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/* * OgreMaxViewer - An Ogre 3D-based viewer for .scene and .mesh files * Copyright 2008 Derek Nedelman * * This code is available under the OgreMax Free License: * -You may use this code for any purpose, commercial or non-commercial. * -If distributing derived works (that use this source code) in binary or source code form, * you must give the following credit in your work's end-user documentation: * "Portions of this work provided by OgreMax (" * * Derek Nedelman assumes no responsibility for any harm caused by using this code. * * OgreMaxViewer was written by Derek Nedelman and released at */ //Includes--------------------------------------------------------------------- #include "OgreMaxUtilities.hpp" #include
#undef min #endif using namespace Ogre; using namespace OgreMax; using namespace OgreMax::Types; //Implementation--------------------------------------------------------------- void OgreMaxUtilities::LoadXmlDocument(const String& fileName, TiXmlDocument& document, const String& resourceGroupName) { //Open the file DataStreamPtr stream = ResourceGroupManager::getSingleton().openResource(fileName, resourceGroupName); if (stream.isNull()) { StringUtil::StrStreamType errorMessage; errorMessage << "Could not open XML file: " << fileName; OGRE_EXCEPT ( Exception::ERR_FILE_NOT_FOUND, errorMessage.str(), "OgreMaxUtilities::LoadXmlDocument" ); } //Get the file contents String data = stream->getAsString(); //Parse the XML document document.Parse(data.c_str()); stream.setNull(); if (document.Error()) { StringUtil::StrStreamType errorMessage; errorMessage << "There was an error with the XML file: " << fileName; OGRE_EXCEPT ( Exception::ERR_INVALID_STATE, errorMessage.str(), "OgreMaxUtilities::LoadXmlDocument" ); } } void OgreMaxUtilities::LoadXYZ(const TiXmlElement* objectElement, Vector3& xyz) { xyz.x = GetRealAttribute(objectElement, "x", 0); xyz.y = GetRealAttribute(objectElement, "y", 0); xyz.z = GetRealAttribute(objectElement, "z", 0); } Vector3 OgreMaxUtilities::LoadXYZ(const TiXmlElement* objectElement) { Vector3 xyz; LoadXYZ(objectElement, xyz); return xyz; } ColourValue OgreMaxUtilities::LoadColor(const TiXmlElement* objectElement) { ColourValue color; color.r = GetRealAttribute(objectElement, "r", 0); color.g = GetRealAttribute(objectElement, "g", 0); color.b = GetRealAttribute(objectElement, "b", 0); color.a = GetRealAttribute(objectElement, "a", 1); return color; } Plane OgreMaxUtilities::LoadPlane(const TiXmlElement* objectElement) { Plane plane; plane.normal.x = GetRealAttribute(objectElement, "x", 0); plane.normal.y = GetRealAttribute(objectElement, "y", 0); plane.normal.z = GetRealAttribute(objectElement, "z", 0); plane.d = GetRealAttribute(objectElement, "d", 0); return plane; } Quaternion OgreMaxUtilities::LoadRotation(const TiXmlElement* objectElement) { Quaternion rotation = Quaternion::IDENTITY; if (objectElement->Attribute("qx") != 0) { //The rotation is specified as a quaternion rotation.x = GetRealAttribute(objectElement, "qx", 0); rotation.y = GetRealAttribute(objectElement, "qy", 0); rotation.z = GetRealAttribute(objectElement, "qz", 0); rotation.w = GetRealAttribute(objectElement, "qw", 0); } else if (objectElement->Attribute("axisX") != 0) { //The rotation is specified as an axis and angle Real angle = GetRealAttribute(objectElement, "angle", 0); Vector3 axis; axis.x = GetRealAttribute(objectElement, "axisX", 0); axis.y = GetRealAttribute(objectElement, "axisY", 0); axis.z = GetRealAttribute(objectElement, "axisZ", 0); //Convert the angle and axis into the rotation quaternion rotation.FromAngleAxis(Radian(angle), axis); } else if (objectElement->Attribute("angleX") != 0) { //Assume the rotation is specified as three Euler angles Vector3 euler; euler.x = GetRealAttribute(objectElement, "angleX", 0); euler.y = GetRealAttribute(objectElement, "angleY", 0); euler.z = GetRealAttribute(objectElement, "angleZ", 0); String order = GetStringAttribute(objectElement, "order"); //Convert Euler angles to a matrix Matrix3 rotationMatrix; if (order.length() < 2) rotationMatrix.FromEulerAnglesXYZ(Radian(euler.x), Radian(euler.y), Radian(euler.z)); else { if (order[0] == 'x') { if (order[1] == 'y') rotationMatrix.FromEulerAnglesXYZ(Radian(euler.x), Radian(euler.y), Radian(euler.z)); else rotationMatrix.FromEulerAnglesXZY(Radian(euler.x), Radian(euler.y), Radian(euler.z)); } else