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#ifdef _MSC_VER #pragma warning(disable:4996) // Disabling stupid .NET deprecated warning. #endif #include
#include "NXU_SchemaStream.h" #include "NXU_schema.h" #include "NXU_File.h" #include "NXU_string.h" #include "NXU_Asc2Bin.h" namespace NXU { #define DEBUG_WARNING 0 bool gSaveDefaults=true; static char filterString[2048]; static bool isSep(unsigned char c) { bool ret = false; if ( c < 32 || c >= 126 || c == '%' || c == 34 || c == 39 ) ret = true; return ret; } static bool isSep(const char *c) { bool ret = false; while ( *c ) { if ( isSep( (unsigned char) *c++ ) ) { ret = true; break; } } return ret; } static char hex(char c) { if ( c < 10 ) c = '0'+c; else c = 'A'+(c-10); return c; } static const char *filterOutputString(const char *str) { const char *ret = str; if ( isSep(str) ) { int len = (int)strlen(str); if ( len < 1024 ) { char *dest = filterString; while ( *str ) { char c = *str++; if ( isSep((unsigned char)c) ) { *dest++ = '%'; *dest++ = hex(c>>4); *dest++ = hex(c&15); } else { *dest++ = c; } } *dest = 0; ret = filterString; } } return ret; } static bool isHex(char c) { bool ret = false; if ( c >= '0' && c <= '9' ) ret = true; else if ( c >= 'a' && c <= 'f' ) ret = true; else if ( c >= 'A' && c <= 'F' ) ret = true; return ret; } static char getHex(char c) { char ret = 0; if ( c >= '0' && c <= '9' ) ret = c-'0'; else if ( c >= 'a' && c <= 'f' ) ret = (c-'a')+10; else if ( c >= 'A' && c <= 'F' ) ret = (c-'A')+10; return ret; } static const char *filterInputString(const char *str) { const char *ret = str; if ( strchr(str,'%') ) { int len = (int)strlen(str); if ( len < 1024 ) { char *dest = filterString; while ( *str ) { char c = *str++; if ( c == '%' ) { char n = *str++; if ( isHex(n) ) { char n2 = *str++; if ( isHex(n2) ) { c = (getHex(n)<<4)|getHex(n2); *dest++ = c; } else { *dest++ = '%'; *dest++ = n; *dest++ = n2; } } else { *dest++ = '%'; *dest++ = n; } } else { *dest++ = c; } } *dest = 0; ret = filterString; } } return ret; } static TiXmlNode *getElement(const char *name, const char *id,TiXmlNode *node_begin) { assert(name); if (name == 0) { return 0; } TiXmlNode *ret = 0; TiXmlNode *node = node_begin->FirstChild(); while (node && !ret) { if (node->Type() == TiXmlNode::ELEMENT) { if (_stricmp(node->Value(), name) == 0) { if (id) { TiXmlElement *element = node->ToElement(); TiXmlAttribute *atr = element->FirstAttribute(); if (atr) { // const char *aname = atr->Name(); const char *avalue = atr->Value(); if (_stricmp(avalue, id) == 0) { ret = node; break; } } } else { ret = node; break; } } } //if (node->NoChildren()) //{ assert(node); while (node->NextSibling() == NULL && node != node_begin ) { node = node->Parent(); } if (node == node_begin) { break; } assert(node); node = node->NextSibling(); //} //else //{ // assert(node); // node = node->FirstChild(); //} } return ret; } static const char *getElementText(const char *name,bool &foundNode,TiXmlNode *begin_node) { const char *ret = 0; TiXmlNode *node = getElement(name,0,begin_node); if (node) { foundNode = true; TiXmlNode *child = node->FirstChild(); if (child && child->Type() == TiXmlNode::TEXT) { ret = child->Value(); } } else { foundNode = false; } return ret; } class SchemaClass { public: SchemaClass(SCHEMA_CLASS ctype,TiXmlNode *node,int depth,SchemaClass *parent,int index,int lineno) { mClassType = ctype; mNode = node; mDepth = depth; mCurrent = node; mClassName = EnumToString(mClassType); mParent = parent; mIndex = index; mPrevious = 0; mNext = 0; mLineNo = lineno; } void setPrevious(SchemaClass *prev) { mPrevious = prev; } void setNext(SchemaClass *next) { mNext = next; } const char * locateAttribute(const char *txt) { const char *ret = 0; TiXmlElement *e = mNode->ToElement(); if ( e ) { TiXmlAttribute *atr = e->FirstAttribute(); while (atr) { const char *aname = atr->Name(); const char *avalue = atr->Value(); if ( strcmp(txt,aname) == 0 ) { ret = avalue; break; } atr = atr->Next(); } } return ret; } const char * locate(const char *txt) { bool ignore = false; const char *ret = locateAttribute(txt); if ( !ret ) { bool foundNode; ret = getElementText(txt,foundNode,mNode); if ( !foundNode) { if ( !ignore ) { #if DEBUG_WARNING reportWarning("Failed to locate item node(%-30s) '%s'",mNode->Value(), txt ); #endif } } } return ret; } int getLineNo(void) const { return mLineNo; }; int mLineNo; // the line number in the original XML file where this was found. int mDepth; TiXmlNode *mNode; TiXmlNode *mCurrent; // current scan location. SCHEMA_CLASS mClassType; // the class type. const char * mClassName; SchemaClass *mParent; int mIndex; SchemaClass *mNext; // next one of this type. SchemaClass *mPrevious; // previous one of this type. }; typedef NxArray< SchemaClass * > SchemaClassVector; class SchemaStack { public: int mCurrent; SchemaClass *mSearch; }; class SchemaXML { public: SchemaXML(const char *fname,void *mem,int len,SchemaStream *ss) { mStream = ss; mDocument = new TiXmlDocument; mSearch = 0; mIsValid = false; #if DEBUG_WARNING mFph = fopen("schemalog.txt", "wb"); #endif for (int i=0; i
