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#include "NXU_PhysicsExport.h" #include "NXU_customcopy.h" #include "NXU_schema.h" #include "NXU_cooking.h" #include "NXU_Streaming.h" #include "NXU_string.h" namespace NXU { bool gCookOnExport=true; void copyBuffer(NxArray< NxU8 > &buffer,const void *source,NxU32 count,NxU32 stride) { buffer.clear(); if ( source ) { const char *scan = (const char *) source; for (NxU32 i=0; i
&buffer,const void *source,NxU32 count,NxU32 stride) { buffer.clear(); if ( source ) { const char *scan = (const char *) source; for (NxU32 i=0; i
&buffer,const void *source,NxU32 count,NxU32 stride) { buffer.clear(); if ( source ) { const char *scan = (const char *) source; for (NxU32 i=0; i
&buffer,const void *source,NxU32 count,NxU32 stride) { buffer.clear(); if ( source ) { const char *scan = (const char *) source; for (NxU32 i=0; i
&buffer,const void *source,NxU32 count,NxU32 stride) { buffer.clear(); if ( source ) { const char *scan = (const char *) source; for (NxU32 i=0; i
&buffer,const void *source,NxU32 count,NxU32 stride) { buffer.clear(); if ( source ) { const char *scan = (const char *) source; for (NxU32 i=0; i
&buffer,const void *source,NxU32 count,NxU32 stride) { buffer.clear(); if ( source ) { const char *scan = (const char *) source; for (NxU32 i=0; i
&buffer,const void *source,NxU32 count,NxU32 stride) { buffer.clear(); if ( source ) { const char *scan = (const char *) source; for (NxU32 i=0; i
&buffer,const void *source,NxU32 count,NxU32 stride) { buffer.clear(); if ( source ) { const char *scan = (const char *) source; for (NxU32 i=0; i
DONE CUSTOM: mTriangles of type NxArray< NxTri > DONE CUSTOM: mCookedDataSize of type NxU32 DONE CUSTOM: mCookedData of type NxArray< NxU8 > DONE *****************************************************************/ void CustomCopy::customCopyFrom(NxConvexMeshDesc &cdesc,const ::NxConvexMeshDesc &desc) { if ( gCookOnExport ) { MemoryWriteBuffer wb; InitCooking(); #ifdef _DEBUG bool ok = CookConvexMesh(desc,wb); assert(ok); #else CookConvexMesh(desc,wb); #endif CloseCooking(); cdesc.mCookedDataSize = wb.currentSize; copyBuffer(cdesc.mCookedData,, wb.currentSize, sizeof(NxU8) ); } copyBuffer(cdesc.mPoints, desc.points, desc.numVertices, desc.pointStrideBytes ); if ( desc.flags & NX_CF_16_BIT_INDICES ) copyBuffer16(cdesc.mTriangles, desc.triangles, desc.numTriangles, desc.triangleStrideBytes ); else copyBuffer(cdesc.mTriangles, desc.triangles, desc.numTriangles, desc.triangleStrideBytes ); } void CustomCopy::customCopyTo(::NxConvexMeshDesc &cdesc,const NxConvexMeshDesc &desc) { cdesc.numVertices = desc.mPoints.size(); cdesc.numTriangles = desc.mTriangles.size(); cdesc.pointStrideBytes = sizeof(NxVec3); cdesc.triangleStrideBytes = sizeof(NxTri); if ( cdesc.numVertices ) { cdesc.points = &desc.mPoints[0].x; } if ( cdesc.numTriangles ) { cdesc.triangles = &desc.mTriangles[0].a; } } /***************************************************************************** CUSTOM: mId of type const char * DONE CUSTOM: mUserProperties of type const char * DONE CUSTOM: materialIndices of type NxArray< NxU32 > DONE CUSTOM: mPmapSize of type NxU32 DONE CUSTOM: mPmapDensity of type NxU32 DONE CUSTOM: mPmapData of type const char * DONE CUSTOM: mCookedDataSize of type NxU32 DONE CUSTOM: mCookedData of type NxArray< NxU8 > DONE ******************************************************************************/ void CustomCopy::customCopyFrom(NxTriangleMeshDesc &cdesc,const ::NxTriangleMeshDesc &desc) { if ( gCookOnExport ) { InitCooking(); MemoryWriteBuffer wb; #ifdef _DEBUG bool ok = CookTriangleMesh(desc,wb); assert(ok); #else CookTriangleMesh(desc,wb); #endif CloseCooking(); cdesc.mCookedDataSize = wb.currentSize; copyBuffer(cdesc.mCookedData,, wb.currentSize, sizeof(NxU8) ); } if (desc.materialIndices != 0) { cdesc.mMaterialIndices.resize(desc.numTriangles); copyBuffer(cdesc.mMaterialIndices, desc.materialIndices, desc.numTriangles, desc.materialIndexStride); } } void CustomCopy::customCopyTo(::NxTriangleMeshDesc &cdesc,const NxTriangleMeshDesc &desc) { if (!desc.mCookedDataSize) { cdesc.materialIndexStride = sizeof(NxU32); cdesc.materialIndices = &desc.mMaterialIndices[0]; } } /********************************************************************************* CUSTOM: mId of type const char * DONE CUSTOM: mUserProperties of type const char * DONE CUSTOM: mHasSpring of type NX_BOOL DONE CUSTOM: mMaterialIndex of type NxU16 DONE CUSTOM: mSpring of type NxSpringDesc DONE **********************************************************************************/ void CustomCopy::customCopyFrom(NxMaterialDesc &cdesc,const ::NxMaterialDesc &desc) { if ( desc.spring ) { cdesc.mHasSpring = true; cdesc.mSpring.copyFrom(*desc.spring,*this); } } void CustomCopy::customCopyTo(::NxMaterialDesc &cdesc,const NxMaterialDesc &desc) { if ( desc.mHasSpring ) { cdesc.spring = (::NxSpringDesc *)&desc.mSpring; //*WARNING* ABSOLUTELY REQUIRES OUR MIRRORED COPY BEING IDENTICAL TO THE SDK VERSION! } } /********************************************************************************** CUSTOM: mUserProperties of type const char * DONE CUSTOM: mCCDSkeleton of type const char * DONE ***********************************************************************************/ void CustomCopy::customCopyFrom(NxShapeDesc &cdesc,const ::NxShapeDesc &desc) { cdesc.mShapeDensity = desc.density; cdesc.mShapeMass = desc.mass; cdesc.mCCDSkeleton = getNameFromSkeleton( desc.ccdSkeleton ); } void CustomCopy::customCopyTo(::NxShapeDesc &cdesc,const NxShapeDesc &desc) { cdesc.density = desc.mShapeDensity; cdesc.mass = desc.mShapeMass; cdesc.ccdSkeleton = getSkeletonFromName(desc.mCCDSkeleton); cdesc.materialIndex = getRemapMaterialIndex(desc.materialIndex); } #if NX_SDK_VERSION_NUMBER >= 272 void CustomCopy::customCopyFrom(NxForceFieldShapeDesc &cdesc,const ::NxForceFieldShapeDesc &desc) { } void CustomCopy::customCopyTo(::NxForceFieldShapeDesc &cdesc,const NxForceFieldShapeDesc &desc) { } /*************************************************************************** CUSTOM: mMeshData of type const char * DONE ****************************************************************************/ void CustomCopy::customCopyFrom(NxConvexForceFieldShapeDesc &cdesc,const ::NxConvexForceFieldShapeDesc &desc) { cdesc.mMeshData = getNameFromConvexMesh(desc.meshData); } void CustomCopy::customCopyTo(::NxConvexForceFieldShapeDesc &cdesc,const NxConvexForceFieldShapeDesc &desc) { cdesc.meshData = getConvexMeshFromName( desc.mMeshData ); } #endif /******************************************************************************** CUSTOM: mId of type const char * DONE CUSTOM: mUserProperties of type const char * DONE CUSTOM: mHasBody of type NX_BOOL DONE CUSTOM: mBody of type NxBodyDesc DONE CUSTOM: mCompartment of type const char * DONE CUSTOM: mShapes of type NxArray< NxShapeDesc *> DONE *********************************************************************************/ void CustomCopy::customCopyFrom(NxActorDesc &cdesc,const ::NxActorDesc &desc) { if ( desc.body ) { cdesc.mHasBody = true; cdesc.mBody.copyFrom(*desc.body,*this); } else { cdesc.mHasBody = false; } #if NX_SDK_VERSION_NUMBER >= 260 cdesc.mCompartment = getNameFromCompartment( desc.compartment ); #endif } void CustomCopy::customCopyTo(::NxActorDesc &cdesc,const NxActorDesc &desc) { #if NX_SDK_VERSION_NUMBER >= 260 cdesc.compartment = getCompartmentFromName(desc.mCompartment); #endif } /********************************************************************************** CUSTOM: mId of type const char * DONE CUSTOM: mUserProperties of type const char * DONE CUSTOM: mActor0 of type const char * DONE CUSTOM: mActor1 of type const char * DONE CUSTOM: mPlaneLimitPoint of type NxVec3 DONE CUSTOM: mOnActor2 of type NX_BOOL DONE CUSTOM: mPlaneInfo of type NxArray< NxPlaneInfoDesc *> DONE ***********************************************************************************/ void CustomCopy::customCopyFrom(NxJointDesc &cdesc,const ::NxJointDesc &desc) { cdesc.mActor0 = getNameFromActor([0] ); cdesc.mActor1 = getNameFromActor([1] ); } void CustomCopy::customCopyTo(::NxJointDesc &cdesc,const NxJointDesc &desc) {[0] = getActorFromName( desc.mActor0 );[1] = getActorFromName( desc.mActor1 ); } #if NX_USE_FLUID_API /************************************************************************************ CUSTOM: mId of type const char * DONE CUSTOM: mUserProperties of type const char * DONE CUSTOM: mFrameActor of type const char * DONE (by import/export) CUSTOM: mFrameShape of type NxU32 DONE (by import/export) *************************************************************************************/ void CustomCopy::customCopyFrom(NxFluidEmitterDesc &cdesc,const ::NxFluidEmitterDesc &desc) { } void CustomCopy::customCopyTo(::NxFluidEmitterDesc &cdesc,const NxFluidEmitterDesc &desc) { } #endif /***************************************************************************************** CUSTOM: mId of type const char * DONE CUSTOM: mUserProperties of type const char * DONE CUSTOM: mHasMaxBounds of type NX_BOOL DONE CUSTOM: mHasLimits of type NX_BOOL DONE CUSTOM: mHasFilter of type NX_BOOL DONE CUSTOM: mFilterBool of type NX_BOOL DONE CUSTOM: mFilterOp0 of type NxFilterOp DONE CUSTOM: mFilterOp1 of type NxFilterOp DONE CUSTOM: mFilterOp2 of type NxFilterOp DONE CUSTOM: mGroupMask0 of type NxGroupsMask DONE CUSTOM: mGroupMask1 of type NxGroupsMask DONE CUSTOM: mMaxBounds of type NxBounds3 DONE CUSTOM: mLimits of type NxSceneLimits DONE CUSTOM: mMaterials of type NxArray< NxMaterialDesc * > DONE CUSTOM: mActors of type NxArray< NxActorDesc *> DONE CUSTOM: mJoints of type NxArray< NxJointDesc *> DONE CUSTOM: mPairFlags of type NxArray< NxPairFlagDesc *> DONE CUSTOM: mEffectors of type NxArray< NxSpringAndDamperEffectorDesc *> DONE CUSTOM: mCollisionGroups of type NxArray< NxCollisionGroupDesc *> DONE CUSTOM: mCompartments of type NxArray< NxCompartmentDesc *> DONE CUSTOM: mFluids of type NxArray< NxFluidDesc *> DONE CUSTOM: mCloths of type NxArray< NxClothDesc *> DONE ******************************************************************************************/ void CustomCopy::customCopyFrom(NxSceneDesc &cdesc,const ::NxSceneDesc &desc) { if ( desc.maxBounds ) { cdesc.mHasMaxBounds = true; cdesc.mMaxBounds = *desc.maxBounds; } else { cdesc.mHasMaxBounds = false; } if ( desc.limits ) { cdesc.mHasLimits = true; cdesc.mLimits.copyFrom(*desc.limits,*this); } else { cdesc.mHasLimits = false; } } void CustomCopy::customCopyTo(::NxSceneDesc &cdesc,const NxSceneDesc &desc) { if ( desc.mHasMaxBounds ) { cdesc.maxBounds = (NxBounds3 *)&desc.mMaxBounds; } if ( desc.mHasLimits ) { cdesc.limits = (::NxSceneLimits *)&desc.mLimits; // WARNING: Mirrored limits structure must be identical to the SDK! } } #if NX_USE_FLUID_API /************************************************************************ CUSTOM: mUserProperties of type const char * DONE CUSTOM: mCompartment of type const char * DONE CUSTOM: mInitialData DONE CUSTOM: mEmitters of type NxArray< NxFluidEmitterDesc *> DONE *************************************************************************/ void CustomCopy::customCopyFrom(NxFluidDesc &cdesc,const ::NxFluidDesc &desc) { cdesc.mMaxFluidParticles = desc.maxParticles; customCopyFrom(cdesc.mInitialParticleData,desc.particlesWriteData); #if NX_SDK_VERSION_NUMBER >= 260 cdesc.mCompartment = getNameFromCompartment( desc.compartment ); #endif } void CustomCopy::customCopyTo(::NxFluidDesc &cdesc,const NxFluidDesc &desc) { #if NX_SDK_VERSION_NUMBER >= 260 cdesc.compartment = getCompartmentFromName(desc.mCompartment); #endif customCopyTo(cdesc.initialParticleData,desc.mInitialParticleData); cdesc.maxParticles = desc.mMaxFluidParticles; if ( desc.mEmitters.size() ) { for (unsigned int i=0; i
copyTo(e,*this); cdesc.emitters.push_back(e); } } } #endif /********************************************************************************** CUSTOM: mId of type const char * DONE CUSTOM: mUserProperties of type const char * DONE CUSTOM: mClothMesh of type const char * DONE CUSTOM: mCompartment of type const char * DONE ***********************************************************************************/ void CustomCopy::customCopyFrom(NxClothDesc &cdesc,const ::NxClothDesc &desc) { cdesc.mClothMesh = getNameFromClothMesh( desc.clothMesh); #if NX_SDK_VERSION_NUMBER >= 260 cdesc.mCompartment = getNameFromCompartment( desc.compartment ); #endif } void CustomCopy::customCopyTo(::NxClothDesc &cdesc,const NxClothDesc &desc) { cdesc.clothMesh = getClothMeshFromName(desc.mClothMesh); #if NX_SDK_VERSION_NUMBER >= 260 cdesc.compartment = getCompartmentFromName(desc.mCompartment); #endif } /*************************************************************************************** CUSTOM: mId of type const char * DONE CUSTOM: mUserProperties of type const char * DONE CUSTOM: mBody1 of type const char * DONE CUSTOM: mBody2 of type const char * DONE ****************************************************************************************/ void CustomCopy::customCopyFrom(NxSpringAndDamperEffectorDesc &cdesc,const ::NxSpringAndDamperEffectorDesc &desc) { cdesc.mBody1 = getNameFromActor(desc.body1); cdesc.mBody2 = getNameFromActor(desc.body2); } void CustomCopy::customCopyTo(::NxSpringAndDamperEffectorDesc &cdesc,const NxSpringAndDamperEffectorDesc &desc) { cdesc.body1 = getActorFromName( desc.mBody1 ); cdesc.body2 = getActorFromName( desc.mBody2 ); } NxU16 CustomCopy::getRemapMaterialIndex(NxU16 original) { #if 0 NxU16 ret = 0; if ( mCurrentScene ) { for (size_t i=0; i
mMaterials.size(); i++) { NxMaterialDesc *md = mCurrentScene->mMaterials[i]; if ( md->mMaterialIndex == original ) { ret = md->mInstanceIndex; break; } } } return ret; #else return original; #endif } NxActor * CustomCopy::getActorFromName(const char *name) { NxActor *ret = 0; if ( mCurrentScene && name ) { for (unsigned int i=0; i
mActors.size(); i++) { NxActorDesc *a = mCurrentScene->mActors[i]; if ( a->mId && strcmp(a->mId,name) == 0 ) { ret = (NxActor *)a->mInstance; break; } } } return ret; } const char * CustomCopy::getNameFromActor(NxActor *actor) { const char *ret = 0; if ( mCurrentScene && actor ) { for (unsigned int i=0; i
mActors.size(); i++) { NxActorDesc *a = mCurrentScene->mActors[i]; if ( a->mInstance == actor ) { ret = a->mId; break; } } } return ret; } NxSceneDesc * CustomCopy::locateSceneDesc(NxuPhysicsCollection *pc,const char *id,NxU32 &index) { NxSceneDesc *ret = 0; if ( pc && id ) { for (NxU32 i=0; i
mScenes.size(); i++) { NxSceneDesc *si = pc->mScenes[i]; if ( si->mId && strcmp(si->mId,id) == 0 ) { index = i; ret = si; break; } } } return ret; } NxSceneInstanceDesc * CustomCopy::locateSceneInstanceDesc(NxuPhysicsCollection *pc,const char *id,NxU32 &index) { NxSceneInstanceDesc *ret = 0; if ( pc && id ) { for (NxU32 i=0; i
mSceneInstances.size(); i++) { NxSceneInstanceDesc *si = pc->mSceneInstances[i]; if ( si->mId && strcmp(si->mId,id) == 0 ) { index = i; ret = si; break; } } } return ret; } void CustomCopy::customCopyFrom(NxSimpleTriangleMesh &cdesc,const ::NxSimpleTriangleMesh &desc) { copyBuffer(cdesc.mPoints, desc.points, desc.numVertices, desc.pointStrideBytes ); if ( desc.flags & NX_MF_16_BIT_INDICES ) copyBuffer16(cdesc.mTriangles, desc.triangles, desc.numTriangles, desc.triangleStrideBytes ); else copyBuffer(cdesc.mTriangles, desc.triangles, desc.numTriangles, desc.triangleStrideBytes ); } void CustomCopy::customCopyTo(::NxSimpleTriangleMesh &cdesc,const NxSimpleTriangleMesh &desc) { cdesc.numVertices = desc.mPoints.size(); cdesc.numTriangles = desc.mTriangles.size(); cdesc.pointStrideBytes = sizeof(NxVec3); cdesc.triangleStrideBytes = sizeof(NxTri); if ( cdesc.numVertices ) { cdesc.points = &desc.mPoints[0].x; } if ( cdesc.numTriangles ) { cdesc.triangles = &desc.mTriangles[0].a; } } /*************************************************************************** CUSTOM: mMeshData of type const char * DONE ****************************************************************************/ void CustomCopy::customCopyFrom(NxConvexShapeDesc &cdesc,const ::NxConvexShapeDesc &desc) { cdesc.mMeshData = getNameFromConvexMesh(desc.meshData); } void CustomCopy::customCopyTo(::NxConvexShapeDesc &cdesc,const NxConvexShapeDesc &desc) { cdesc.meshData = getConvexMeshFromName( desc.mMeshData ); } /************************************************************************** CUSTOM: mSamples of type NxArray< NxU16 > DONE ****************************************************************************/ void CustomCopy::customCopyFrom(NxHeightFieldDesc &cdesc,const ::NxHeightFieldDesc &desc) { if ( desc.samples ) { copyBuffer(cdesc.mSamples, desc.samples, desc.nbRows*desc.nbColumns, desc.sampleStride ); } } void CustomCopy::customCopyTo(::NxHeightFieldDesc &cdesc,const NxHeightFieldDesc &desc) { cdesc.sampleStride = sizeof(NxU32); if ( desc.mSamples.size() ) { cdesc.samples = (void *)&desc.mSamples[0]; } } void CustomCopy::customCopyFrom(NxClothMeshDesc &cdesc,const ::NxClothMeshDesc &desc) { #if NX_SDK_VERSION_NUMBER >= 250 if (desc.vertexFlags) { copyBuffer(cdesc.mVertexFlags,desc.vertexFlags, desc.numVertices, desc.vertexFlagStrideBytes); } if (desc.vertexMasses) { copyBuffer(cdesc.mVertexMasses, desc.vertexMasses, desc.numVertices, desc.vertexMassStrideBytes); } NxU32 flags = 0; flags |= (desc.flags & NX_CLOTH_MESH_TEARABLE); #if NX_SDK_VERSION_NUMBER >= 280 flags |= (desc.flags & NX_CLOTH_MESH_WELD_VERTICES); #endif cdesc.mMeshFlags = (NxClothMeshFlags) flags; #endif } void CustomCopy::customCopyTo(::NxClothMeshDesc &cdesc,const NxClothMeshDesc &desc) { #if NX_SDK_VERSION_NUMBER >= 250 if ( desc.mVertexFlags.size() ) { cdesc.vertexFlags = &desc.mVertexFlags[0]; cdesc.vertexFlagStrideBytes = sizeof(NxU32); } else { cdesc.vertexFlags = 0; cdesc.vertexFlagStrideBytes = 0; } if ( desc.mVertexMasses.size() ) { cdesc.vertexMasses = &desc.mVertexMasses[0]; cdesc.vertexMassStrideBytes = sizeof(float); } else { cdesc.vertexMasses = 0; cdesc.vertexMassStrideBytes = 0; } cdesc.flags |= (desc.mMeshFlags & NX_CLOTH_MESH_TEARABLE); #if NX_SDK_VERSION_NUMBER >= 280 cdesc.flags |= (desc.mMeshFlags & NX_CLOTH_MESH_WELD_VERTICES); #endif #endif } /**************************************************************************** CUSTOM: mMeshData of type const char * DONE *****************************************************************************/ void CustomCopy::customCopyFrom(NxTriangleMeshShapeDesc &cdesc,const ::NxTriangleMeshShapeDesc &desc) { cdesc.mMeshData = getNameFromTriangleMesh(desc.meshData); } void CustomCopy::customCopyTo(::NxTriangleMeshShapeDesc &cdesc,const NxTriangleMeshShapeDesc &desc) { cdesc.meshData = getTriangleMeshFromName( desc.mMeshData ); } /********************************************************************************** CUSTOM: mHeightField of type const char * DONE CUSTOM: mMaterialIndexHighBits of type NxU16 **NOT DONE ***********************************************************************************/ void CustomCopy::customCopyFrom(NxHeightFieldShapeDesc &cdesc,const ::NxHeightFieldShapeDesc &desc) { cdesc.mHeightField = getNameFromHeightField(desc.heightField); } /**** WARNING TODO: Need to update the materialHightBits ****/ void CustomCopy::customCopyTo(::NxHeightFieldShapeDesc &cdesc,const NxHeightFieldShapeDesc &desc) { cdesc.heightField = getHeightFieldFromName( desc.mHeightField ); cdesc.holeMaterial = getRemapMaterialIndex(desc.holeMaterial); // translate the material index } #if NX_USE_FLUID_API /************************************************************************************ CUSTOM: mBufferPos of type NxArray< NxVec3 > DONE CUSTOM: mBufferVel of type NxArray< NxVec3 > DONE CUSTOM: mBufferLife of type NxArray< NxF32 > DONE CUSTOM: mBufferDensity of type NxArray< NxF32 > DONE CUSTOM: mBufferId of type NxArray< NxU32 > DONE CUSTOM: mBufferFlag of type NxArray< NxU32 > DONE *************************************************************************************/ void CustomCopy::customCopyFrom(NxParticleData &cdesc,const ::NxParticleData &desc) { #if NX_SDK_VERSION_NUMBER < 270 cdesc.maxParticles = 0; #endif if ( desc.numParticlesPtr ) { NxU32 numParticles = *desc.numParticlesPtr; #if NX_SDK_VERSION_NUMBER < 270 cdesc.maxParticles = numParticles; #endif if ( numParticles ) { if ( desc.bufferPos && desc.bufferPosByteStride ) { copyBuffer(cdesc.mBufferPos,desc.bufferPos, numParticles, desc.bufferPosByteStride ); } if ( desc.bufferVel && desc.bufferVelByteStride ) { copyBuffer(cdesc.mBufferVel,desc.bufferVel, numParticles, desc.bufferVelByteStride ); } if ( desc.bufferLife && desc.bufferLifeByteStride ) { copyBuffer(cdesc.mBufferLife, desc.bufferLife, numParticles, desc.bufferLifeByteStride ); } if ( desc.bufferDensity && desc.bufferDensityByteStride ) { copyBuffer(cdesc.mBufferDensity, desc.bufferDensity, numParticles, desc.bufferDensityByteStride ); } #if NX_SDK_VERSION_NUMBER >= 260 if ( desc.bufferId && desc.bufferIdByteStride ) { copyBuffer(cdesc.mBufferId, desc.bufferId, numParticles, desc.bufferIdByteStride ); } if ( desc.bufferFlag && desc.bufferFlagByteStride ) { copyBuffer(cdesc.mBufferFlag, desc.bufferFlag, numParticles, desc.bufferFlagByteStride ); } #endif } } } void CustomCopy::customCopyTo(::NxParticleData &cdesc,const NxParticleData &_desc) { NxParticleData *pd = (NxParticleData *) &_desc; NxParticleData &desc = *pd; if ( desc.mBufferPos.size() ) { cdesc.numParticlesPtr = &desc.mParticleCount; desc.mParticleCount = desc.mBufferPos.size(); cdesc.bufferPos = (NxF32 *)&desc.mBufferPos[0].x; cdesc.bufferPosByteStride = sizeof(NxVec3); if ( desc.mBufferVel.size() == desc.mParticleCount ) { cdesc.bufferVel = (NxF32 *)&desc.mBufferVel[0].x; cdesc.bufferVelByteStride = sizeof(NxVec3); } else { cdesc.bufferVel = 0; cdesc.bufferVelByteStride = 0; } if ( desc.mBufferLife.size() == desc.mParticleCount ) { cdesc.bufferLife = (NxF32 *)&desc.mBufferLife[0]; cdesc.bufferLifeByteStride = sizeof(NxF32); } else { cdesc.bufferLife = 0; cdesc.bufferLifeByteStride = 0; } if ( desc.mBufferDensity.size() == desc.mParticleCount ) { cdesc.bufferDensity = (NxF32 *)&desc.mBufferDensity[0]; cdesc.bufferDensityByteStride = sizeof(NxF32); } else { cdesc.bufferDensity = 0; cdesc.bufferDensityByteStride = 0; } #if NX_SDK_VERSION_NUMBER >= 260 if ( desc.mBufferId.size() == desc.mParticleCount ) { cdesc.bufferId = (NxU32 * )&desc.mBufferId[0]; cdesc.bufferIdByteStride = sizeof(NxU32); } else { cdesc.bufferId = 0; cdesc.bufferIdByteStride = 0; } if ( desc.mBufferFlag.size() == desc.mParticleCount ) { cdesc.bufferFlag = (NxU32 *)&desc.mBufferFlag[0]; cdesc.bufferFlagByteStride = sizeof(NxU32); } else { cdesc.bufferFlag = 0; cdesc.bufferFlagByteStride = 0; } #endif } } #endif NxConvexMesh * CustomCopy::getConvexMeshFromName(const char *name) { NxConvexMesh *ret = 0; assert(mCurrentCollection); if ( mCurrentCollection && name ) { for (unsigned int i=0; i
mConvexMeshes.size(); i++) { NxConvexMeshDesc *sd = mCurrentCollection->mConvexMeshes[i]; if ( strcmp(sd->mId,name) == 0 ) { ret = (NxConvexMesh *) sd->mInstance; if ( ret == 0 ) { reportWarning("ConvexMesh %s was not successfully created.", name ); } break; } } } return ret; } NxConvexMeshDesc * CustomCopy::getConvexMeshDescFromName(const char *name) { NxConvexMeshDesc *ret = 0; assert(mCurrentCollection); if ( mCurrentCollection && name ) { for (unsigned int i=0; i
mConvexMeshes.size(); i++) { NxConvexMeshDesc *sd = mCurrentCollection->mConvexMeshes[i]; if ( strcmp(sd->mId,name) == 0 ) { ret = sd; break; } } } return ret; } const char * CustomCopy::getNameFromConvexMesh(NxConvexMesh *mesh) { const char *ret = 0; assert(mCurrentCollection); if ( mCurrentCollection && mesh ) { for (unsigned int i=0; i
mConvexMeshes.size(); i++) { NxConvexMeshDesc *sd = mCurrentCollection->mConvexMeshes[i]; if ( sd->mInstance == mesh ) { ret = sd->mId; assert(ret); break; } } } return ret; } NxTriangleMesh * CustomCopy::getTriangleMeshFromName(const char *name) { NxTriangleMesh *ret = 0; assert(mCurrentCollection); if ( mCurrentCollection && name ) { for (unsigned int i=0; i
mTriangleMeshes.size(); i++) { NxTriangleMeshDesc *sd = mCurrentCollection->mTriangleMeshes[i]; if ( strcmp(sd->mId,name) == 0 ) { ret = (NxTriangleMesh *) sd->mInstance; assert(ret); break; } } } return ret; } const char * CustomCopy::getNameFromTriangleMesh(NxTriangleMesh *mesh) { const char *ret = 0; assert(mCurrentCollection); if ( mCurrentCollection && mesh ) { for (unsigned int i=0; i
mTriangleMeshes.size(); i++) { NxTriangleMeshDesc *sd = mCurrentCollection->mTriangleMeshes[i]; if ( sd->mInstance == mesh ) { ret = sd->mId; assert(ret); break; } } } return ret; } NxHeightField * CustomCopy::getHeightFieldFromName(const char *name) { NxHeightField *ret = 0; assert(mCurrentCollection); if ( mCurrentCollection && name ) { for (unsigned int i=0; i
mHeightFields.size(); i++) { NxHeightFieldDesc *sd = mCurrentCollection->mHeightFields[i]; if ( strcmp(sd->mId,name) == 0 ) { ret = (NxHeightField *) sd->mInstance; assert(ret); break; } } } return ret; } const char * CustomCopy::getNameFromHeightField(NxHeightField *mesh) { const char *ret = 0; assert(mCurrentCollection); if ( mCurrentCollection && mesh ) { for (unsigned int i=0; i
mHeightFields.size(); i++) { NxHeightFieldDesc *sd = mCurrentCollection->mHeightFields[i]; if ( sd->mInstance == mesh ) { ret = sd->mId; assert(ret); break; } } } return ret; } NxForceField * CustomCopy::getForceFieldFromName(const char *name) { NxForceField *ret = 0; assert(mCurrentScene); if ( mCurrentScene && name ) { for (unsigned int i=0; i
mForceFields.size(); i++) { NxForceFieldDesc *fd = mCurrentScene->mForceFields[i]; if ( strcmp(fd->mId,name) == 0 ) { ret = (NxForceField *) fd->mInstance; assert(ret); break; } } } return ret; } const char * CustomCopy::getNameFromForceField(NxForceField *field) { const char *ret = 0; assert(mCurrentScene); if ( mCurrentScene && field ) { for (unsigned int i=0; i
mForceFields.size(); i++) { NxForceFieldDesc *fd = mCurrentScene->mForceFields[i]; if ( fd->mInstance == field ) { ret = fd->mId; assert(ret); break; } } } return ret; } NxForceFieldShapeGroup * CustomCopy::getForceFieldShapeGroupFromName(const char *name) { NxForceFieldShapeGroup *ret = 0; assert(mCurrentScene); if ( mCurrentScene && name ) { for (unsigned int i=0; i
mForceFieldShapeGroups.size(); i++) { NxForceFieldShapeGroupDesc *sg = mCurrentScene->mForceFieldShapeGroups[i]; if ( strcmp(sg->mId,name) == 0 ) { ret = (NxForceFieldShapeGroup *) sg->mInstance; assert(ret); break; } } } return ret; } const char * CustomCopy::getNameFromForceFieldShapeGroup(NxForceFieldShapeGroup *group) { const char *ret = 0; assert(mCurrentScene); if ( mCurrentScene && group ) { for (unsigned int i=0; i
mForceFieldShapeGroups.size(); i++) { NxForceFieldShapeGroupDesc *sg = mCurrentScene->mForceFieldShapeGroups[i]; if ( sg->mInstance == group ) { ret = sg->mId; assert(ret); break; } } } return ret; } NxForceFieldLinearKernel * CustomCopy::getForceFieldLinearKernelFromName(const char *name) { NxForceFieldLinearKernel *ret = 0; assert(mCurrentScene); if ( mCurrentScene && name ) { for (unsigned int i=0; i