if (order[0] == 'y') { if (order[1] == 'x') rotationMatrix.FromEulerAnglesYXZ(Radian(euler.x), Radian(euler.y), Radian(euler.z)); else rotationMatrix.FromEulerAnglesYZX(Radian(euler.x), Radian(euler.y), Radian(euler.z)); } else { if (order[1] == 'x') rotationMatrix.FromEulerAnglesZXY(Radian(euler.x), Radian(euler.y), Radian(euler.z)); else rotationMatrix.FromEulerAnglesZYX(Radian(euler.x), Radian(euler.y), Radian(euler.z)); } } //Convert the matrix into the rotation quaternion rotation.FromRotationMatrix(rotationMatrix); } return rotation; } FloatRect OgreMaxUtilities::LoadFloatRectangle(const TiXmlElement* objectElement) { FloatRect rect; rect.left = GetRealAttribute(objectElement, "left", 0); = GetRealAttribute(objectElement, "top", 0); rect.right = GetRealAttribute(objectElement, "right", 0); rect.bottom = GetRealAttribute(objectElement, "bottom", 0); return rect; } void OgreMaxUtilities::LoadBufferUsage(const TiXmlElement* objectElement, HardwareBuffer::Usage& usage, bool& shadowed) { String usageText = GetStringAttribute(objectElement, "usage"); usage = usageText.empty() ? HardwareBuffer::HBU_STATIC_WRITE_ONLY : ParseHardwareBufferUsage(usageText); shadowed = GetBoolAttribute(objectElement, "useShadow", true); } void OgreMaxUtilities::LoadBoundingVolume(const TiXmlElement* objectElement, BoundingVolume& volume) { String type = OgreMaxUtilities::GetStringAttribute(objectElement, "type"); volume.type = ParseBoundingVolumeType(type); volume.sphereRadius = OgreMaxUtilities::GetRealAttribute(objectElement, "radius", 0); int faceCount = OgreMaxUtilities::GetIntAttribute(objectElement, "faceCount", 0); if (faceCount > 0) volume.meshFaces.resize(faceCount); //Parse child elements String elementName; const TiXmlElement* childElement = 0; while (childElement = IterateChildElements(objectElement, childElement)) { elementName = childElement->Value(); if (elementName == "size") volume.boxSize = LoadXYZ(childElement); else if (elementName == "faces") LoadBoundingVolumeFaces(childElement, faceCount, volume.meshFaces); } } void OgreMaxUtilities::LoadBoundingVolumeFaces(const TiXmlElement* objectElement, int faceCount, std::vector
& faces) { //Parse child elements, treating them all as faces int faceIndex = 0; const TiXmlElement* childElement = 0; while ((childElement = IterateChildElements(objectElement, childElement)) && faceIndex < faceCount) { BoundingVolume::Face& face = faces[faceIndex++]; //Load the vertices int vertexIndex = 0; const TiXmlElement* vertexElement = 0; while ((vertexElement = IterateChildElements(childElement, vertexElement)) && vertexIndex < 3) LoadXYZ(vertexElement, face.vertex[vertexIndex++]); } } bool OgreMaxUtilities::ParseSceneManager(const String& sceneManager, SceneType& sceneType) { sceneType = (SceneType)0; String sceneManagerLower = sceneManager; StringUtil::toLowerCase(sceneManagerLower); if (sceneManagerLower == "generic") sceneType = ST_GENERIC; else if (sceneManagerLower == "exteriorclose") sceneType = ST_EXTERIOR_CLOSE; else if (sceneManagerLower == "exteriorfar") sceneType = ST_EXTERIOR_FAR; else if (sceneManagerLower == "exteriorrealfar") sceneType = ST_EXTERIOR_REAL_FAR; else if (sceneManagerLower == "interior") sceneType = ST_INTERIOR; return sceneType != (SceneType)0; } bool OgreMaxUtilities::ParseBool(const String& value) { String valueLower = value; StringUtil::toLowerCase(valueLower); if (valueLower.empty() || valueLower == "false" || value == "no" || value == "0") return false; else return true; } Light::LightTypes OgreMaxUtilities::ParseLightType(const String& type) { String typeLower = type; StringUtil::toLowerCase(typeLower); if (typeLower == "point") return Light::LT_POINT; else if (typeLower == "directional") return Light::LT_DIRECTIONAL; else if (typeLower == "spot") return Light::LT_SPOTLIGHT; StringUtil::StrStreamType errorMessage; errorMessage << "Invalid light type specified: " << type; OGRE_EXCEPT ( Exception::ERR_INVALIDPARAMS, errorMessage.str(), "OgreMaxUtilities::ParseLightType" ); } ProjectionType OgreMaxUtilities::ParseProjectionType(const String& type) { String typeLower = type; StringUtil::toLowerCase(typeLower); if (typeLower == "perspective") return PT_PERSPECTIVE; else if (typeLower == "orthographic") return PT_ORTHOGRAPHIC; StringUtil::StrStreamType errorMessage; errorMessage << "Invalid projection type specified: " << type; OGRE_EXCEPT ( Exception::ERR_INVALIDPARAMS, errorMessage.str(), "OgreMaxUtilities::ParseProjectionType" ); } BillboardType OgreMaxUtilities::ParseBillboardType(const String& type) { String typeLower = type; StringUtil::toLowerCase(typeLower); if (typeLower == "point") return BBT_POINT; else if (typeLower == "orientedcommon") return BBT_ORIENTED_COMMON; else if (typeLower == "orientedself") return BBT_ORIENTED_SELF; else if (typeLower == "perpendicularcommon") return BBT_PERPENDICULAR_COMMON; else if (typeLower == "perpendicularself") return BBT_PERPENDICULAR_SELF; StringUtil::StrStreamType errorMessage; errorMessage << "Invalid billboard type specified: " << type; OGRE_EXCEPT ( Exception::ERR_INVALIDPARAMS, errorMessage.str(), "OgreMaxUtilities::ParseBillboardType" ); } BillboardOrigin OgreMaxUtilities::ParseBillboardOrigin(const String& origin) { String originLower = origin; StringUtil::toLowerCase(originLower); if (originLower == "topleft") return BBO_TOP_LEFT; else if (originLower == "topcenter") return BBO_TOP_CENTER; else if (originLower == "topright") return BBO_TOP_RIGHT; else if (originLower == "centerleft") return BBO_CENTER_LEFT; else if (originLower == "center") return BBO_CENTER; else if (originLower == "centerright") return BBO_CENTER_RIGHT; else if (originLower == "bottomleft") return BBO_BOTTOM_LEFT; else if (originLower == "bottomcenter") return BBO_BOTTOM_CENTER; else if (originLower == "bottomright") return BBO_BOTTOM_RIGHT; StringUtil::StrStreamType errorMessage; errorMessage << "Invalid billboard origin specified: " << origin; OGRE_EXCEPT ( Exception::ERR_INVALIDPARAMS, errorMessage.str(), "OgreMaxUtilities::ParseBillboardOrigin" ); } BillboardRotationType OgreMaxUtilities::ParseBillboardRotationType(const String& rotationType) { String rotationTypeLower = rotationType; StringUtil::toLowerCase(rotationTypeLower); if (rotationTypeLower == "vertex") return BBR_VERTEX; else if (rotationTypeLower == "texcoord") return BBR_TEXCOORD; StringUtil::StrStreamType errorMessage; errorMessage << "Invalid billboard rotation type specified: " << rotationType; OGRE_EXCEPT ( Exception::ERR_INVALIDPARAMS, errorMessage.str(), "OgreMaxUtilities::ParseBillboardRotationType" ); } FogMode OgreMaxUtilities::ParseFogMode(const String& mode) { String modeLower = mode; StringUtil::toLowerCase(modeLower); if (modeLower == "exp") return FOG_EXP; else if (modeLower == "exp2") return FOG_EXP2; else if (modeLower == "linear") return FOG_LINEAR; else return FOG_NONE; StringUtil::StrStreamType errorMessage; errorMessage << "Invalid fog mode specified: " << mode; OGRE_EXCEPT ( Exception::ERR_INVALIDPARAMS, errorMessage.str(), "OgreMaxUtilities::ParseFogMode" ); } HardwareBuffer::Usage OgreMaxUtilities::ParseHardwareBufferUsage(const String& usage) { String usageLower = usage; StringUtil::toLowerCase(usageLower); if (usageLower == "static") return HardwareBuffer::HBU_STATIC; else if (usageLower == "dynamic") return HardwareBuffer::HBU_DYNAMIC; else if (usageLower == "writeonly") return HardwareBuffer::HBU_WRITE_ONLY; else if (usageLower == "staticwriteonly") return HardwareBuffer::HBU_STATIC_WRITE_ONLY; else if (usageLower == "dynamicwriteonly") return HardwareBuffer::HBU_DYNAMIC_WRITE_ONLY; StringUtil::StrStreamType errorMessage; errorMessage << "Invalid hardware buffer usage specified: " << usage; OGRE_EXCEPT ( Exception::ERR_INVALIDPARAMS, errorMessage.str(), "OgreMaxUtilities::ParseHardwareBufferUsage" ); } Node::TransformSpace OgreMaxUtilities::ParseTransformSpace(const String& space) { String spaceLower = space; StringUtil::toLowerCase(spaceLower); if (spaceLower == "local") return Node::TS_LOCAL; else if (spaceLower == "parent") return Node::TS_PARENT; else if (spaceLower == "world") return Node::TS_WORLD; StringUtil::StrStreamType errorMessage; errorMessage << "Invalid transform space specified: " << space; OGRE_EXCEPT ( Exception::ERR_INVALIDPARAMS, errorMessage.str(), "OgreMaxUtilities::ParseTransformSpace" ); } BoundingVolume::Type OgreMaxUtilities::ParseBoundingVolumeType(const String& type) { String typeLower = type; StringUtil::toLowerCase(typeLower); if (typeLower == "sphere") return BoundingVolume::SPHERE; else if (typeLower == "box") return BoundingVolume::BOX; else if (typeLower == "mesh") return BoundingVolume::MESH; StringUtil::StrStreamType errorMessage; errorMessage << "Invalid bounding volume type specified: " << type; OGRE_EXCEPT ( Exception::ERR_INVALIDPARAMS, errorMessage.str(), "OgreMaxUtilities::ParseBoundingVolumeType" ); } void OgreMaxUtilities::LoadCustomParameters(const TiXmlElement* objectElement, std::vector
