_IMPLEMENTATION_HPP #define BOOST_FORMAT_IMPLEMENTATION_HPP #include
// std::swap namespace boost { // --- basic_format implementation -----------------------------------------// template< class Ch, class Tr, class Alloc> basic_format
:: basic_format(const Ch* s) : style_(0), cur_arg_(0), num_args_(0), dumped_(false), exceptions_(io::all_error_bits) { if( s) parse( s ); } #if !defined(BOOST_NO_STD_LOCALE) template< class Ch, class Tr, class Alloc> basic_format
:: basic_format(const Ch* s, const std::locale & loc) : style_(0), cur_arg_(0), num_args_(0), dumped_(false), loc_(loc), exceptions_(io::all_error_bits) { if(s) parse( s ); } template< class Ch, class Tr, class Alloc> basic_format
:: basic_format(const string_type& s, const std::locale & loc) : style_(0), cur_arg_(0), num_args_(0), dumped_(false), loc_(loc), exceptions_(io::all_error_bits) { parse(s); } #endif // ! BOOST_NO_STD_LOCALE template< class Ch, class Tr, class Alloc> io::detail::locale_t basic_format
:: getloc() const { return loc_ ? loc_.get() : io::detail::locale_t(); } template< class Ch, class Tr, class Alloc> basic_format
:: basic_format(const string_type& s) : style_(0), cur_arg_(0), num_args_(0), dumped_(false), exceptions_(io::all_error_bits) { parse(s); } template< class Ch, class Tr, class Alloc> // just don't copy the buf_ member basic_format
:: basic_format(const basic_format& x) : items_(x.items_), bound_(x.bound_), style_(x.style_), cur_arg_(x.cur_arg_), num_args_(x.num_args_), dumped_(false), prefix_(x.prefix_), exceptions_(x.exceptions_), loc_(x.loc_) { } template< class Ch, class Tr, class Alloc> // just don't copy the buf_ member basic_format
& basic_format
:: operator= (const basic_format& x) { if(this == &x) return *this; (basic_format
(x)).swap(*this); return *this; } template< class Ch, class Tr, class Alloc> void basic_format
:: swap (basic_format & x) { std::swap(exceptions_, x.exceptions_); std::swap(style_, x.style_); std::swap(cur_arg_, x.cur_arg_); std::swap(num_args_, x.num_args_); std::swap(dumped_, x.dumped_); items_.swap(x.items_); prefix_.swap(x.prefix_); bound_.swap(x.bound_); } template< class Ch, class Tr, class Alloc> unsigned char basic_format
:: exceptions() const { return exceptions_; } template< class Ch, class Tr, class Alloc> unsigned char basic_format
:: exceptions(unsigned char newexcept) { unsigned char swp = exceptions_; exceptions_ = newexcept; return swp; } template
void basic_format
:: make_or_reuse_data (std::size_t nbitems) { #if !defined(BOOST_NO_STD_LOCALE) Ch fill = ( BOOST_USE_FACET(std::ctype
, getloc()) ). widen(' '); #else Ch fill = ' '; #endif if(items_.size() == 0) items_.assign( nbitems, format_item_t(fill) ); else { if(nbitems>items_.size()) items_.resize(nbitems, format_item_t(fill)); bound_.resize(0); for(std::size_t i=0; i < nbitems; ++i) items_[i].reset(fill); // strings are resized, instead of reallocated } prefix_.resize(0); } template< class Ch, class Tr, class Alloc> basic_format
& basic_format
:: clear () { // empty the string buffers (except bound arguments) // and make the format object ready for formatting a new set of arguments BOOST_ASSERT( bound_.size()==0 || num_args_ == static_cast
(bound_.size()) ); for(unsigned long i=0; i
& basic_format
:: clear_binds () { // remove all binds, then clear() bound_.resize(0); clear(); return *this; } template< class Ch, class Tr, class Alloc> basic_format
& basic_format
:: clear_bind (int argN) { // remove the bind of ONE argument then clear() if(argN<1 || argN > num_args_ || bound_.size()==0 || !bound_[argN-1] ) { if( exceptions() & io::out_of_range_bit) boost::throw_exception(io::out_of_range(argN, 1, num_args_+1 ) ); else return *this; } bound_[argN-1]=false; clear(); return *this; } template< class Ch, class Tr, class Alloc> typename basic_format