mForceFieldLinearKernels.size(); i++) { NxForceFieldLinearKernelDesc *fd = mCurrentScene->mForceFieldLinearKernels[i]; if ( strcmp(fd->mId,name) == 0 ) { ret = (NxForceFieldLinearKernel *) fd->mInstance; assert(ret); break; } } } return ret; } const char * CustomCopy::getNameFromForceFieldLinearKernel(NxForceFieldLinearKernel *kernel) { const char *ret = 0; assert(mCurrentScene); if ( mCurrentScene && kernel ) { for (unsigned int i=0; i
mForceFieldLinearKernels.size(); i++) { NxForceFieldLinearKernelDesc *fd = mCurrentScene->mForceFieldLinearKernels[i]; if ( fd->mInstance == kernel ) { ret = fd->mId; assert(ret); break; } } } return ret; } NxClothMesh * CustomCopy::getClothMeshFromName(const char *name) { NxClothMesh *ret = 0; assert(mCurrentCollection); if ( mCurrentCollection && name ) { for (unsigned int i=0; i
mClothMeshes.size(); i++) { NxClothMeshDesc *sd = mCurrentCollection->mClothMeshes[i]; if ( strcmp(sd->mId,name) == 0 ) { ret = (NxClothMesh *) sd->mInstance; assert(ret); break; } } } return ret; } const char * CustomCopy::getNameFromClothMesh(NxClothMesh *mesh) { const char *ret = 0; assert(mCurrentCollection); if ( mCurrentCollection && mesh ) { for (unsigned int i=0; i
mClothMeshes.size(); i++) { NxClothMeshDesc *sd = mCurrentCollection->mClothMeshes[i]; if ( sd->mInstance == mesh ) { ret = sd->mId; assert(ret); break; } } } return ret; } #if NX_SDK_VERSION_NUMBER >= 260 NxCompartment * CustomCopy::getCompartmentFromName(const char *name) { NxCompartment *ret = 0; assert(mCurrentScene); if ( mCurrentScene && name ) { for (unsigned int i=0; i
mCompartments.size(); i++) { NxCompartmentDesc *sd = mCurrentScene->mCompartments[i]; if ( strcmp(sd->mId,name) == 0 ) { ret = (NxCompartment *) sd->mInstance; assert(ret); break; } } assert(ret); } return ret; } const char * CustomCopy::getNameFromCompartment(NxCompartment *nc) { const char *ret = 0; assert(mCurrentScene); if ( mCurrentScene && nc ) { for (unsigned int i=0; i
mCompartments.size(); i++) { NxCompartmentDesc *sd = mCurrentScene->mCompartments[i]; if ( sd->mInstance == nc ) { ret = sd->mId; assert(ret); break; } } if ( ret == 0 ) // new compartment, we have to add it! { ::NxCompartmentDesc cd; #if 0 // Not yet available c->saveToDesc(desc); #else cd.type = nc->getType(); cd.deviceCode = nc->getDeviceCode(); cd.gridHashCellSize = nc->getGridHashCellSize(); cd.gridHashTablePower = nc->gridHashTablePower(); #if NX_SDK_VERSION_NUMBER >= 270 cd.flags = nc->getFlags(); cd.timeScale = nc->getTimeScale(); #endif #endif NxCompartmentDesc *ncd = new NxCompartmentDesc; ncd->mInstance = nc; char scratch[512]; sprintf(scratch,"Compartment_%d", mCurrentScene->mCompartments.size() ); ret = ncd->mId = getGlobalString(scratch); ncd->copyFrom(cd,*this); mCurrentScene->mCompartments.push_back(ncd); } } return ret; } #endif void CustomCopy::initCollection(void) { if ( mCurrentCollection ) { mCurrentCollection->mInstance = 0; mCurrentCollection->mCurrentSceneInstance = 0; mCurrentCollection->mCurrentScene = 0; for (NxU32 i=0; i
mConvexMeshes.size(); i++) mCurrentCollection->mConvexMeshes[i]->mInstance = 0; for (NxU32 i=0; i
mTriangleMeshes.size(); i++) mCurrentCollection->mTriangleMeshes[i]->mInstance = 0; for (NxU32 i=0; i
mHeightFields.size(); i++) mCurrentCollection->mHeightFields[i]->mInstance = 0; for (NxU32 i=0; i
mSkeletons.size(); i++) mCurrentCollection->mSkeletons[i]->mInstance = 0; for (NxU32 i=0; i
mClothMeshes.size(); i++) mCurrentCollection->mClothMeshes[i]->mInstance = 0; for (NxU32 i=0; i
mScenes.size(); i++) { mCurrentScene = mCurrentCollection->mScenes[i]; initScene(); } mCurrentScene = 0; } } void CustomCopy::initScene(void) { if ( mCurrentScene ) { for (NxU32 i=0; i
mMaterials.size(); i++) mCurrentScene->mMaterials[i]->mInstanceIndex = 0; for (NxU32 i=0; i
mActors.size(); i++) mCurrentScene->mActors[i]->mInstance = 0; for (NxU32 i=0; i
mJoints.size(); i++) mCurrentScene->mJoints[i]->mInstance = 0; for (NxU32 i=0; i
mEffectors.size(); i++) mCurrentScene->mEffectors[i]->mInstance = 0; #if NX_SDK_VERSION_NUMBER >= 260 for (NxU32 i=0; i
mCompartments.size(); i++) mCurrentScene->mCompartments[i]->mInstance = 0; #endif } } NxCCDSkeleton * CustomCopy::getSkeletonFromName(const char *name) { NxCCDSkeleton *ret = 0; assert(mCurrentCollection); if ( mCurrentCollection && name ) { for (unsigned int i=0; i
mSkeletons.size(); i++) { NxCCDSkeletonDesc *sd = mCurrentCollection->mSkeletons[i]; if ( strcmp(sd->mId,name) == 0 ) { ret = (NxCCDSkeleton *) sd->mInstance; assert(ret); break; } } } return ret; } const char * CustomCopy::getNameFromSkeleton(NxCCDSkeleton *mesh) { const char *ret = 0; assert(mCurrentCollection); if ( mCurrentCollection && mesh ) { for (unsigned int i=0; i