& customParameters) { customParameters.resize(GetElementCount(objectElement, "customParameter")); size_t customParameterIndex = 0; const TiXmlElement* childElement = 0; while (childElement = IterateChildElements(objectElement, childElement)) { customParameters[customParameterIndex].id = (size_t)GetIntAttribute(childElement, "id", 0); customParameters[customParameterIndex].value = GetVector4Attributes(childElement); customParameterIndex++; } } void OgreMaxUtilities::LoadUserDataReference(const TiXmlElement* objectElement, String& userDataReference) { userDataReference = GetStringAttribute(objectElement, "id"); } void OgreMaxUtilities::LoadSubentities(const TiXmlElement* objectElement, std::vector
& subentities) { subentities.resize(GetElementCount(objectElement, "subentity")); const TiXmlElement* childElement = 0; while (childElement = IterateChildElements(objectElement, childElement)) { int index = GetIntAttribute(childElement, "index", 0); subentities[index].materialName = GetStringAttribute(childElement, "materialName"); } } void OgreMaxUtilities::LoadNoteTracks(const TiXmlElement* objectElement, std::vector
& noteTracks) { //Allocate note tracks size_t noteTrackCount = GetChildElementCount(objectElement, "noteTrack"); noteTracks.resize(noteTrackCount); //Parse child elements size_t noteTrackIndex = 0; String elementName; const TiXmlElement* childElement = 0; while (childElement = IterateChildElements(objectElement, childElement)) { elementName = childElement->Value(); if (elementName == "noteTrack") LoadNoteTrack(childElement, noteTracks[noteTrackIndex++]); } } void OgreMaxUtilities::LoadNoteTrack(const TiXmlElement* objectElement, NoteTrack& noteTrack) { //Track name = OgreMaxUtilities::GetStringAttribute(objectElement, "name"); //Allocate notes size_t noteCount = OgreMaxUtilities::GetChildElementCount(objectElement, "note"); noteTrack.notes.resize(noteCount); //Load notes size_t noteIndex = 0; String elementName; const TiXmlElement* childElement = 0; while (childElement = IterateChildElements(objectElement, childElement)) { elementName = childElement->Value(); if (elementName == "note") LoadNote(childElement, noteTrack.notes[noteIndex++]); } } void OgreMaxUtilities::LoadNote(const TiXmlElement* objectElement, Note& note) { //Note time note.time = OgreMaxUtilities::GetRealAttribute(objectElement, "time", 0); //Note text GetChildText(objectElement, note.text); } ShadowTechnique OgreMaxUtilities::ParseShadowTechnique(const String& technique) { String techniqueLower = technique; StringUtil::toLowerCase(techniqueLower); if (techniqueLower == "none") return SHADOWTYPE_NONE; else if (techniqueLower == "stencilmodulative") return SHADOWTYPE_STENCIL_MODULATIVE; else if (techniqueLower == "stenciladditive") return SHADOWTYPE_STENCIL_ADDITIVE; else if (techniqueLower == "texturemodulative") return SHADOWTYPE_TEXTURE_MODULATIVE; else if (techniqueLower == "textureadditive") return SHADOWTYPE_TEXTURE_ADDITIVE; else if (techniqueLower == "texturemodulativeintegrated") return SHADOWTYPE_TEXTURE_MODULATIVE_INTEGRATED; else if (techniqueLower == "textureadditiveintegrated") return SHADOWTYPE_TEXTURE_ADDITIVE_INTEGRATED; StringUtil::StrStreamType errorMessage; errorMessage << "Invalid shadow technique specified: " << technique; OGRE_EXCEPT ( Exception::ERR_INVALIDPARAMS, errorMessage.str(), "OgreMaxUtilities::ParseShadowTechnique" ); } UpAxis OgreMaxUtilities::ParseUpAxis(const String& upAxis) { String upAxisLower = upAxis; StringUtil::toLowerCase(upAxisLower); if (upAxisLower == "y") return UP_AXIS_Y; else if (upAxisLower == "z") return UP_AXIS_Z; StringUtil::StrStreamType errorMessage; errorMessage << "Invalid up axis specified: " << upAxis; OGRE_EXCEPT ( Exception::ERR_INVALIDPARAMS, errorMessage.str(), "OgreMaxUtilities::ParseUpAxis" ); } Animation::InterpolationMode OgreMaxUtilities::ParseAnimationInterpolationMode(const String& mode) { String modeLower = mode; StringUtil::toLowerCase(modeLower); if (modeLower == "linear") return Animation::IM_LINEAR; else if (modeLower == "spline") return Animation::IM_SPLINE; StringUtil::StrStreamType errorMessage; errorMessage << "Invalid animation interpolation mode specified: " << mode; OGRE_EXCEPT ( Exception::ERR_INVALIDPARAMS, errorMessage.str(), "OgreMaxUtilities::ParseAnimationInterpolationMode" ); } Animation::RotationInterpolationMode OgreMaxUtilities::ParseAnimationRotationInterpolationMode(const String& mode) { String modeLower = mode; StringUtil::toLowerCase(modeLower); if (modeLower == "linear") return Animation::RIM_LINEAR; else if (modeLower == "spherical") return Animation::RIM_SPHERICAL; StringUtil::StrStreamType errorMessage; errorMessage << "Invalid animation rotation interpolation mode specified: " << mode; OGRE_EXCEPT ( Exception::ERR_INVALIDPARAMS, errorMessage.str(), "OgreMaxUtilities::ParseAnimationRotationInterpolationMode" ); } NodeVisibility OgreMaxUtilities::ParseNodeVisibility(const String& visibility) { String visibilityLower = visibility; StringUtil::toLowerCase(visibilityLower); if (visibilityLower == "visible") return NODE_VISIBLE; else if (visibilityLower == "hidden") return NODE_HIDDEN; else if (visibilityLower == "treevisible") return NODE_TREE_VISIBLE; else if (visibilityLower == "treehidden") return NODE_TREE_HIDDEN; else return NODE_VISIBILITY_DEFAULT; } ObjectVisibility OgreMaxUtilities::ParseObjectVisibility(const String& visibility) { if (visibility.empty()) return OBJECT_VISIBILITY_DEFAULT; else return ParseBool(visibility) ? OBJECT_VISIBLE : OBJECT_HIDDEN; } uint8 OgreMaxUtilities::ParseRenderQueue(const String& renderQueue) { static bool initialized = false; static std::map
nameToNumber; if (!initialized) { nameToNumber["background"] = RENDER_QUEUE_BACKGROUND; nameToNumber["skiesearly"] = RENDER_QUEUE_SKIES_EARLY; nameToNumber["queue1"] = RENDER_QUEUE_1; nameToNumber["queue2"] = RENDER_QUEUE_2; nameToNumber["worldgeometry1"] = RENDER_QUEUE_WORLD_GEOMETRY_1; nameToNumber["queue3"] = RENDER_QUEUE_3; nameToNumber["queue4"] = RENDER_QUEUE_4; nameToNumber["main"] = RENDER_QUEUE_MAIN; nameToNumber["queue6"] = RENDER_QUEUE_6; nameToNumber["queue7"] = RENDER_QUEUE_7; nameToNumber["worldgeometry2"] = RENDER_QUEUE_WORLD_GEOMETRY_2; nameToNumber["queue8"] = RENDER_QUEUE_8; nameToNumber["queue9"] = RENDER_QUEUE_9; nameToNumber["skieslate"] = RENDER_QUEUE_SKIES_LATE; nameToNumber["overlay"] = RENDER_QUEUE_OVERLAY; nameToNumber["max"] = RENDER_QUEUE_MAX; initialized = true; } if (renderQueue.empty()) return RENDER_QUEUE_MAIN; else if (AllDigits(renderQueue)) return (uint8)StringConverter::parseUnsignedInt(renderQueue); else { //The render queue name, lowercase String renderQueueLower; //Get the offset that comes after the +, if any uint8 offset = 0; size_t plusFoundAt = renderQueue.find('+'); if (plusFoundAt != String::npos) { //Parse the number String offsetText = renderQueue.substr(plusFoundAt + 1); StringUtil::trim(offsetText); offset = (uint8)StringConverter::parseUnsignedInt(offsetText); //Remove the "+offset" substring from the render queue name renderQueueLower = renderQueue.substr(0, plusFoundAt); StringUtil::trim(renderQueueLower); } else renderQueueLower = renderQueue; StringUtil::toLowerCase(renderQueueLower); //Look up the render queue and return it std::map
::iterator item = nameToNumber.find(renderQueueLower); if (item != nameToNumber.end()) { //Don't let the render queue exceed the maximum return std::min((uint8)(item->second + offset), (uint8)RENDER_QUEUE_MAX); } else { StringUtil::StrStreamType errorMessage; errorMessage << "Invalid render queue specified: " << renderQueue; OGRE_EXCEPT ( Exception::ERR_INVALIDPARAMS, errorMessage.str(), "OgreMaxUtilities::ParseRenderQueue" ); } } } PixelFormat OgreMaxUtilities::ParsePixelFormat(const String& pixelFormat) { static bool initialized = false; static std::map
nameToFormat; if (!initialized) { nameToFormat["PF_L8"] = PF_L8; nameToFormat["PF_L16"] = PF_L16; nameToFormat["PF_A8"] = PF_A8; nameToFormat["PF_A4L4"] = PF_A4L4; nameToFormat["PF_BYTE_LA"] = PF_BYTE_LA; nameToFormat["PF_R5G6B5"] = PF_R5G6B5; nameToFormat["PF_B5G6R5"] = PF_B5G6R5; nameToFormat["PF_R3G3B2"] = PF_R3G3B2; nameToFormat["PF_A4R4G4B4"] = PF_A4R4G4B4; nameToFormat["PF_A1R5G5B5"] = PF_A1R5G5B5; nameToFormat["PF_R8G8B8"] = PF_R8G8B8; nameToFormat["PF_B8G8R8"] = PF_B8G8R8; nameToFormat["PF_A8R8G8B8"] = PF_A8R8G8B8; nameToFormat["PF_A8B8G8R8"] = PF_A8B8G8R8; nameToFormat["PF_B8G8R8A8"] = PF_B8G8R8A8; nameToFormat["PF_R8G8B8A8"] = PF_R8G8B8A8; nameToFormat["PF_X8R8G8B8"] = PF_X8R8G8B8; nameToFormat["PF_X8B8G8R8"] = PF_X8B8G8R8; nameToFormat["PF_A2R10G10B10"] = PF_A2R10G10B10; nameToFormat["PF_A2B10G10R10"] = PF_A2B10G10R10; nameToFormat["PF_FLOAT16_R"] = PF_FLOAT16_R; nameToFormat["PF_FLOAT16_RGB"] = PF_FLOAT16_RGB; nameToFormat["PF_FLOAT16_RGBA"] = PF_FLOAT16_RGBA; nameToFormat["PF_FLOAT32_R"] = PF_FLOAT32_R; nameToFormat["PF_FLOAT32_RGB"] = PF_FLOAT32_RGB; nameToFormat["PF_FLOAT32_RGBA"] = PF_FLOAT32_RGBA; nameToFormat["PF_FLOAT16_GR"] = PF_FLOAT16_GR; nameToFormat["PF_FLOAT32_GR"] = PF_FLOAT32_GR; nameToFormat["PF_DEPTH"] = PF_DEPTH; nameToFormat["PF_SHORT_RGBA"] = PF_SHORT_RGBA; nameToFormat["PF_SHORT_GR"] = PF_SHORT_GR; nameToFormat["PF_SHORT_RGB"] = PF_SHORT_RGB; initialized = true; } std::map
