User: CameraFTPSupport - 1/3/2019 10:48:16 AM
Hello Chris,
Thank you for your reporting your problem. We were able to duplicate your issue for the Android Security Camera application with the zoom reset. Please allow our engineers a few days to troubleshoot and implement a fix for this.
Thank You,
CameraFTP Support
That's great!
While they are poking around under the hood it would be so awesome if they could make the zoom setting persistent between app restarts. (by saving the zoom setting as a variable)
There are plenty of reasons for this - it allows the app to be more functional if used unnatended - for security purposes a camera is more useful controlled remotely.
I use apps like Airdroid or Teamviewer host for this.
Persisten zoom settings also means that the app is WAY more functional as a timelapse app - the reason being, that if your phone runs out of batteries, crashes etc,
the shot is ruined as you have lost the zoom. but If you can save and save the zoom settings, the shot will remain fairly seamless.