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When cloud services first gained traction among businesses just a few years ago, most companies chose to keep their in-house file servers in addition to using cloud-based storage. As it evolves, an increasing number of businesses choose to store data solely in the cloud, thinking their cloud service provider has built-in backup and redundancy. They fail to realize that storing data in the cloud does not fully protect their data in the event:
Please read the support page for more detail on DriveHQ’s protection layers to prevent data losses:
DriveHQ Cloud-to-Cloud Backup is a must-have solution for those organizations that want to completely replace their in-house file servers and make full use of cloud technologies. Standard local data backup cannot help since the source files are not even on local computers. Cloud-to-cloud backup is the best way to protect against human error and malicious activity. Moreover, cloud-to-cloud backup makes data restore painless since the backup data is already in the cloud, resulting in little or no down-time.
What is even more attractive is that Cloud-to-Cloud Backup is already bundled in DriveHQ’s Cloud IT service; like tons of other cloud features, it does not cost anything extra. Rather, you will simply need to ensure that you have enough storage space on your account to handle the task(s).
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