::iterator format = nameToFormat.find(pixelFormat); if (format != nameToFormat.end()) return format->second; StringUtil::StrStreamType errorMessage; errorMessage << "Invalid pixel format specified: " << pixelFormat; OGRE_EXCEPT ( Exception::ERR_INVALIDPARAMS, errorMessage.str(), "OgreMaxUtilities::ParsePixelFormat" ); } TextureType OgreMaxUtilities::ParseTextureType(const String& textureType) { String textureTypeLower = textureType; StringUtil::toLowerCase(textureTypeLower); if (textureTypeLower == "1d") return TEX_TYPE_1D; else if (textureTypeLower == "2d") return TEX_TYPE_2D; else if (textureTypeLower == "3d") return TEX_TYPE_3D; else if (textureTypeLower == "cubic") return TEX_TYPE_CUBE_MAP; StringUtil::StrStreamType errorMessage; errorMessage << "Invalid texture type specified: " << textureType; OGRE_EXCEPT ( Exception::ERR_INVALIDPARAMS, errorMessage.str(), "OgreMaxUtilities::ParseTextureType" ); } void OgreMaxUtilities::LoadClipping(const TiXmlElement* objectElement, Real& nearClip, Real& farClip) { nearClip = GetRealAttribute(objectElement, "near", 1); farClip = GetRealAttribute(objectElement, "far", 10000); } void OgreMaxUtilities::GetChildText(const TiXmlElement* xmlElement, String& text) { //Get the first element const TiXmlNode* childNode = xmlElement->FirstChild(); while (childNode != 0) { if (childNode->Type() == TiXmlNode::TEXT) { const TiXmlText* textNode = childNode->ToText(); if (textNode != 0) { text = textNode->Value(); break; } } childNode = xmlElement->NextSibling(); } } String OgreMaxUtilities::GetStringAttribute(const TiXmlElement* xmlElement, const char* name) { const char* value = xmlElement->Attribute(name); if (value != 0) return value; else return StringUtil::BLANK; } String OgreMaxUtilities::GetStringAttribute(const TiXmlElement* xmlElement, const char* name, const char* defaultValue) { String value = GetStringAttribute(xmlElement, name); return value.empty() ? defaultValue : value; } Real OgreMaxUtilities::GetRealAttribute(const TiXmlElement* xmlElement, const char* name, Real defaultValue) { String value = GetStringAttribute(xmlElement, name); return value.empty() ? defaultValue : StringConverter::parseReal(value); } int OgreMaxUtilities::GetIntAttribute(const TiXmlElement* xmlElement, const char* name, int defaultValue) { String value = GetStringAttribute(xmlElement, name); return value.empty() ? defaultValue : StringConverter::parseInt(value); } int OgreMaxUtilities::GetUIntAttribute(const TiXmlElement* xmlElement, const char* name, unsigned int defaultValue) { String value = GetStringAttribute(xmlElement, name); return value.empty() ? defaultValue : StringConverter::parseUnsignedInt(value); } bool OgreMaxUtilities::GetBoolAttribute(const TiXmlElement* xmlElement, const char* name, bool defaultValue) { String value = GetStringAttribute(xmlElement, name); return value.empty() ? defaultValue : ParseBool(value); } Plane OgreMaxUtilities::GetPlaneAttributes(const TiXmlElement* xmlElement, Real defaultX, Real defaultY, Real defaultZ, Real defaultD) { Plane plane; plane.normal.x = GetRealAttribute(xmlElement, "planeX", defaultX); plane.normal.y = GetRealAttribute(xmlElement, "planeY", defaultY); plane.normal.z = GetRealAttribute(xmlElement, "planeZ", defaultZ); plane.d = GetRealAttribute(xmlElement, "planeD", defaultD); return plane; } Vector4 OgreMaxUtilities::GetVector4Attributes(const TiXmlElement* xmlElement) { Vector4 v4; v4.x = GetRealAttribute(xmlElement, "x", 0); v4.y = GetRealAttribute(xmlElement, "y", 0); v4.z = GetRealAttribute(xmlElement, "z", 0); v4.w = GetRealAttribute(xmlElement, "w", 0); return v4; } PixelFormat OgreMaxUtilities::GetPixelFormatAttribute(const TiXmlElement* xmlElement, const char* name, PixelFormat defaultValue) { String value = GetStringAttribute(xmlElement, name); return