LoadFile(fname,mem,len)) { mNode = mDocument; preParse(mNode); } else { reportError("Error parsing file '%s' as XML", fname); reportError("XML parse error(%d) on Row: %d Column: %d", mDocument->ErrorId(), mDocument->ErrorRow(), mDocument->ErrorCol()); reportError("XML error description: \"%s\"", mDocument->ErrorDesc()); delete mDocument; mDocument = 0; mNode = 0; } mStackPtr = 0; } ~SchemaXML(void) { #if DEBUG_WARNING if ( mFph ) fclose(mFph); #endif delete mDocument; for (unsigned int i=0; i
mClassType; #if DEBUG_WARNING reportWarning("ISCLASS: %-30s Node:%-30s Last: %-30s Type: %s", EnumToString( (SCHEMA_CLASS) t), node->Value(), EnumToString( sc ), str ); #endif } else { SCHEMA_CLASS sc = SC_LAST; if ( last ) sc = last->mClassType; #if DEBUG_WARNING reportWarning("NOCLASS: %-30s Node:%-30s Last: %-30s Type: %s", "", node->Value(), EnumToString( sc ), str ); #endif } return ret; } SchemaClass * findParent(int depth) { SchemaClass *ret = 0; int match = depth-1; // if ( match >= 0 ) { int count = mClasses.size(); for (int i=count-1; i>=0; i--) { SchemaClass *c = mClasses[i]; if ( c->mDepth <= match ) { ret = c; break; } } } return ret; } void preParse(TiXmlNode *begin) { TiXmlNode *node = begin; int depth = 0; SchemaClass *nodes[SC_LAST]; for (int i=0; i
Type() == TiXmlNode::ELEMENT ) { SchemaClass *last = findParent(depth); const char *parent = ""; if ( last ) parent = last->mClassName; if (isClass(node->Value(), t, last, node) ) { if ( t == SC_NXUSTREAM2 ) mIsValid = true; int index = mClasses.size(); SchemaClass *sc = new SchemaClass(t,node,depth,last,index, node->Row() ); if ( mSearchLocations[t] == 0 ) { mSearchLocations[t] = sc; } SchemaClass *prev = nodes[t]; if ( prev ) { prev->setNext(sc); } sc->setPrevious(prev); nodes[t] = sc; #if DEBUG_WARNING if ( mFph ) fprintf(mFph,"%d) source(%s) is of type (%s) Depth(%d) Parent(%s) \r\n", mClasses.size(), node->Value(), sc->mClassName, depth, parent ); #endif mClasses.push_back(sc); } else { #if DEBUG_WARNING if ( mFph ) { fprintf(mFph," ## %s does not map to a known major class type depth(%d) parent(%s).\r\n", node->Value(), depth, parent ); } #endif } } if (node->NoChildren()) { while (node->NextSibling() == NULL && node != mDocument) { depth--; node = node->Parent(); } if (node == mDocument) { break; } assert(node); node = node->NextSibling(); } else { depth++; node = node->FirstChild(); } } } bool beginHeader(NxI32 headerId,const char *parent) { bool ret = false; SCHEMA_CLASS c = (SCHEMA_CLASS) headerId; bool nextOk = true; SchemaClass *sc = mSearchLocations[c]; if ( sc ) { // int lineno = sc->getLineNo(); if (mSearch && mSearch != sc->mParent) return false; //{ // if (sc->mParent == mSearch) // // Find the first opening tag outside the current scope // SchemaClass *currentParent = mSearch; // while (currentParent->mNode->NextSibling() == 0 && currentParent->mParent != 0) // currentParent = currentParent->mParent; // if (currentParent->mNode->NextSibling() != 0) // { // if (sc->mLineNo >= currentParent->mNode->NextSibling()->Row() || sc->mLineNo <= mSearch->mLineNo) // return false; // } //} ret = true; // bool ok = true; if ( parent ) { const char *id = sc->locateAttribute("id"); if ( id ) { const char *v = getElement(parent); const char *idp = getElement(id); if ( _stricmp(idp,v) != 0 ) { ret = false; } } else { ret = true; // reportWarning("unable to find 'id' for '%s' of '%s'\r\n", parent, sc->mNode->Value() ); } } if ( ret ) { if ( mStackPtr < 64 ) { mStack[mStackPtr] = mSearch; mStackPtr++; } mSearch = sc; if ( nextOk ) mSearchLocations[c] = sc->mNext; } } return ret; } bool endHeader(void) { bool ret = false; if ( mStackPtr ) { mStackPtr--; mSearch = mStack[mStackPtr]; ret = true; } return ret; } NxI32 peekHeader(NxI32 or0, NxI32 or1, NxI32 or2, NxI32 or3, NxI32 or4, NxI32 or5, NxI32 or6, NxI32 or7, NxI32 or8, NxI32 or9, NxI32 or10) { NxI32 peekId = -1; int scan[11]; scan[0] = or0; scan[1] = or1; scan[2] = or2; scan[3] = or3; scan[4] = or4; scan[5] = or5; scan[6] = or6; scan[7] = or7; scan[8] = or8; scan[9] = or9; scan[10] = or10; if ( peekId == -1 ) { int nearest = 999999; for (int i=0; i<11; i++) { NxI32 header = scan[i]; if ( header < 0) break; if ( header >= 0 && header < SC_LAST ) { //SCHEMA_CLASS ctype = (SCHEMA_CLASS) header; SchemaClass *sc = mSearchLocations[header]; if ( sc ) { SchemaClass *parent = sc->mParent; if ( parent == mSearch ) { if ( sc->mIndex < nearest ) { nearest = sc->mIndex; peekId = header; } } } } } } return peekId; } void load(NX_BOOL &v,const char *name,bool attribute) { if ( mSearch ) { const char *txt = mSearch->locate(name); if ( txt ) { if ( _stricmp(txt,"true") == 0 || _stricmp(txt,"1") == 0 ) v = true; else v = false; } } } void load(NxU16 &v,const char *name,bool attribute) { if ( mSearch ) { const char *txt = mSearch->locate(name); if ( txt ) { v = (NxU16) strtol(txt, FL_UNSIGNED); } } } void load(NxU32 &v,const char *name,bool attribute) { if ( mSearch ) { const char *txt = mSearch->locate(name); if ( txt ) { v = (NxU32) strtol(txt, FL_UNSIGNED); } } } void load(NxF32 &v,const char *name,bool attribute) { if ( mSearch ) { const char *txt = 0; txt = mSearch->locate(name); if ( txt ) { Asc2Bin(txt,1,"f",&v); } } } void load(const char *&v,const char *name,bool attribute) { if ( mSearch ) { const char *txt = 0; bool isActorLookup = false; bool isConvexLookup = false; bool isMeshLookup = false; bool isClothLookup = false; if ( !txt ) { txt = mSearch->locate(name); } if ( txt ) { if ( isActorLookup || isConvexLookup || isMeshLookup || isClothLookup ) { int no = strtol(txt, FL_UNSIGNED); if ( isActorLookup ) v = actorLookup(no); else if ( isConvexLookup ) v = convexLookup(no); else if ( isMeshLookup ) v = meshLookup(no); else if ( isClothLookup ) v = clothLookup(no); } else { txt = filterInputString(txt); v = getGlobalString(txt); } } } } const char *convexLookup(int index) { const char *ret = 0; if ( mStream->getCurrentCollection() ) { int count = mStream->getCurrentCollection()->mConvexMeshes.size(); if ( index >= 0 && index < count ) { NxConvexMeshDesc *cm = mStream->getCurrentCollection()->mConvexMeshes[index]; ret = cm->mId; } } return ret; } const char *meshLookup(int index) { const char *ret = 0; if ( mStream->getCurrentCollection() ) { int count = mStream->getCurrentCollection()->mTriangleMeshes.size(); if ( index >= 0 && index < count ) { NxTriangleMeshDesc *cm = mStream->getCurrentCollection()->mTriangleMeshes[index]; ret = cm->mId; } } return ret; } const char *clothLookup(int index) { const char *ret = 0; if ( mStream->getCurrentCollection() ) { int count = mStream->getCurrentCollection()->mClothMeshes.size(); if ( index >= 0 && index < count ) { NxClothMeshDesc *cm = mStream->getCurrentCollection()->mClothMeshes[index]; ret = cm->mId; } } return ret; } const char * actorLookup(int index) { const char *ret = 0; if ( mStream->getCurrentScene() ) { int count = mStream->getCurrentScene()->mActors.size(); if ( index >= 0 && index < count ) { ret = mStream->getCurrentScene()->mActors[index]->mId; } else { if ( index != -1 ) assert(0); } } return ret; } void load(NxArray< NxF32 > &v,const char *name,bool attribute) { if ( mSearch ) { const char *txt = mSearch->locate(name); if ( txt ) { int count=0; void *mem = Asc2Bin(txt,count,"f"); if ( mem ) { float *source = (float *)mem; for (int i=0; i
&v,const char *name,bool attribute) { if ( mSearch ) { const char *txt = mSearch->locate(name); if ( txt ) { int count=0; void *mem = Asc2Bin(txt,count,"d"); if ( mem ) { NxU32 *source = (NxU32 *)mem; for (int i=0; i
&v,const char *name,bool attribute) { if ( mSearch ) { const char *txt = mSearch->locate(name); if ( txt ) { int count=0; void *mem = Asc2Bin(txt,count,"h"); if ( mem ) { NxU16 *source = (NxU16 *)mem; for (int i=0; i
&v,const char *name,bool attribute) { if ( mSearch ) { const char *txt = mSearch->locate(name); if ( txt ) { int count=0; void *mem = Asc2Bin(txt,count,"x1"); if ( mem ) { NxU8 *source = (NxU8 *)mem; for (int i=0; i
locate(name); if ( txt ) { Asc2Bin(txt,1,"fff",&v.x); } } } void load(NxQuat &v,const char *name,bool attribute) { if ( mSearch ) { const char *txt = mSearch->locate(name); if ( txt ) { NxF32 quat[4]; void *mem = Asc2Bin(txt,1,"ffff",quat); if ( mem ) { v.setXYZW(quat); } } } } void load(NxMat34 &v,const char *name,bool attribute) { if ( mSearch ) { const char *txt = mSearch->locate(name); if ( txt ) { float matrix[12]; void *mem = Asc2Bin(txt,1,"fff fff fff fff",matrix); if ( mem ) { v.M.setRowMajor(matrix); v.t.x = matrix[9]; v.t.y = matrix[10]; v.t.z = matrix[11]; } } } } void load(NxMat33 &v,const char *name,bool attribute) { if ( mSearch ) { const char *txt = mSearch->locate(name); if ( txt ) { float matrix[9]; void *mem = Asc2Bin(txt,1,"fff fff fff",matrix); if ( mem ) { v.setRowMajor(matrix); } } } } void load(NxArray< NxVec3 > &v,const char *name,bool attribute) { if ( mSearch ) { const char *txt = mSearch->locate(name); if ( txt ) { int count=0; void *mem = Asc2Bin(txt,count,"fff"); if ( mem ) { float *source = (float *)mem; for (int i=0; i
&v,const char *name,bool attribute) { if ( mSearch ) { const char *txt = mSearch->locate(name); if ( txt ) { int count=0; void *mem = Asc2Bin(txt,count,"ddd"); if ( mem ) { NxU32 *source = (NxU32 *)mem; for (int i=0; i
&v,const char *name,bool attribute) { if ( mSearch ) { const char *txt = mSearch->locate(name); if ( txt ) { int count=0; void *mem = Asc2Bin(txt,count,"dddd"); if ( mem ) { NxU32 *source = (NxU32 *)mem; for (int i=0; i
locate(name); if ( txt ) { float bounds[6]; void *mem = Asc2Bin(txt,2,"fff",bounds); if ( mem ) { v.min.set(bounds); v.max.set(&bounds[3]); } } } } void load(NxPlane &v,const char *name,bool attribute) { if ( mSearch ) { const char *txt = mSearch->locate(name); if ( txt ) { NxF32 plane[4]; void *mem = Asc2Bin(txt,1,"fff f",plane); if ( mem ) { v.set(plane[0], plane[1], plane[2], plane[3]); } } } } TiXmlDocument *mDocument; TiXmlNode *mNode; SchemaClass *mSearch; bool mIsValid; SchemaClass *mSearchLocations[SC_LAST]; SchemaClassVector mClasses; #if DEBUG_WARNING FILE *mFph; #endif SchemaClass *mStack[64]; int mStackPtr; SchemaStream *mStream; // parent stream. }; static bool isUpper(const char c) { bool ret = false; if ( c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z' ) ret = true; return ret; } const char *getElement(const char *name) { const char *ret = name; if ( name && name[0] == 'm' && isUpper(name[1]) ) { static char data[64 *32]; static int index = 0; char *store = &data[index *64]; index++; if (index == 32) { index = 0; } if ( isUpper(name[2]) ) // don't lower case the first letter if the next letter is also upper case! store[0] = name[1]; else store[0] = name[1]+32; // convert it to lower case. const char *source = &name[2]; char *dest = &store[1]; while ( *source ) { *dest++ = *source++; } *dest = 0; ret = store; } return ret; } static const char *fstring(NxF32 v, bool