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############################################################################### # BizDesign ImageFolio Lite Edition 4.2 (Four-dot-Two) ############################################################################### # # ## ### VERSION : 4.2 # #### ## ## RELEASED ON : 02/15/2007 # ## ## ## LAST MODIFIED : 02/15/2007 # ########## ## # ## ### ## # ## ### ######## # ############################################################################### # Released by BizDesign, Inc. # written by Dirk Koppers and Greg Raaum of BizDesign # # Purchasing : # Support : # Phone : (214) 642-9787 # Email : ############################################################################### # COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE INFORMATION : # # Copyright (c) 1999-2007 BizDesign, Inc. All rights reserved. # # Selling or distributing the code for this program without prior written # consent is expressly forbidden. # # One licensed copy of the program may reside on a single server, in use by a # single domain. For each installed instance of the program, a separate # license is required. # # Licensed users may alter or modify this software, at their own risk, of # course. They may also hire others to modify their own copy of the code, as # long as the code is not transferred to or retained by the individual who is # hired (unless he/she is also a license holder). Although license-holders # may modify the code for their use, modified code may NOT be resold or # distributed. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, # INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL BIZDESIGN, # INC. OR ITS CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, # SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, # PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR # BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER # IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) # ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE # POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. # # BizDesign, Inc. is not liable for any conduct associated with image gallery # activity, nor for any binary media posted using this program, including but # not imited to images, photographs, movies, and clipart. # # The user must assume the entire risk of using the program. Although this # program has been thoroughly tested on BizDesign's servers, BizDesign does not # warrant that it works on all servers and will not be held liable for anything, # including but not limited to, misusage, error, or loss of data. ANY # LIABILITY OF THE SELLER WILL BE LIMITED EXCLUSIVELY TO PRODUCT REPLACEMENT # OR REFUND OF PURCHASE PRICE. Use at your own risk! ############################################################################### # Do not modify below this line unless you know what you are doing. ############################################################################### sub load_ic { if ($FORM{'imageconvert'}) { require "$libpath/"; if ($FORM{'imageconvert'} eq "install") { require "$libpath/"; } &{"$FORM{'imageconvert'}_ic_in"}; } else { my ($ic_installed, $ic_working, $ic_why) = split(/~/, &do_load_ic); if ($ic_working eq "No") { require "$libpath/"; if ($is_admin) { $install_button = &install_ic_button; } if ($ic_installed eq "No") { &die_ic("
ImageConvert installation: First time install
ImageConvert is not installed yet. You will need to be logged in as an administrator to be able to install it.", $install_button); } else { &die_ic("
ImageConvert installation: Incomplete installation
ImageConvert seems to be installed but it is not working. Please install in again or contact
. You will need to be logged in as an administrator to reinstall it.
Error: Couldn't execute imageConvert ($ic_why)
", $install_button); } } } } sub do_ic { my ($ic_path_to_in, $ic_path_to_out, $ic_resize, $ic_quality, $ic_sharpen, $ic_contrast, $ic_custom, $ic_crop, $ic_out_format, $ic_rtype, $ic_rflag, $ic_wm_file, $ic_wm_gravity) = @_; if ($ic_sharpen > 0 && $ic_sharpen <= 1) { $ic_sharpen = 100-($ic_sharpen*100); } $ic_out_format = "jpeg" if !$ic_out_format; $ic_rtype = "linear" if !$ic_rtype; $ic_rflag = "decr" if !$ic_rflag; my $ic_system_call = "$data_directory/ic/imageConvert"; $ic_system_call .= " -quiet" if !$imageconvert_log; $ic_system_call .= " -out $ic_out_format"; $ic_system_call .= " -ratio"; $ic_system_call .= " -truecolors"; $ic_system_call .= " -resize $ic_resize $ic_resize" if $ic_resize; $ic_system_call .= " -crop $ic_crop" if $ic_crop; $ic_system_call .= " -rtype $ic_rtype"; $ic_system_call .= " -rflag $ic_rflag"; $ic_system_call .= " -q $ic_quality" if $ic_quality; $ic_system_call .= " -sharpen $ic_sharpen" if $ic_sharpen; $ic_system_call .= " -contrast $ic_contrast" if $ic_contrast; $ic_system_call .= " -wmfile $ic_wm_file" if $ic_wm_file; $ic_system_call .= " -wmflag $ic_wm_gravity" if $ic_wm_gravity; $ic_system_call .= " $ic_custom" if $ic_custom; $ic_system_call .= " -o $ic_path_to_out"; $ic_system_call .= " $ic_path_to_in"; my $ic_output = `$ic_system_call`; &log_ic($ic_output) if $imageconvert_log; # return $ic_system_call; } sub test_ic { my $ic_system_call = "$data_directory/ic/imageConvert -help"; my $ic_test_output = `$ic_system_call`; if ($ic_test_output) { return "Yes"; } else { $ic_test_output = `$ic_system_call 1>&1 2>&1`; return "No~$ic_test_output"; } } sub log_ic { $ic_file = (); my(@ic_output) = split(/\n/, shift); $ic_log = "$logdir/$imageconvert_log"; ($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,$wday) = (localtime(time))[0,1,2,3,4,5,6]; $year += 1900; $mon++; $logdate = sprintf "%04d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d", $year, $mon, $mday, $hour, $min, $sec; $ic_file .= "$logdate\n"; for my $i (14..@ic_output){ $ic_file .= "@ic_output[$i]\n"; } open (FILE,">>$ic_log"); print FILE $ic_file; close(FILE); chmod(0666,"$ic_log"); } sub do_load_ic { if (-e "$data_directory/ic/") { require "$data_directory/ic/"; $ENV{"$ic_ver"} = "$data_directory/ic"; return "Yes~" . &test_ic; } else { return "No~No"; } } 1;
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