mSkeletons.size(); i++) { NxCCDSkeletonDesc *sd = mCurrentCollection->mSkeletons[i]; if ( sd->mInstance == mesh ) { ret = sd->mId; assert(ret); break; } } } return ret; } #if NX_USE_SOFTBODY_API void CustomCopy::customCopyFrom(NxSoftBodyMeshDesc &cdesc,const ::NxSoftBodyMeshDesc &desc) { copyBuffer(cdesc.mVertices, desc.vertices, desc.numVertices, desc.vertexStrideBytes ); if ( desc.flags & NX_SOFTBODY_MESH_16_BIT_INDICES ) { copyBuffer16(cdesc.mTetrahedra, desc.tetrahedra, desc.numTetrahedra, desc.tetrahedronStrideBytes); } else { copyBuffer(cdesc.mTetrahedra, desc.tetrahedra, desc.numTetrahedra, desc.tetrahedronStrideBytes); } if (desc.vertexFlags) { copyBuffer(cdesc.mVertexFlags,desc.vertexFlags, desc.numVertices, desc.vertexFlagStrideBytes); } if (desc.vertexMasses) { copyBuffer(cdesc.mVertexMasses, desc.vertexMasses, desc.numVertices, desc.vertexMassStrideBytes); } } void CustomCopy::customCopyTo(::NxSoftBodyMeshDesc &cdesc,const NxSoftBodyMeshDesc &desc) { cdesc.numVertices = desc.mVertices.size(); cdesc.numTetrahedra = desc.mTetrahedra.size(); cdesc.vertexStrideBytes = sizeof(NxVec3); cdesc.tetrahedronStrideBytes = sizeof(NxTetra); if ( cdesc.numVertices ) { cdesc.vertices = &desc.mVertices[0].x; } if ( cdesc.numTetrahedra ) { cdesc.tetrahedra = &desc.mTetrahedra[0].a; } if ( desc.mVertexFlags.size() ) { cdesc.vertexFlags = &desc.mVertexFlags[0]; cdesc.vertexFlagStrideBytes = sizeof(NxU32); } else { cdesc.vertexFlags = 0; cdesc.vertexFlagStrideBytes = 0; } if ( desc.mVertexMasses.size() ) { cdesc.vertexMasses = &desc.mVertexMasses[0]; cdesc.vertexMassStrideBytes = sizeof(float); } else { cdesc.vertexMasses = 0; cdesc.vertexMassStrideBytes = 0; } } void CustomCopy::customCopyFrom(NxSoftBodyDesc &cdesc,const ::NxSoftBodyDesc &desc) { cdesc.mSoftBodyMesh = getNameFromSoftBodyMesh( desc.softBodyMesh); cdesc.mCompartment = getNameFromCompartment( desc.compartment ); } void CustomCopy::customCopyTo(::NxSoftBodyDesc &cdesc,const NxSoftBodyDesc &desc) { cdesc.softBodyMesh = getSoftBodyMeshFromName(desc.mSoftBodyMesh); cdesc.compartment = getCompartmentFromName(desc.mCompartment); } NxSoftBodyMesh * CustomCopy::getSoftBodyMeshFromName(const char *name) { NxSoftBodyMesh *ret = 0; assert(mCurrentCollection); if ( mCurrentCollection && name ) { for (unsigned int i=0; i
mSoftBodyMeshes.size(); i++) { NxSoftBodyMeshDesc *sd = mCurrentCollection->mSoftBodyMeshes[i]; if ( strcmp(sd->mId,name) == 0 ) { ret = (NxSoftBodyMesh *) sd->mInstance; assert(ret); break; } } } return ret; } const char * CustomCopy::getNameFromSoftBodyMesh(NxSoftBodyMesh *mesh) { const char *ret = 0; assert(mCurrentCollection); if ( mCurrentCollection && mesh ) { for (unsigned int i=0; i
mSoftBodyMeshes.size(); i++) { NxSoftBodyMeshDesc *sd = mCurrentCollection->mSoftBodyMeshes[i]; if ( sd->mInstance == mesh ) { ret = sd->mId; assert(ret); break; } } } return ret; } #endif #if NX_SDK_VERSION_NUMBER >= 270 void CustomCopy::customCopyFrom(NxForceFieldDesc &cdesc,const ::NxForceFieldDesc &desc) { cdesc.mActor = getNameFromActor(; #if NX_SDK_VERSION_NUMBER >= 280 // get kernel ptr NxForceField* f = static_cast
(cdesc.mInstance); NxForceFieldKernel* k = f->getForceFieldKernel(); if(k && k->getType() == NX_FFK_LINEAR_KERNEL) { NxForceFieldLinearKernel* lKernel = static_cast
(k); cdesc.mKernel = getNameFromForceFieldLinearKernel(lKernel); } // includeGroup copyForceFieldShapesFrom(&f->getIncludeShapeGroup(), cdesc.mIncludeShapes); // shape groups f->resetShapeGroupsIterator(); NxU32 nbGroups = f->getNbShapeGroups(); while(nbGroups--) { ::NxForceFieldShapeGroup* group = f->getNextShapeGroup(); NxForceFieldGroupReference* reference = new NxForceFieldGroupReference(); reference->mRef = getNameFromForceFieldShapeGroup(group); cdesc.mShapeGroups.pushBack(reference); } #endif } void CustomCopy::customCopyTo(::NxForceFieldDesc &cdesc,const NxForceFieldDesc &desc) { = getActorFromName(desc.mActor ); #if NX_SDK_VERSION_NUMBER >= 280 cdesc.kernel = getForceFieldLinearKernelFromName(desc.mKernel); copyForceFieldShapesTo(cdesc.includeGroupShapes, desc.mIncludeShapes, desc.mId); for(NxU32 i = 0; i < desc.mShapeGroups.size(); i++ ) { cdesc.shapeGroups.pushBack(getForceFieldShapeGroupFromName(desc.mShapeGroups[i]->mRef)); } #endif } #endif #if NX_SDK_VERSION_NUMBER >= 280 void CustomCopy::customCopyFrom(NxForceFieldShapeGroupDesc &cdesc,const ::NxForceFieldShapeGroupDesc &desc) { NxForceFieldShapeGroup* group = static_cast
(cdesc.mInstance); copyForceFieldShapesFrom(group, cdesc.mShapes); } void CustomCopy::customCopyTo(::NxForceFieldShapeGroupDesc &cdesc,const NxForceFieldShapeGroupDesc &desc) { copyForceFieldShapesTo(cdesc.shapes, desc.mShapes, desc.mId); } void CustomCopy::copyForceFieldShapesFrom(NxForceFieldShapeGroup* group, NxArray
& nxuShapes) { // time to copy the shapes NxU32 nb = group->getNbShapes(); group->resetShapesIterator(); for (NxU32 k = 0; k < nb; k++) { const NxForceFieldShape *shape = group->getNextShape(); NxForceFieldShapeDesc *save = 0; switch ( shape->getType() ) { case NX_SHAPE_SPHERE: { const NxSphereForceFieldShape *p = shape->isSphere(); assert(p); ::NxSphereForceFieldShapeDesc d; p->saveToDesc(d); NxSphereForceFieldShapeDesc *sd = new NxSphereForceFieldShapeDesc; sd->copyFrom(d,*this); save = static_cast
(sd); save->mType = SC_NxSphereForceFieldShapeDesc; break; } case NX_SHAPE_BOX: { const NxBoxForceFieldShape *p = shape->isBox(); assert(p); ::NxBoxForceFieldShapeDesc d; p->saveToDesc(d); NxBoxForceFieldShapeDesc *sd = new NxBoxForceFieldShapeDesc; sd->copyFrom(d,*this); save = static_cast
(sd); save->mType = SC_NxBoxForceFieldShapeDesc; break; } case NX_SHAPE_CAPSULE: { const NxCapsuleForceFieldShape *p = shape->isCapsule(); assert(p); ::NxCapsuleForceFieldShapeDesc d; p->saveToDesc(d); NxCapsuleForceFieldShapeDesc *sd = new NxCapsuleForceFieldShapeDesc; sd->copyFrom(d,*this); save = static_cast
(sd); save->mType = SC_NxCapsuleForceFieldShapeDesc; break; } case NX_SHAPE_CONVEX: { const NxConvexForceFieldShape *p = shape->isConvex(); assert(p); ::NxConvexForceFieldShapeDesc d; p->saveToDesc(d); if (d.meshData) { NxuPhysicsExport exporter(mCurrentCollection); exporter.Write(d.meshData,0); } NxConvexForceFieldShapeDesc *sd = new NxConvexForceFieldShapeDesc; sd->copyFrom(d,*this); save = static_cast