binary = false) { static char data[64 *16]; static int index = 0; char *ret = &data[index *64]; index++; if (index == 16) { index = 0; } if (v == FLT_MAX) { strcpy(ret, "FLT_MAX"); } else if (v == -FLT_MAX) { strcpy(ret, "FLT_MIN"); } else if (v == 1) { strcpy(ret, "1"); } else if (v == 0) { strcpy(ret, "0"); } else if (v == - 1) { strcpy(ret, "-1"); } else { if (binary) { unsigned int *iv = (unsigned int*) &v; sprintf(ret, "%.4f$%x", v, *iv); } else { sprintf(ret, "%.9f", v); const char *dot = strstr(ret, "."); if (dot) { int len = (int)strlen(ret); char *foo = &ret[len - 1]; while (*foo == '0') { foo--; } if (*foo == '.') { *foo = 0; } else { foo[1] = 0; } } } } return ret; } class SchemaBlock { public: SchemaBlock(const char *header,SchemaStream *f,int depth) { mName = header; mFph = f; mDepth = depth; mFlushed = false; indent(true,mDepth); add(true,"<%s",header); } ~SchemaBlock(void) { if ( mFph ) { if ( mFlushed ) { assert( mHeader.size() == 0 ); if ( mBody.size() ) { mFph->write(&mBody[0], mBody.size() ); } for (int i=0; i
myprintf(" "); } mFph->myprintf("%s>\r\n", mName ); } else { mFph->write(&mHeader[0], mHeader.size() ); if ( mBody.size() ) { mFph->myprintf(">\r\n"); mFph->write(&mBody[0], mBody.size()); for (int i=0; i
myprintf(" "); } mFph->myprintf("%s>\r\n", mName ); } else { mFph->myprintf("/>\r\n"); } } } } void flush(void) { if ( mHeader.size() ) { mFph->write(&mHeader[0], mHeader.size()); mFph->myprintf(">\r\n"); mHeader.clear(); } if ( mBody.size() ) { mFph->write(&mBody[0], mBody.size() ); mBody.clear(); } mFlushed = true; // if it was flushed already... } void store(NX_BOOL v,const char *name,bool attribute) { if ( mFlushed ) assert( attribute == false ); // can't write new attributes after the header has been flushed! const char *tf = "false"; if ( v ) tf = "true"; if ( attribute ) add(true," %s=\"%s\"", name, tf ); else { indent(false,mDepth+1); add(false,"<%s>%s%s>\r\n", name, tf, name ); } } void store(NxU32 v,const char *name,bool attribute) { if ( mFlushed ) assert( attribute == false ); // can't write new attributes after the header has been flushed! if ( attribute ) add(true," %s=\"%u\"", name, v ); else { indent(false,mDepth+1); add(false,"<%s>%u%s>\r\n", name, v, name ); } } void store(NxU16 v,const char *name,bool attribute) { if ( mFlushed ) assert( attribute == false ); // can't write new attributes after the header has been flushed! if ( attribute ) add(true," %s=\"%u\"", name, v ); else { indent(false,mDepth+1); add(false,"<%s>%u%s>\r\n", name, v, name ); } } void store(NxF32 v,const char *name,bool attribute) { if ( mFlushed ) assert( attribute == false ); // can't write new attributes after the header has been flushed! if ( attribute ) add(true," %s=\"%s\"", name, fstring(v) ); else { indent(false,mDepth+1); add(false,"<%s>%s%s>\r\n", name, fstring(v), name ); } } void store(const char *_v,const char *name,bool attribute) { const char *v = _v; if ( _v == 0 ) v = ""; v = filterOutputString(v); if ( mFlushed ) assert( attribute == false ); // can't write new attributes after the header has been flushed! if ( attribute ) add(true," %s=\"%s\"", name, v ); else { indent(false,mDepth+1); add(false,"<%s>%s%s>\r\n", name, v, name ); } } void store(NxArray< NxF32 > &v,const char *name,bool attribute) { assert(attribute == false); indent(false,mDepth+1); add(false,"<%s>", name ); bool lastReturn = false; int returnCount = 0; for (NxU32 i=0; i
\r\n", name ); } void store(NxArray< NxU32 > &v,const char *name,bool attribute) { assert(attribute == false); indent(false,mDepth+1); add(false,"<%s>", name ); bool lastReturn = false; int returnCount = 0; for (NxU32 i=0; i
\r\n", name ); } void store(NxArray< NxU8 > &v,const char *name,bool attribute) { assert( attribute == false ); indent(false,mDepth+1); add(false,"<%s>", name ); bool lastReturn = false; int returnCount = 0; for (NxU32 i=0; i
\r\n", name ); } void store(NxArray< NxU16 > &v,const char *name,bool attribute) { assert( attribute == false ); indent(false,mDepth+1); add(false,"<%s>", name ); bool lastReturn = false; int returnCount = 0; for (NxU32 i=0; i
\r\n", name ); } void store(NxVec3 &v,const char *name,bool attribute) { if ( mFlushed ) assert( attribute == false ); // can't write new attributes after the header has been flushed! if ( attribute ) add(true," %s=\"%s %s %s\"", name, fstring(v.x), fstring(v.y), fstring(v.z) ); else { indent(false,mDepth+1); add(false,"<%s>%s %s %s%s>\r\n", name, fstring(v.x), fstring(v.y), fstring(v.z), name ); } } void store(NxQuat &v,const char *name,bool attribute) { if ( mFlushed ) assert( attribute == false ); // can't write new attributes after the header has been flushed! float q[4]; v.getXYZW(q); if ( attribute ) add(true," %s=\"%s %s %s %s\"", name, fstring(q[0]), fstring(q[1]), fstring(q[2]), fstring(q[3]) ); else { indent(false,mDepth+1); add(false,"<%s>%s %s %s %s%s>\r\n", name, fstring(q[0]), fstring(q[1]), fstring(q[2]), fstring(q[3]), name ); } } void store(NxMat34 &v,const char *name,bool attribute) { assert( attribute == false ); float f[9]; v.M.getRowMajor(f); indent(false,mDepth+1); add(false,"<%s>%s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s%s>\r\n", name, fstring(f[0]),fstring(f[1]),fstring(f[2]), fstring(f[3]),fstring(f[4]),fstring(f[5]), fstring(f[6]),fstring(f[7]),fstring(f[8]), fstring(v.t.x),fstring(v.t.y),fstring(v.t.z), name ); } void store(NxMat33 &v,const char *name,bool attribute) { assert( attribute == false ); float f[9]; v.getRowMajor(f); indent(false,mDepth+1); add(false,"<%s>%s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s%s>\r\n", name, fstring(f[0]),fstring(f[1]),fstring(f[2]), fstring(f[3]),fstring(f[4]),fstring(f[5]), fstring(f[6]),fstring(f[7]),fstring(f[8]), name ); } void store(NxBounds3 &v,const char *name,bool attribute) { assert( attribute == false ); indent(false,mDepth+1); add(false,"<%s>%s %s %s %s %s %s%s>\r\n", name, fstring(v.min.x),fstring(v.min.y),fstring(v.min.z), fstring(v.max.x),fstring(v.max.y),fstring(v.max.z), name); } void store(NxPlane &v,const char *name,bool attribute) { if ( mFlushed ) assert( attribute == false ); // can't write new attributes after the header has been flushed! if ( attribute ) add(true," %s=\"%s %s %s %s\"", name, fstring(v.normal.x), fstring(v.normal.y), fstring(v.normal.z), fstring(v.d) ); else { indent(false,mDepth+1); add(false,"<%s>%s %s %s %s%s>\r\n", name, fstring(v.normal.x),fstring(v.normal.y),fstring(v.normal.z),fstring(v.d), name); } } void store(NxArray< NxVec3 > &v,const char *name,bool attribute) { assert( attribute == false ); indent(false,mDepth+1); add(false,"<%s>", name ); bool lastReturn = false; int returnCount = 0; for (NxU32 i=0; i
\r\n", name ); } void store(NxArray< NxTri > &v,const char *name,bool attribute) { assert( attribute == false ); indent(false,mDepth+1); add(false,"<%s>", name ); bool lastReturn = false; int returnCount = 0; for (NxU32 i=0; i
\r\n", name ); } void store(NxArray< NxTetra > &v,const char *name,bool attribute) { assert( attribute == false ); indent(false,mDepth+1); add(false,"<%s>", name ); bool lastReturn = false; int returnCount = 0; for (NxU32 i=0; i
\r\n", name ); } void add(bool header,const char *fmt,...) { char wbuff[2048]; va_list ap; va_start(ap, fmt); vsprintf(wbuff, fmt, ap); va_end(ap); char *scan = wbuff; while ( *scan ) { if ( header ) mHeader.push_back(*scan); else mBody.push_back(*scan); scan++; } } void indent(bool header,int depth) { for (int i=0; i
mHeader; NxArray< char > mBody; int mDepth; bool mFlushed; }; SchemaStream::SchemaStream(const char *fname, bool isBinary, const char *spec, // "wb" "rb" or "wmem" void *mem, int len) { mCurrentCollection = 0; mCurrentScene = 0; mCurrentActor = 0; mCurrentJoint = 0; mCurrentShape = 0; mCurrentCloth = 0; mCurrentFluid = 0; mBinary = isBinary; mCurrentBlock = 0; mStackPtr = 0; mFph = 0; mSchemaXML = 0; mReadMode = false; mIsValid = false; mHeaderStackPtr = 0; mFlipEndian = false; if ( _stricmp(spec,"rb") == 0 ) { mReadMode = true; if ( isBinary ) { mFph = nxu_fopen(fname,spec,mem,len); if ( mFph ) { char stream[11] = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }; NxU32 sdk = 0; NxU32 uv = 0; NxU8 loadEndian=0; read(stream,10); read(loadEndian); NxU8 pe = (NxU8) gProcessorBigEndian; if ( loadEndian != pe ) mFlipEndian = true; else mFlipEndian = false; read(sdk); read(uv); bool ok = true; if ( strcmp(stream,"NXUSTREAM") != 0 ) { ok = false; reportError("File %s is not a valid binary NxuStream file, missing header", fname ); } if ( ok && sdk != NX_SDK_VERSION_NUMBER ) { ok = false; reportError("This binary file %s was saved out with a different version of the SDK. Saved with SDK%d but running SDK%d", fname, sdk, NX_SDK_VERSION_NUMBER ); } if ( ok && uv != NXUSTREAM_VERSION ) { ok = false; reportError("Even though the file %s was saved with the same SDK version, the version format has changed from %d to %d",fname,uv,NXUSTREAM_VERSION); } if ( ok ) { mIsValid = true; if ( !beginHeader(SC_NXUSTREAM2) ) { invalidate("Did not encoutner the expected header"); } } else { invalidate("Invalid NxuStream file header"); } } else { reportError("Failed to open binary file '%s' for read access.", fname ); } } else { mSchemaXML = new SchemaXML(fname,mem,len,this); if ( !mSchemaXML->mDocument ) { delete mSchemaXML; mSchemaXML = 0; } else if ( mSchemaXML->mIsValid ) { mIsValid = true; } else { reportError("Valid XML file but does not appear to contain any NXUSTREAM data."); delete mSchemaXML; mSchemaXML = 0; } } } else { mFph = nxu_fopen(fname,spec,mem,len); if ( mFph ) { if ( mBinary ) { mIsValid = true; NxU32 sdk = NX_SDK_VERSION_NUMBER; NxU32 uv = NXUSTREAM_VERSION; NxU8 endian = gSaveBigEndian; if ( gSaveBigEndian != gProcessorBigEndian ) mFlipEndian = true; else mFlipEndian = false; write("NXUSTREAM",10); write(endian); write(sdk); write(uv); } else { mIsValid = true; //printf("\r\n"); } beginHeader(SC_NXUSTREAM2); } else { invalidate("Failed to open file '%s' for write access", fname ); } } } void SchemaStream::endFlush(void) { if ( mReadMode ) { } else { endHeader(); if ( mBinary ) { beginHeader(SC_LAST); // pad the EOF with a null header. endHeader(); } for (NxU32 i=0; i