value.empty() ? defaultValue : ParsePixelFormat(value); } TextureType OgreMaxUtilities::GetTextureTypeAttribute(const TiXmlElement* xmlElement, const char* name, TextureType defaultValue) { String value = GetStringAttribute(xmlElement, name); return value.empty() ? defaultValue : ParseTextureType(value); } NodeVisibility OgreMaxUtilities::GetNodeVisibilityAttribute(const TiXmlElement* xmlElement, const char* name) { String visibility = OgreMaxUtilities::GetStringAttribute(xmlElement, name); return ParseNodeVisibility(visibility); } ObjectVisibility OgreMaxUtilities::GetObjectVisibilityAttribute(const TiXmlElement* xmlElement, const char* name) { String visibility = OgreMaxUtilities::GetStringAttribute(xmlElement, name); return ParseObjectVisibility(visibility); } size_t OgreMaxUtilities::GetElementCount(const TiXmlElement* xmlElement, const String& elementName) { size_t count = 0; //Check name if (elementName == xmlElement->Value()) count++; //Recurse into children const TiXmlElement* childElement = 0; while (childElement = IterateChildElements(xmlElement, childElement)) count += GetElementCount(childElement, elementName); return count; } size_t OgreMaxUtilities::GetChildElementCount(const TiXmlElement* xmlElement, const String& elementName) { size_t count = 0; //Check children const TiXmlElement* childElement = 0; while (childElement = IterateChildElements(xmlElement, childElement)) { if (elementName == childElement->Value()) count++; } return count; } const TiXmlElement* OgreMaxUtilities::IterateChildElements(const TiXmlElement* xmlElement, const TiXmlElement* childElement) { if (xmlElement != 0) { if (childElement == 0) childElement = xmlElement->FirstChildElement(); else childElement = childElement->NextSiblingElement(); return childElement; } return 0; } bool OgreMaxUtilities::AllDigits(const String& text) { for (size_t i = 0; i < text.length(); i++) { if (!isdigit(text[i])) return false; } return true; } bool OgreMaxUtilities::IsPowerOfTwo(unsigned int value) { return (value & (value - 1)) == 0; } unsigned int OgreMaxUtilities::NextLargestPowerOfTwo(unsigned int value) { //From Ice/IceUtils.c in the ODE physics library value |= (value >> 1); value |= (value >> 2); value |= (value >> 4); value |= (value >> 8); value |= (value >> 16); return value + 1; } unsigned int OgreMaxUtilities::NextSmallestPowerOfTwo(unsigned int value) { if (!IsPowerOfTwo(value)) { //Not a power of 2. Round value up to the next power of 2 value = NextLargestPowerOfTwo(value); } //The value is a power of 2. Shift downward to get the next smallest power of 2 return value >> 1; } void OgreMaxUtilities::SetNodeVisibility(SceneNode* node, NodeVisibility visibility) { switch (visibility) { case NODE_VISIBLE: node->setVisible(true, false); break; case NODE_HIDDEN: node->setVisible(false, false); break; case NODE_TREE_VISIBLE: node->setVisible(true, true); break; case NODE_TREE_HIDDEN: node->setVisible(false, true); break; } } void OgreMaxUtilities::SetCustomParameters(Renderable* renderable, const std::vector
& customParameters) { for (size_t customParameterIndex = 0; customParameterIndex < customParameters.size(); customParameterIndex++) renderable->setCustomParameter(customParameters[customParameterIndex].id, customParameters[customParameterIndex].value); } void OgreMaxUtilities::SetCustomParameters(Entity* entity, const std::vector
& customParameters) { for (unsigned int subentityIndex = 0; subentityIndex < entity->getNumSubEntities(); subentityIndex++) SetCustomParameters(entity->getSubEntity(subentityIndex), customParameters); } void OgreMaxUtilities::SetIdentityInitialState(SceneNode* node) { //Get the current state Vector3 position = node->getPosition(); Quaternion orientation = node->getOrientation(); Vector3 scale = node->getScale(); //Set the initial state to be at identity node->setPosition(Vector3::ZERO); node->setOrientation(Quaternion::IDENTITY); node->setScale(Vector3::UNIT_SCALE); node->setInitialState(); //Set the current state so the node is in the correct position if the node has //animations that are initially disabled node->setPosition(position); node->setOrientation(orientation); node->setScale(scale); } void OgreMaxUtilities::CreateMovablePlaneName(String& createdName, const String& baseName) { createdName = baseName; createdName += "_movable"; } Entity* OgreMaxUtilities::CreateEntity ( SceneManager* sceneManager, const String& entityName, const String& meshFile, std::vector
