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#include "NXU_Asc2Bin.h" #include "NXU_string.h" namespace NXU { static inline bool IsWhitespace(char c) { if (c == ' ' || c == 9 || c == 13 || c == 10 || c == ',') { return true; } return false; } static inline const char *SkipWhitespace(const char *str) { if ( str ) { while (*str && IsWhitespace(*str)) { str++; } } return str; } static char ToLower(char c) { if (c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z') { c += 32; } return c; } static inline unsigned int GetHex(unsigned char c) { unsigned int v = 0; c = ToLower(c); if (c >= '0' && c <= '9') { v = c - '0'; } else { if (c >= 'a' && c <= 'f') { v = 10+c - 'a'; } } return v; } static inline unsigned char GetHEX1(const char *foo, const char **endptr) { unsigned int ret = 0; if ( foo ) { ret = (GetHex(foo[0]) << 4) | GetHex(foo[1]); if (endptr) { *endptr = foo + 2; } } return (unsigned char)ret; } static inline unsigned short GetHEX2(const char *foo, const char **endptr) { unsigned int ret = 0; if ( foo ) { ret = (GetHex(foo[0]) << 12) | (GetHex(foo[1]) << 8) | (GetHex(foo[2]) << 4) | GetHex(foo[3]); if (endptr) { *endptr = foo + 4; } } return (unsigned short)ret; } static inline unsigned int GetHEX4(const char *foo, const char **endptr) { unsigned int ret = 0; if ( foo ) { for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) { ret = (ret << 4) | GetHex(foo[i]); } if (endptr) { *endptr = foo + 8; } } return ret; } static inline unsigned int GetHEX(const char *foo, const char **endptr) { unsigned int ret = 0; if ( foo ) { while (*foo) { unsigned char c = ToLower(*foo); unsigned int v = 0; if (c >= '0' && c <= '9') { v = c - '0'; } else { if (c >= 'a' && c <= 'f') { v = 10+c - 'a'; } else { break; } } ret = (ret << 4) | v; foo++; } if (endptr) { *endptr = foo; } } return ret; } #define MAXNUM 128 static inline float GetFloatValue(const char *str, const char **next) { float ret = 0; if ( str ) { if (next) { *next = 0; } str = SkipWhitespace(str); char dest[MAXNUM]; char *dst = dest; const char *hex = 0; for (int i = 0; i < (MAXNUM - 1); i++) { char c = *str; if (c == 0 || IsWhitespace(c)) { if (next) { *next = str; } break; } else if (c == '$') { hex = str + 1; } *dst++ = ToLower(c); str++; } *dst = 0; if (hex) { unsigned int iv = GetHEX(hex, 0); float *v = (float*) &iv; ret = *v; } else if (dest[0] == 'f') { if (_stricmp(dest, "fltmax") == 0 || _stricmp(dest, "fmax") == 0 || _stricmp(dest, "FLT_MAX") == 0 || _stricmp(dest, "INF") == 0) { ret = FLT_MAX; } else if (_stricmp(dest, "fltmin") == 0 || _stricmp(dest, "fmin") == 0 || _stricmp(dest, "FLT_MIN") == 0 || _stricmp(dest, "-INF") == 0) { ret = -FLT_MAX; } } else if (dest[0] == 't') // t or 'true' is treated as the value '1'. { ret = 1; } else { ret = (float)atof(dest); } } return ret; } /* flag values */ #define FL_UNSIGNED 1 /* strtoul called */ #define FL_NEG 2 /* negative sign found */ #define FL_OVERFLOW 4 /* overflow occured */ #define FL_READDIGIT 8 /* we've read at least one correct digit */ unsigned long strtol ( const char *nptr, int flags ) { const char *p; char c; unsigned long number; unsigned digval; unsigned long maxval; p = nptr; /* p is our scanning pointer */ number = 0; /* start with zero */ c = *p++; /* read char */ while ( IsWhitespace(c) ) c = *p++; /* skip whitespace */ if (c == '-') { flags |= FL_NEG; /* remember minus sign */ c = *p++; } else if (c == '+') c = *p++; /* skip sign */ /* if our number exceeds this, we will overflow on multiply */ maxval = ULONG_MAX / 10; for (;;) { /* exit in middle of loop */ /* convert c to value */ if ( c - '0' >= 0 && c - '9' <= 9 ) digval = c - '0'; else break; /* record the fact we have read one digit */ flags |= FL_READDIGIT; /* we now need to compute number = number * base + digval, but we need to know if overflow occurred. This requires a tricky pre-check. */ if (number < maxval || (number == maxval && (unsigned long)digval <= ULONG_MAX % 10)) { /* we won't overflow, go ahead and multiply */ number = number * 10 + digval; } else { /* we would have overflowed -- set the overflow flag */ flags |= FL_OVERFLOW; break; } c = *p++; /* read next digit */ } --p; /* point to place that stopped scan */ if (!