beginHeader(headerId,parent); } } else { if ( mBinary ) { NxU32 loc = (NxU32)ftell(); pushLast(loc); SchemaHeader h; h.mType =headerId; write(h.mId1); write(h.mType); write(h.mLen); write(h.mId2); } else { if ( mCurrentBlock ) mCurrentBlock->flush(); // flush the parent.. not attributes after this though! const char *str = EnumToString( (SCHEMA_CLASS) headerId ); // convert it into a string for XML layout str+=3; assert(str); mCurrentBlock = new SchemaBlock(str,this,mBlocks.size()+1); mBlocks.push_back(mCurrentBlock); } } } if ( !isValid() ) ok = false; if (!ok) { #if DEBUG_WARNING reportWarning("Failed to begin header(%-30s) (%s)", EnumToString( (SCHEMA_CLASS)headerId), parent ); #endif } return ok; } void SchemaStream::endHeader(void) { if ( isValid() ) { if ( mReadMode ) { if ( mBinary ) { if ( mHeaderStackPtr ) { mHeaderStackPtr--; mCurrentHeader = mHeaderStack[mHeaderStackPtr]; } } else if ( mSchemaXML ) { mSchemaXML->endHeader(); } } else { if ( mBinary ) { closeLast(); } else { if ( mBlocks.size() ) { SchemaBlock* sb = mBlocks.back(); delete sb; mBlocks.popBack(); } if ( mBlocks.size() ) mCurrentBlock = mBlocks.back(); else mCurrentBlock = 0; } } } } void SchemaStream::writeMem(const void *mem,NxU32 size) { if ( mFph && size ) { int count = nxu_fwrite(mem,size,1,mFph); if ( count == 0 ) { invalidate("Write failure saving NxuStream data"); } } } void SchemaStream::readMem(void *mem,NxU32 size) { assert( size ); if ( mFph && size) { int count = nxu_fread(mem,size,1,mFph); if ( count == 0 ) { invalidate("Read failure loading NxuStream file."); } } } void SchemaStream::store(NX_BOOL v,const char *name,bool attribute) { name = getElement(name); if ( isValid() ) { if ( mCurrentBlock ) mCurrentBlock->store(v,name,attribute); else if ( mBinary ) write(v); } } void SchemaStream::store(NxU32 v,const char *name,bool attribute) { name = getElement(name); if ( isValid() ) { if ( mCurrentBlock ) mCurrentBlock->store(v,name,attribute); else if ( mBinary ) write(v); } } void SchemaStream::store(NxF32 v,const char *name,bool attribute) { name = getElement(name); if ( isValid() ) { if ( mCurrentBlock ) mCurrentBlock->store(v,name,attribute); else if ( mBinary ) write(v); } } void SchemaStream::store(const char *v,const char *name,bool attribute) { name = getElement(name); if ( isValid() ) { if ( mCurrentBlock ) mCurrentBlock->store(v,name,attribute); else if ( mBinary ) { NxU32 len = 0; if ( v ) { len = (NxU32)strlen(v); assert( len < 1024 ); if ( len >= 1024 ) { len = 0; } } write(len); if ( v && len ) { write(v,len+1); } } } } void SchemaStream::store(NxArray< NxF32 > &v,const char *name,bool attribute) { name = getElement(name); if ( isValid() ) { if ( mCurrentBlock ) mCurrentBlock->store(v,name,attribute); else if ( mBinary ) { NxU32 count = v.size(); write(count); if ( count ) { write(&v[0], count ); } } } } void SchemaStream::store(NxArray< NxU32 > &v,const char *name,bool attribute) { name = getElement(name); if ( isValid() ) { if ( mCurrentBlock ) mCurrentBlock->store(v,name,attribute); else if ( mBinary ) { NxU32 count = v.size(); write(count); if ( count ) { write(&v[0], count ); } } } } void SchemaStream::store(NxArray< NxU8 > &v,const char *name,bool attribute) { name = getElement(name); if ( isValid() ) { if ( mCurrentBlock ) mCurrentBlock->store(v,name,attribute); else if ( mBinary ) { NxU32 count = v.size(); write(count); if ( count ) { write(&v[0], count ); } } } } void SchemaStream::store(NxArray< NxU16 > &v,const char *name,bool attribute) { name = getElement(name); if ( isValid() ) { if ( mCurrentBlock ) mCurrentBlock->store(v,name,attribute); else if ( mBinary ) { NxU32 count = v.size(); write(count); if ( count ) { write(&v[0], count ); } } } } void SchemaStream::store(NxVec3 &v,const char *name,bool attribute) { name = getElement(name); if ( isValid() ) { if ( mCurrentBlock ) mCurrentBlock->store(v,name,attribute); else if ( mBinary ) write(v); } } void SchemaStream::store(NxQuat &v,const char *name,bool attribute) { name = getElement(name); if ( isValid() ) { if ( mCurrentBlock ) mCurrentBlock->store(v,name,attribute); else if ( mBinary ) { NxF32 q[4]; v.getXYZW(q); write(q,4); } } } void SchemaStream::store(NxMat34 &v,const char *name,bool attribute) { name = getElement(name); if ( isValid() ) { if ( mCurrentBlock ) mCurrentBlock->store(v,name,attribute); else if ( mBinary ) { NxF32 matrix[16]; v.getRowMajor44(matrix); write(matrix,16); } } } void SchemaStream::store(NxArray< NxVec3 > &v,const char *name,bool attribute) { name = getElement(name); if ( isValid() ) { if ( mCurrentBlock ) mCurrentBlock->store(v,name,attribute); else if ( mBinary ) { NxU32 count = v.size(); write(count); if ( count ) { write(&v[0], count ); } } } } void SchemaStream::store(NxArray< NxTri > &v,const char *name,bool attribute) { name = getElement(name); if ( isValid() ) { if ( mCurrentBlock ) mCurrentBlock->store(v,name,attribute); else if ( mBinary ) { NxU32 count = v.size(); write(count); if ( count ) { write(&v[0], count ); } } } } void SchemaStream::store(NxBounds3 &v,const char *name,bool attribute) { name = getElement(name); if ( isValid() ) { if ( mCurrentBlock ) mCurrentBlock->store(v,name,attribute); else if ( mBinary ) { write(v.min.x); write(v.max.x); write(v.min.y); write(v.max.y); write(v.min.z); write(v.max.z); } } } void SchemaStream::store(NxPlane &v,const char *name,bool attribute) { name = getElement(name); if ( isValid() ) { if ( mCurrentBlock ) mCurrentBlock->store(v,name,attribute); else if ( mBinary ) { write(v.normal); write(v.d); } } } void * SchemaStream::getMemBuffer(int &outputLength) { void * ret = 0; outputLength = 0; if ( mFph ) { endFlush(); // flush out the end of the data. ret = nxu_getMemBuffer(mFph,outputLength); } return ret; } void SchemaStream::myprintf(const char *fmt,...) { char