(sd); save->mType = SC_NxConvexForceFieldShapeDesc; break; } default: break; } save->mInstance = (void *)shape; nxuShapes.push_back(save); } } void CustomCopy::copyForceFieldShapesTo(NxArray< ::NxForceFieldShapeDesc*>& outArray, const NxArray
& inArray, const char* forceFieldID) { // Now for the force field shapes int nbShapes = inArray.size(); for (int j = 0; j < nbShapes; j++) { bool isOk = false; NxForceFieldShapeDesc *fsd = inArray[j]; ::NxForceFieldShapeDesc *shapeDesc=0; switch (fsd->mType) { case SC_NxSphereForceFieldShapeDesc: { ::NxSphereForceFieldShapeDesc *d2 = new ::NxSphereForceFieldShapeDesc; NxSphereForceFieldShapeDesc *s = static_cast
(fsd); s->copyTo(*d2,*this); shapeDesc = d2; isOk = d2->isValid(); } break; case SC_NxBoxForceFieldShapeDesc: { ::NxBoxForceFieldShapeDesc *d3 = new ::NxBoxForceFieldShapeDesc; NxBoxForceFieldShapeDesc *s = static_cast
(fsd); s->copyTo(*d3,*this); shapeDesc = d3; isOk = d3->isValid(); } break; case SC_NxCapsuleForceFieldShapeDesc: { ::NxCapsuleForceFieldShapeDesc *d4 = new ::NxCapsuleForceFieldShapeDesc; NxCapsuleForceFieldShapeDesc *s = static_cast
(fsd); s->copyTo(*d4,*this); shapeDesc = d4; isOk = d4->isValid(); } break; case SC_NxConvexForceFieldShapeDesc: { ::NxConvexForceFieldShapeDesc *d6 = new ::NxConvexForceFieldShapeDesc; NxConvexForceFieldShapeDesc *s = static_cast
(fsd); s->copyTo(*d6,*this); shapeDesc = d6; isOk = d6->isValid(); } break; default: NX_ASSERT(false); //Unknown shape type } shapeDesc->userData = (void *)fsd->mUserProperties; if ( shapeDesc ) { if ( isOk ) { outArray.pushBack(shapeDesc); } else { delete shapeDesc; reportWarning("Failed to construct valid force field shape descriptor type(%s) for Field (%s)", EnumToString( fsd->mType) , forceFieldID ); } } else { reportWarning("Unable to construct valid shape descriptor type(%s) for Actor (%s)", EnumToString( fsd->mType) , forceFieldID); } } } #endif bool createCookedData(NxConvexMeshDesc &desc) { bool ret = false; if ( desc.mCookedDataSize == 0 ) // if we do not already have cooked data, then create it! { ::NxConvexMeshDesc cdesc; cdesc.numVertices = desc.mPoints.size(); cdesc.numTriangles = desc.mTriangles.size(); cdesc.pointStrideBytes = sizeof(NxVec3); cdesc.triangleStrideBytes = sizeof(NxTri); if ( cdesc.numVertices ) { cdesc.points = &desc.mPoints[0].x; } if ( cdesc.numTriangles ) { cdesc.triangles = &desc.mTriangles[0].a; } MemoryWriteBuffer wb; InitCooking(); #ifdef _DEBUG bool ok = CookConvexMesh(cdesc,wb); assert(ok); #else CookConvexMesh(cdesc,wb); #endif CloseCooking(); desc.mCookedDataSize = wb.currentSize; copyBuffer(desc.mCookedData,, wb.currentSize, sizeof(NxU8) ); copyBuffer(desc.mPoints, cdesc.points, cdesc.numVertices, cdesc.pointStrideBytes ); if ( cdesc.flags & NX_CF_16_BIT_INDICES ) copyBuffer16(desc.mTriangles, cdesc.triangles, cdesc.numTriangles, cdesc.triangleStrideBytes ); else copyBuffer(desc.mTriangles, cdesc.triangles, cdesc.numTriangles, cdesc.triangleStrideBytes ); ret = true; } return ret; } bool createCookedData(NxTriangleMeshDesc &desc) { bool ret = false; if ( desc.mCookedDataSize == 0 ) // if we do not already have cooked data, then create it! { ::NxTriangleMeshDesc cdesc; cdesc.numVertices = desc.mPoints.size(); cdesc.numTriangles = desc.mTriangles.size(); cdesc.pointStrideBytes = sizeof(NxVec3); cdesc.triangleStrideBytes = sizeof(NxTri); if ( cdesc.numVertices ) { cdesc.points = &desc.mPoints[0].x; } if ( cdesc.numTriangles ) { cdesc.triangles = &desc.mTriangles[0].a; } MemoryWriteBuffer wb; InitCooking(); #ifdef _DEBUG bool ok = CookTriangleMesh(cdesc,wb); assert(ok); #else CookTriangleMesh(cdesc,wb); #endif CloseCooking(); desc.mCookedDataSize = wb.currentSize; copyBuffer(desc.mCookedData,, wb.currentSize, sizeof(NxU8) ); copyBuffer(desc.mPoints, cdesc.points, cdesc.numVertices, cdesc.pointStrideBytes ); if ( cdesc.flags & NX_CF_16_BIT_INDICES ) copyBuffer16(desc.mTriangles, cdesc.triangles, cdesc.numTriangles, cdesc.triangleStrideBytes ); else copyBuffer(desc.mTriangles, cdesc.triangles, cdesc.numTriangles, cdesc.triangleStrideBytes ); ret = true; } return ret; } bool scalePoints(NxConvexMeshDesc &desc,const NxVec3 &scale) // scale the input points. { bool ret = false; if ( !desc.mPoints.empty() ) { ret = true; NxU32 count = desc.mPoints.size(); NxVec3 *points = &desc.mPoints[0]; for (NxU32 i=0; i
x*=scale.x; points->y*=scale.y; points->z*=scale.z; points++; } } return ret; } bool scalePoints(NxTriangleMeshDesc &desc,const NxVec3 &scale) // scale the input points. { bool ret = false; if ( !desc.mPoints.empty() ) { ret = true; NxU32 count = desc.mPoints.size(); NxVec3 *points = &desc.mPoints[0]; for (NxU32 i=0; i
x*=scale.x; points->y*=scale.y; points->z*=scale.z; points++; } } return ret; } bool clearNonCooked(NxConvexMeshDesc &desc) // remove the non-cooked data since we only want the cooked data remaining. { bool ret = false; if (desc.mCookedDataSize ) { ret = true; desc.mPoints.clear(); desc.mTriangles.clear(); } return ret; } bool clearNonCooked(NxTriangleMeshDesc &desc) // remove the non-cooked data since we only want the cooked data remaining. { bool ret = false; if ( desc.mCookedDataSize ) { ret = true; desc.mPoints.clear(); desc.mTriangles.clear(); desc.mMaterialIndices.clear(); } return ret; } };
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