(flags & FL_READDIGIT)) { /* no number there; return 0 and point to beginning of string */ number = 0L; /* return 0 */ } else if ( (flags & FL_OVERFLOW) || ( !(flags & FL_UNSIGNED) && ( ( (flags & FL_NEG) && (number-1) > (LONG_MAX) ) || ( !(flags & FL_NEG) && (number > LONG_MAX) ) ) ) ) { /* overflow or signed overflow occurred */ //errno = ERANGE; if ( flags & FL_UNSIGNED ) number = ULONG_MAX; else if ( flags & FL_NEG ) number = ((unsigned long)(LONG_MAX)) + 1; else number = LONG_MAX; } if (flags & FL_NEG) /* negate result if there was a neg sign */ number = (unsigned long)(-(long)number); return number; /* done. */ } static inline int GetIntValue(const char *str, const char **next) { int ret = 0; if ( str ) { if (next) { *next = 0; } str = SkipWhitespace(str); char dest[MAXNUM]; char *dst = dest; for (int i = 0; i < (MAXNUM - 1); i++) { char c = *str; if (c == 0 || IsWhitespace(c)) { if (next) { *next = str; } break; } *dst++ = c; str++; } *dst = 0; ret = strtol(dest, FL_UNSIGNED); } return ret; } #ifdef PLAYSTATION3 #include
// for tolower() #endif enum Atype { AT_FLOAT, AT_INT, AT_CHAR, AT_BYTE, AT_SHORT, AT_STR, AT_HEX1, AT_HEX2, AT_HEX4, AT_LAST }; #define MAXARG 64 #if 0 void TestAsc2bin(void) { Asc2Bin("1 2 A 3 4 Foo AB ABCD FFEDFDED", 1, "f d c b h p x1 x2 x4", 0); } #endif void *Asc2Bin(const char *source, const int count, const char *spec, void *dest) { if ( !source || !spec ) return 0; int cnt = 0; int size = 0; Atype types[MAXARG]; const char *ctype = spec; while (*ctype) { switch (ToLower(*ctype)) { case 'f': size += sizeof(float); types[cnt] = AT_FLOAT; cnt++; break; case 'd': size += sizeof(int); types[cnt] = AT_INT; cnt++; break; case 'c': size += sizeof(char); types[cnt] = AT_CHAR; cnt++; break; case 'b': size += sizeof(char); types[cnt] = AT_BYTE; cnt++; break; case 'h': size += sizeof(short); types[cnt] = AT_SHORT; cnt++; break; case 'p': size += sizeof(const char*); types[cnt] = AT_STR; cnt++; break; case 'x': if (1) { Atype type = AT_HEX4; int sz = 4; switch (ctype[1]) { case '1': type = AT_HEX1; sz = 1; ctype++; break; case '2': type = AT_HEX2; sz = 2; ctype++; break; case '4': type = AT_HEX4; sz = 4; ctype++; break; } types[cnt] = type; size += sz; cnt++; } break; } if (cnt == MAXARG) { return 0; } // over flowed the maximum specification! ctype++; } bool myalloc = false; if (dest == 0) { myalloc = true; dest = (char*)new char[count *size]; } // ok...ready to parse lovely data.... memset(dest, 0, count *size); // zero out memory char *dst = (char*)dest; // where we are storing the results for (int i = 0; i < count && source; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < cnt && source; j++) { source = SkipWhitespace(source); // skip white spaces. if (*source == 0) // we hit the end of the input data before we successfully parsed all input! { if (myalloc) { delete (char*)dest; } return 0; } switch (types[j]) { case AT_FLOAT: if (1) { float *v = (float*)dst; *v = GetFloatValue(source, &source); dst += sizeof(float); } break; case AT_INT: if (1) { int *v = (int*)dst; *v = GetIntValue(source, &source); dst += sizeof(int); } break; case AT_CHAR: if (1) { *dst++ = *source++; } break; case AT_BYTE: if (1) { char *v = (char*)dst; *v = GetIntValue(source, &source); dst += sizeof(char); } break; case AT_SHORT: if (1) { short *v = (short*)dst; *v = GetIntValue(source, &source); dst += sizeof(short); } break; case AT_STR: if (1) { const char **ptr = (const char **)dst; *ptr = source; dst += sizeof(const char*); while (*source && !IsWhitespace(*source)) { source++; } } break; case AT_HEX1: if (1) { unsigned int hex = GetHEX1(source, &source); unsigned char *v = (unsigned char*)dst; *v = hex; dst += sizeof(unsigned char); } break; case AT_HEX2: if (1) { unsigned int hex = GetHEX2(source, &source); unsigned short *v = (unsigned short*)dst; *v = hex; dst += sizeof(unsigned short); } break; case AT_HEX4: if (1) { unsigned int hex = GetHEX4(source, &source); unsigned int *v = (unsigned int*)dst; *v = hex; dst += sizeof(unsigned int); } break; default: break; } } } return dest; } void *Asc2Bin(const char *source, int &count, const char *spec) { char *dest = 0; count = 0; int cnt = 0; int size = 0; Atype types[MAXARG]; const char *ctype = spec; while (*ctype) { switch (ToLower(*ctype)) { case 'f': size += sizeof(float); types[cnt] = AT_FLOAT; cnt++; break; case 'd': size += sizeof(int); types[cnt] = AT_INT; cnt++; break; case 'c': size += sizeof(char); types[cnt] = AT_CHAR; cnt++; break; case 'b': size += sizeof(char); types[cnt] = AT_BYTE; cnt++; break; case 'h': size += sizeof(short); types[cnt] = AT_SHORT; cnt++; break; case 'p': size += sizeof(const char*); types[cnt] = AT_STR; cnt++; break; case 'x': if (1) { Atype type = AT_HEX4; int sz = 4; switch (ctype[1]) { case '1': type = AT_HEX1; sz = 1; ctype++; break; case '2': type = AT_HEX2; sz = 2; ctype++; break; case '4': type = AT_HEX4; sz = 4; ctype++; break; } types[cnt] = type; size += sz; cnt++; } break; } if (cnt == MAXARG) { return 0; } // over flowed the maximum specification! ctype++; } int reserve_count = 16; dest = new char[reserve_count *size]; memset(dest, 0, reserve_count *size); // zero out memory char *dst = (char*)dest; // where we are storing the results while (1) { for (int j = 0; j < cnt; j++) { source = SkipWhitespace(source); // skip white spaces. if (*source == 0) // we hit the end of the input data before we successfully parsed all input! { return dest; } switch (types[j]) { case AT_FLOAT: if (1) { float *v = (float*)dst; *v = GetFloatValue(source, &source); dst += sizeof(float); } break; case AT_INT: if (1) { int *v = (int*)dst; *v = GetIntValue(source, &source); dst += sizeof(int); } break; case AT_CHAR: if (1) { *dst++ = *source++; } break; case AT_BYTE: if (1) { char *v = (char*)dst; *v = GetIntValue(source, &source); dst += sizeof(char); } break; case AT_SHORT: if (1) { short *v = (short*)dst; *v = GetIntValue(source, &source); dst += sizeof(short); } break; case AT_STR: if (1) { const char **ptr = (const char **)dst; *ptr = source; dst += sizeof(const char*); while (*source && !IsWhitespace(*source)) { source++; } } break; case AT_HEX1: if (1) { unsigned int hex = GetHEX1(source, &source); unsigned char *v = (unsigned char*)dst; *v = hex; dst += sizeof(unsigned char); } break; case AT_HEX2: if (1) { unsigned int hex = GetHEX2(source, &source); unsigned short *v = (unsigned short*)dst; *v = hex; dst += sizeof(unsigned short); } break; case AT_HEX4: if (1) { unsigned int hex = GetHEX4(source, &source); unsigned int *v = (unsigned int*)dst; *v = hex; dst += sizeof(unsigned int); } break; default: /*nothing*/ break; } } count++; if (count >= reserve_count) { char *old_dest = (char*)dest; reserve_count *= 2; dest = new char[reserve_count *size]; memset(dest, 0, reserve_count *size); // zero out memory memcpy(dest, old_dest, reserve_count / 2 * size); // copy the old data. int dist = (int)(dst - old_dest); dst = &dest[dist]; // the new destination. delete old_dest; // free up the old data. } } return dest; } };
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