wbuff[2048]; va_list ap; va_start(ap, fmt); vsprintf(wbuff, fmt, ap); va_end(ap); NxU32 len = (NxU32)strlen(wbuff); if ( len ) { write(wbuff,len); } } void SchemaStream::store(NxU16 v,const char *name,bool attribute) { name = getElement(name); if ( mCurrentBlock ) mCurrentBlock->store(v,name,attribute); else write(v); } void SchemaStream::load(NX_BOOL &v,const char *name,bool attribute) { name = getElement(name); if ( isValid() ) { if ( mBinary ) { read(v); } else if ( mSchemaXML ) { mSchemaXML->load(v,name,attribute); } } } void SchemaStream::load(NxU16 &v,const char *name,bool attribute) { name = getElement(name); if ( isValid() ) { if ( mBinary ) { read(v); } else if ( mSchemaXML ) { mSchemaXML->load(v,name,attribute); } } } void SchemaStream::load(NxU32 &v,const char *name,bool attribute) { name = getElement(name); if ( isValid() ) { if ( mBinary ) { read(v); } else if ( mSchemaXML ) { mSchemaXML->load(v,name,attribute); } } } void SchemaStream::load(NxF32 &v,const char *name,bool attribute) { name = getElement(name); if ( isValid() && mBinary ) { read(v); } else if ( mSchemaXML ) { mSchemaXML->load(v,name,attribute); } } void SchemaStream::load(const char *&v,const char *name,bool attribute) { name = getElement(name); if ( isValid() ) { if ( mBinary ) { v = 0; NxU32 len = 0; read(len); assert(len<1024); if ( len >= 1024 ) len = 0; if ( len ) { char scratch[1024]; memset(scratch,0,len+1); read(scratch,len+1); v = getGlobalString(scratch); } } else if ( mSchemaXML ) { mSchemaXML->load(v,name,attribute); } } } void SchemaStream::load(NxArray< NxF32 > &v,const char *name,bool attribute) { name = getElement(name); if ( isValid() ) { if ( mBinary ) { NxU32 len = 0; read(len); if ( len && isValid() ) { v.resize(len); read(&v[0],len); if ( !isValid() ) { v.clear(); } } } else if ( mSchemaXML ) { mSchemaXML->load(v,name,attribute); } } } void SchemaStream::load(NxArray< NxU32 > &v,const char *name,bool attribute) { name = getElement(name); if ( isValid() ) { if ( mBinary ) { NxU32 len = 0; read(len); if ( len && isValid() ) { v.resize(len); read(&v[0],len); if ( !isValid() ) { v.clear(); } } } else if ( mSchemaXML ) { mSchemaXML->load(v,name,attribute); } } } void SchemaStream::load(NxArray< NxU16 > &v,const char *name,bool attribute) { name = getElement(name); if ( isValid() ) { if ( mBinary ) { NxU32 len = 0; read(len); if ( len && isValid() ) { v.resize(len); read(&v[0], len); if ( !isValid() ) { v.clear(); } } } else if ( mSchemaXML ) { mSchemaXML->load(v,name,attribute); } } } void SchemaStream::load(NxArray< NxU8 > &v,const char *name,bool attribute) { name = getElement(name); if ( isValid() ) { if ( mBinary ) { NxU32 len = 0; read(len); if ( len && isValid() ) { v.resize(len); read(&v[0], len ); if ( !isValid() ) { v.clear(); } } } else if ( mSchemaXML ) { mSchemaXML->load(v,name,attribute); } } } void SchemaStream::load(NxVec3 &v,const char *name,bool attribute) { name = getElement(name); if ( isValid() ) { if ( mBinary ) { read(v); } else if ( mSchemaXML ) { mSchemaXML->load(v,name,attribute); } } } void SchemaStream::load(NxQuat &v,const char *name,bool attribute) { name = getElement(name); if ( isValid() ) { if ( mBinary ) { NxF32 quat[4]; read(quat,4); if ( isValid() ) { v.setXYZW(quat); } } else if ( mSchemaXML ) { mSchemaXML->load(v,name,attribute); } } } void SchemaStream::load(NxMat34 &v,const char *name,bool attribute) { name = getElement(name); if ( isValid() ) { if ( mBinary ) { NxF32 matrix[16]; read(matrix,16); if ( isValid() ) { v.setRowMajor44(matrix); } } else if ( mSchemaXML ) { mSchemaXML->load(v,name,attribute); } } } void SchemaStream::load(NxArray< NxVec3 > &v,const char *name,bool attribute) { name = getElement(name); if ( isValid() ) { if ( mBinary ) { NxU32 len = 0; read(len); if ( len && isValid() ) { v.resize(len); read(&v[0],len); if ( !isValid() ) { v.clear(); } } } else if ( mSchemaXML ) { mSchemaXML->load(v,name,attribute); } } } void SchemaStream::load(NxArray< NxTri > &v,const char *name,bool attribute) { name = getElement(name); if ( isValid() ) { if ( mBinary ) { NxU32 len = 0; read(len); if ( len && isValid() ) { v.resize(len); read(&v[0],len); if ( !isValid() ) { v.clear(); } } } else if ( mSchemaXML ) { mSchemaXML->load(v,name,attribute); } } } void SchemaStream::load(NxBounds3 &v,const char *name,bool attribute) { name = getElement(name); if ( isValid() ) { if ( mBinary ) { read(v.min.x); read(v.max.x); read(v.min.y); read(v.max.y); read(v.min.z); read(v.max.z); } else if ( mSchemaXML ) { mSchemaXML->load(v,name,attribute); } } } void SchemaStream::load(NxPlane &v,const char *name,bool attribute) { name = getElement(name); if ( isValid() ) { if ( mBinary ) { read(v.normal); read(v.d); } else if ( mSchemaXML ) { mSchemaXML->load(v,name,attribute); } } } NxU32 SchemaStream::ftell(void) { NxU32 ret = 0; if ( mFph ) ret = nxu_ftell(mFph); return ret; } bool SchemaStream::peekHeader(NxI32 headerId, NxI32 *peek, NxI32 or1, NxI32 or2, NxI32 or3, NxI32 or4, NxI32 or5, NxI32 or6, NxI32 or7, NxI32 or8, NxI32 or9, NxI32 or10) { bool ret = false; if ( isValid() ) { if ( mBinary ) { NxU32 loc = (NxU32)ftell(); SchemaHeader h; peekRead(h.mId1); peekRead(h.mType); peekRead(h.mLen); peekRead(h.mId2); if ( isValid() && h.isValid() ) { if ( h.mType == headerId ) ret = true; else if ( h.mType == or1 ) ret = true; else if ( h.mType == or2 ) ret = true; else if ( h.mType == or3 ) ret = true; else if ( h.mType == or4 ) ret = true; else if ( h.mType == or5 ) ret = true; else if ( h.mType == or6 ) ret = true; else if ( h.mType == or7 ) ret = true; else if ( h.mType == or8 ) ret = true; else if ( h.mType == or9 ) ret = true; else if ( h.mType == or10 ) ret = true; if ( ret && peek ) *peek = h.mType; } if ( mFph ) nxu_fseek(mFph,loc,SEEK_SET); } else if ( mSchemaXML ) { NxI32 pno = mSchemaXML->peekHeader(headerId,or1,or2,or3,or4,or5,or6,or7,or8,or9,or10); if ( pno >= 0 ) { if ( peek ) *peek = pno; ret = true; } } } return ret; } bool SchemaHeader::isValid(void) { bool ret = false; if ( mId1 == HEADER1 && mId2 == HEADER2 && mType >= 0 && mType < SC_LAST ) { ret = true; } return ret; } void SchemaStream::invalidate(const char *fmt,...) { mIsValid = false; if ( mFph ) { nxu_fclose(mFph); mFph = 0; } char wbuff[2048]; va_list ap; va_start(ap, fmt); vsprintf(wbuff, fmt, ap); va_end(ap); reportError("%s", wbuff ); } void SchemaStream::setCurrentCollection(NxuPhysicsCollection *c) { mCurrentCollection = c; } void SchemaStream::setCurrentScene(NxSceneDesc *s) { mCurrentScene = s; } void SchemaStream::setCurrentJoint(NxJointDesc *j) { mCurrentJoint = j; }; void SchemaStream::setCurrentActor(NxActorDesc *a) { mCurrentActor = a; }; void SchemaStream::setCurrentShape(NxShapeDesc *s) { mCurrentShape = s; }; void SchemaStream::setCurrentFluid(NxFluidDesc *f) { mCurrentFluid = f; }; void SchemaStream::setCurrentCloth(NxClothDesc *c) { mCurrentCloth = c; }; NxSceneDesc *locateSceneDesc(NxuPhysicsCollection *c,const char *name,NxU32 &index) { NxSceneDesc *ret = 0; if ( name ) { for (unsigned int i=0; i
mScenes.size(); i++) { NxSceneDesc *s = c->mScenes[i]; if ( s->mId && strcmp(s->mId,name) == 0 ) { index = i; ret = s; break; } } } return ret; } NxConvexMeshDesc *locateConvexMeshDesc(NxuPhysicsCollection *c,const char *name) { NxConvexMeshDesc *ret = 0; for (unsigned int i=0; i
mConvexMeshes.size(); i++) { NxConvexMeshDesc *s = c->mConvexMeshes[i]; if ( s->mId && strcmp(s->mId,name) == 0 ) { ret = s; break; } } return ret; } NxTriangleMeshDesc * locateTriangleMeshDesc(NxuPhysicsCollection *c,const char *name) { NxTriangleMeshDesc *ret = 0; for (unsigned int i=0; i
mTriangleMeshes.size(); i++) { NxTriangleMeshDesc *s = c->mTriangleMeshes[i]; if ( s->mId && strcmp(s->mId,name) == 0 ) { ret = s; break; } } return ret; } NxHeightFieldDesc *locateHeightFieldDesc(NxuPhysicsCollection *c,const char *name) { NxHeightFieldDesc *ret = 0; for (unsigned int i=0; i
mHeightFields.size(); i++) { NxHeightFieldDesc *s = c->mHeightFields[i]; if ( s->mId && strcmp(s->mId,name) == 0 ) { ret = s; break; } } return ret; } NxActorDesc *locateActorDesc(NxSceneDesc *s,const char *name) { NxActorDesc *ret = 0; if ( s && name ) { for (unsigned int i=0; i
mActors.size(); i++) { NxActorDesc *a = s->mActors[i]; if ( a->mId && strcmp(a->mId, name ) == 0 ) { ret = a; break; } } } return ret; } void SchemaStream::store(NxArray< NxTetra > &v,const char *name,bool attribute) { name = getElement(name); if ( isValid() ) { if ( mCurrentBlock ) mCurrentBlock->store(v,name,attribute); else if ( mBinary ) { NxU32 count = v.size(); write(count); if ( count ) { write(&v[0], count ); } } } } void SchemaStream::load(NxArray< NxTetra > &v,const char *name,bool attribute) { name = getElement(name); if ( isValid() ) { if ( mBinary ) { NxU32 len = 0; read(len); if ( len && isValid() ) { v.resize(len); read(&v[0],len); if ( !isValid() ) { v.clear(); } } } else if ( mSchemaXML ) { mSchemaXML->load(v,name,attribute); } } } //********************** void SchemaStream::write(NxU8 data) { writeMem(&data,sizeof(NxU8)); } void SchemaStream::write(NxU16 data) { if ( mFlipEndian ) { const NxU8 *source = (const NxU8 *)&data; write(source[1]); write(source[0]); } else { writeMem(&data,sizeof(NxU16)); } } void SchemaStream::write(NxU32 data) { if ( mFlipEndian ) { const NxU8 *source = (const NxU8 *)&data; write(source[3]); write(source[2]); write(source[1]); write(source[0]); } else { writeMem(&data,sizeof(NxU32)); } } void SchemaStream::write(NxI32 data) { if ( mFlipEndian ) { const NxU8 *source = (const NxU8 *)&data; write(source[3]); write(source[2]); write(source[1]); write(source[0]); } else { writeMem(&data,sizeof(NxI32)); } } void SchemaStream::write(NxF32 data) { if ( mFlipEndian ) { const NxU8 *source = (const NxU8 *)&data; write(source[3]); write(source[2]); write(source[1]); write(source[0]); } else { writeMem(&data,sizeof(NxF32)); } } void SchemaStream::write(const NxVec3 &data) { if ( mFlipEndian ) { write(data.x); write(data.y); write(data.z); } else { writeMem(&data,sizeof(NxVec3)); } } void SchemaStream::write(const NxF32 *data,NxU32 count) { if ( mFlipEndian ) { for (NxU32 i=0; i
store(v,name,attribute); else if ( mBinary ) { NxF32 matrix[9]; v.getRowMajor(matrix); write(matrix,9); } } } void SchemaStream::load(NxMat33 &v,const char *name,bool attribute) { name = getElement(name); if ( isValid() ) { if ( mBinary ) { NxF32 matrix[9]; read(matrix,9); if ( isValid() ) { v.setRowMajor(matrix); } } else if ( mSchemaXML ) { mSchemaXML->load(v,name,attribute); } } } void SchemaStream::read(NxU32 *data,NxU32 count) { if ( mFlipEndian ) { for (NxU32 i=0; i
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