& subentities ) { Entity* entity = sceneManager->createEntity(entityName, meshFile); //Set subentity materials size_t subentityCount = std::min(subentities.size(), (size_t)entity->getNumSubEntities()); for (size_t subentityIndex = 0; subentityIndex < subentityCount; subentityIndex++) { SubEntity* subentity = entity->getSubEntity((unsigned int)subentityIndex); subentity->setMaterialName(subentities[subentityIndex].materialName); } return entity; } bool OgreMaxUtilities::IsSeparator(char c) { return c == '\\' || c == '/'; } void OgreMaxUtilities::EnsureTrailingPathSeparator(String& path) { if (path.length() > 0) { char lastChar = path[path.size() - 1]; if (!IsSeparator(lastChar)) path += "/"; } } void OgreMaxUtilities::MakeFullPath(String& path) { #if OGRE_PLATFORM == OGRE_PLATFORM_WIN32 DWORD maxLength = MAX_PATH + 1; std::vector
fullPath; fullPath.resize(maxLength); char* filePath; DWORD result = GetFullPathName(path.c_str(), maxLength, &fullPath[0], &filePath); if (result > maxLength) { fullPath.resize(result); result = GetFullPathName(path.c_str(), result, &fullPath[0], &filePath); } path = &fullPath[0]; #endif } bool OgreMaxUtilities::IsAbsolutePath(const String& path) { if (path.empty()) return false; else if (path.length() > 1) { #if OGRE_PLATFORM == OGRE_PLATFORM_WIN32 return path[1] == ':' || (path[0] == '\\' && path[1] == '\\'); #else return path[0] == '/'; #endif } else return false; } String OgreMaxUtilities::JoinPath(const String& path1, const String& path2) { //If path2 is an absolute path, it supercedes path1 if (IsAbsolutePath(path2)) return path2; //Path2 is not absolute String joined(path1); EnsureTrailingPathSeparator(joined); //Skip leading separators in path2 size_t charIndex = 0; while (charIndex < path2.length() && IsSeparator(path2[charIndex])) charIndex++; //If not at the end of path2, append it if (charIndex < path2.length()) joined += path2.substr(charIndex, path2.length() - charIndex); //Remove relative components MakeFullPath(joined); return joined; } bool OgreMaxUtilities::IsFileReadable(const String& path) { #if OGRE_PLATFORM == OGRE_PLATFORM_WIN32 return GetFileAttributes(path.c_str()) != INVALID_FILE_ATTRIBUTES; #else return access(path.c_str(), R_OK) == 0; #endif } void OgreMaxUtilities::RemoveFile(const String& path) { remove(path.c_str()); } bool OgreMaxUtilities::SetDefaultLighting(SceneManager* sceneManager, UpAxis upAxis) { static const String defaultLightName("__defaultDirectionalLight"); bool defaultLightingNeeded = !sceneManager->hasLight(defaultLightName); if (defaultLightingNeeded) { //Create a directional light Light* light = sceneManager->createLight(defaultLightName); light->setType(Light::LT_DIRECTIONAL); light->setDiffuseColour(ColourValue((Real).9, (Real).9, (Real).9)); light->setSpecularColour(ColourValue((Real).2, (Real).2, (Real).2)); //When the viewer faces down the forward axis, the light is angled to the lower right of the view Vector3 upDirection = (upAxis == UP_AXIS_Y) ? Vector3::UNIT_Y : Vector3::UNIT_Z; Vector3 position = upDirection + Vector3::NEGATIVE_UNIT_X; light->setPosition(position); light->setDirection(-position); //Set the ambient light if necessary if (sceneManager->getAmbientLight() == ColourValue::Black) sceneManager->setAmbientLight(ColourValue((Real).2, (Real).2, (Real).2)); } return defaultLightingNeeded; } bool OgreMaxUtilities::IsInternalResourceGroup(const String& resourceGroupName) { return resourceGroupName == ResourceGroupManager::BOOTSTRAP_RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME || resourceGroupName == ResourceGroupManager::AUTODETECT_RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME || resourceGroupName == ResourceGroupManager::INTERNAL_RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME; } void OgreMaxUtilities::ResetResourceGroups(const String& defaultResourceGroup) { StringVector resourceGroups = ResourceGroupManager::getSingleton().getResourceGroups(); for (size_t index = 0; index < resourceGroups.size(); index++) { if (!IsInternalResourceGroup(resourceGroups[index])) ResourceGroupManager::getSingleton().destroyResourceGroup(resourceGroups[index]); } //Create the default resource group if necessary if (!defaultResourceGroup.empty()) ResourceGroupManager::getSingleton().createResourceGroup(defaultResourceGroup); }
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