Thank you for your compliments.
Please note DriveHQ client software has used very extensive caching to speed up performance. Currently a remote folder/file cannot be automatically refreshed if it is modified from another computer. However, if you create a Synchronized Folder, the folder (and files) can be automatically refreshed and synchronized to a local folder.
"Volume Shadow Copy" option is different, when you turn it on, you can backup / copy files that are in use. When a file is locked/being written to, "Volume Shadow Copy" can create a snapshot of the file and copy/backup that snapshot file.
Currently, you can use all of our services with one subscription. You just need to download and install DriveHQ Online Backup software. We might charge additional license fee for new members, but it shall not affect existing customers.
When you pay for the service, you are considered "Paid member" or "Premium member".
As of the billing, DriveHQ never automatically debit your credit card or PayPal. You need to make monthly payment. To avoid service disruption, it is recommended to pay annually (get 2 months off) or pay several months at once.