::string_type basic_format
:: str () const { if(items_.size()==0) return prefix_; if( cur_arg_ < num_args_) if( exceptions() & io::too_few_args_bit ) // not enough variables supplied boost::throw_exception(io::too_few_args(cur_arg_, num_args_)); unsigned long i; string_type res; res.reserve(size()); res += prefix_; for(i=0; i < items_.size(); ++i) { const format_item_t& item = items_[i]; res += item.res_; if( item.argN_ == format_item_t::argN_tabulation) { BOOST_ASSERT( item.pad_scheme_ & format_item_t::tabulation); if( static_cast
(item.fmtstate_.width_) > res.size() ) res.append( static_cast
(item.fmtstate_.width_) - res.size(), item.fmtstate_.fill_ ); } res += item.appendix_; } dumped_=true; return res; } template< class Ch, class Tr, class Alloc> typename std::basic_string
::size_type basic_format
:: size () const { #ifdef BOOST_MSVC // If std::min
or std::max
are already instantiated // at this point then we get a blizzard of warning messages when we call // those templates with std::size_t as arguments. Weird and very annoyning... #pragma warning(push) #pragma warning(disable:4267) #endif BOOST_USING_STD_MAX(); size_type sz = prefix_.size(); unsigned long i; for(i=0; i < items_.size(); ++i) { const format_item_t& item = items_[i]; sz += item.res_.size(); if( item.argN_ == format_item_t::argN_tabulation) sz = max BOOST_PREVENT_MACRO_SUBSTITUTION (sz, static_cast
(item.fmtstate_.width_) ); sz += item.appendix_.size(); } return sz; #ifdef BOOST_MSVC #pragma warning(pop) #endif } namespace io { namespace detail { template
& bind_arg_body (basic_format
& self, int argN, const T& val) { // bind one argument to a fixed value // this is persistent over clear() calls, thus also over str() and << if(self.dumped_) self.clear(); // needed because we will modify cur_arg_ if(argN<1 || argN > self.num_args_) { if( self.exceptions() & io::out_of_range_bit ) boost::throw_exception(io::out_of_range(argN, 1, self.num_args_+1 ) ); else return self; } if(self.bound_.size()==0) self.bound_.assign(self.num_args_,false); else BOOST_ASSERT( self.num_args_ == static_cast
(self.bound_.size()) ); int o_cur_arg = self.cur_arg_; self.cur_arg_ = argN-1; // arrays begin at 0 self.bound_[self.cur_arg_]=false; // if already set, we unset and re-sets.. self.operator%(val); // put val at the right place, because cur_arg is set // Now re-position cur_arg before leaving : self.cur_arg_ = o_cur_arg; self.bound_[argN-1]=true; if(self.cur_arg_ == argN-1 ) { // hum, now this arg is bound, so move to next free arg while(self.cur_arg_ < self.num_args_ && self.bound_[self.cur_arg_]) ++self.cur_arg_; } // In any case, we either have all args, or are on a non-binded arg : BOOST_ASSERT( self.cur_arg_ >= self.num_args_ || ! self.bound_[self.cur_arg_]); return self; } template
& modify_item_body (basic_format
& self, int itemN, T manipulator) { // applies a manipulator to the format_item describing a given directive. // this is a permanent change, clear or reset won't cancel that. if(itemN<1 || itemN > static_cast
(self.items_.size() )) { if( self.exceptions() & io::out_of_range_bit ) boost::throw_exception(io::out_of_range(itemN, 1, static_cast
(self.items_.size()) )); else return self; } self.items_[itemN-1].fmtstate_. template apply_manip
( manipulator ); return self; } } // namespace detail } // namespace io } // namespace boost #endif // BOOST_FORMAT_IMPLEMENTATION_HPP
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